ATI Catalyst 6.2


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Anybody tried Cat 6.2 yet? I've been meaning to, but I've been busy, and I figured I might as well get some feedback first.
I haven't tried these yet. The last drivers from ATi gave me temperture warning pop-ups all the time. They suggested to roll back my drivers. I did and I haven't had a problem with them yet.
Holy shit great thanks for the notification JNightshade, i've been waiting for 6.2

i got about (litterally) 300% better framerate in Doom 3 resurection of evil when i upgraded to 6.1


really Satch??

oh, my auxillary fan has been cutting on all the time since I upgraded. I didn't realize thats why. I thought it was just hot in my room. The performance boost was insane though.....

hopefully 6.2 fixes this

where i normally download them doesn't have 6.2 where did you see that at Nightshade?

Nevermind heres a link

hippo is pretty fast

OK tried out 6.2

its quite a bit faster than 6.1 even!

concerning temperature, holding down the run button to put as much load as possible on the graphics card while kicking major ass for 10 minutes didn't turn on the auxilary fan like 6.1 did

Test 2. The auxillary fan did cut on for about 1 minute 2 times during extreme load situations, but if you have a good cooling system you should be fine.

I don't know if my card has any warning pop-ups like you describe becuase it has never done that.

test game Doom 3 (of course :p)

Its fast.
highly recommended you try it
Been using the 6.2's for the last week now. I have also found there to be a significant performance increase in both benchmarks and games.

3dmark06 went from 4100 - 4400 and framerates in fear and lost coast in particular have increased. Have not noticed any loss in visual quality. I give them a thumbs up

eh sorry to go offtopic nightshade, but speaking of drivers, what are the latest nvidia drivers?
Oh wow. I just played Mashtuur. For what may be the first time ever, that level gave me no slowdown whatsoever. I always have trouble with it.

The verdict:
five bryanf445s (out of a possible 5)
These drivers didn't really improve performance on my X800Pro, but I think they were meant more for the X1xxx series anyhow.
9800 pro 128mb and it's improved performance on my CSS by loads!

I did, however, install them properly as opposed to doing it wrong like Essy pointed out I was doing :p
Dancingwllamas said:
These drivers didn't really improve performance on my X800Pro, but I think they were meant more for the X1xxx series anyhow.


I don't know. I use a 256MB 9250 PCI. Like i said the performance from 5.9 to 6.1 was about 300% better framerate in Doom3 RoE, and the latest; 6.2 is even better.
The new drivers automatically overclock the video card.
They will pay if the video card fries from it too.
That is why you see performance improvement... but you need to have the Radeon series, not anything like the Sapphire etc.
JNightshade said:
Oh wow. I just played Mashtuur. For what may be the first time ever, that level gave me no slowdown whatsoever. I always have trouble with it.

The verdict:
five bryanf445s (out of a possible 5)

oo looks like youll never be able to blame your bad score on your comp :p

i joke...
Fliko said:
The new drivers automatically overclock the video card.
They will pay if the video card fries from it too.
That is why you see performance improvement... but you need to have the Radeon series, not anything like the Sapphire etc.

yea, the performance increase was so high that I was suspicious they were overclocking. Especially since I've seen New cards that over-clock safely out of the box now-a-days.

You would think they would mention it however, along with their policy on fixing/replacing damaged cards due to the fact.

So where can i find this warranty info? On their website I assume... I don't care to visit "there". :x