ATI Catalyst Drivers & XP Pro


Jul 9, 2004
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Alright, so I finally tracked down my last error...

My aunt teaches A+ certification and all sorts of computer stuff here at University of New Mexico and she finally helped me track down an error with XP Pro and the Catalyst 4.7's. A huge crashing error.

My old computer (Dell 4400 from around 2000 with a new stick of 512 ram and 9600 XT thrown in) would run the cat's fine on full hardware acceleration on XP Home. But when I started up my new computer (AMD 64 3800+, ABIT Mobo, Gig Corsair, 9600 XT, & XP Pro) I would always crash. I carefully re-formatted my drive and went through step by step installing drivers. It seems that XP Home uses some old 98 code as does the Catalyst drivers, but that XP Pro doesn't use any old 98 code. So when I had Hardware Acceleration to full (which is a default setting) I would crash like a beast. I guess a lot of people have this problem with ATI cards and XP Pro? Do any of you seem to have this problem? Is anyone as angry as I am? Supposedly, ATI is claiming that they are going to update their drivers to fix this problem. I should be getting my new card ( an X800 XT :D ) soon, but I am really angry about this driver. I have to turn down the acceleration to run stuff like Internet Explorer, but turn it back up to run stuff like FarCry.

:flame: It's just ridiculous, ATI needs to get on it and update their drivers. :flame:​
Im using an X800pro and XP pro with 4.7's, i also dont have problems like you describe :p

One problem i have found with the new drivers though is when i exit games windows stays at the gamma/brightness that the game is set at and my room lights up like a bitch and im starting to go partially blind lol.

Edit/ To fix the problem i have incase anyone else has it is quite simple

Right click desktop > Settings > Advanced > Color and it will auto reset.
Also running 4.7 with oc'ed 9500pro and XP pro (as well as Home at one time) have never had a problem.

I didn't think there was much difference between pro and home though other than some minor things?

Quoted from the link below:

"What's the difference between Windows XP Home and Professional editions?"

"The Home and Professional editions of Windows XP are nearly identical; the only differences are additional features found in the Professional edition that most likely won't appeal to home users. The primary differences, aside from the price and the color of the packaging, are as follows:"

So not sure why there would be any 98code there....but I don't know that much about it.
Well the way i see Pro and Home XP is the same way i see Free winamp 5.0 and the Charged winamp 5.0 pro.

Ive got pro XP but...hmm :rolleyes:
I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem either. But turning down the Hardware Acc seems to fix it in my normal desktop apps. I have to set it back up for stuff like FarCry, but I can live with it until I get the X800 XT. Anyone see the new Doom3 benchmarks?
I hand no issues at all with my 9800pro on my Windows XP pro machine.
At one time I had that issue with the brightness remaining after I quit the game (NS) but when I reinstalled Windows, that went way yet I used the same drivers and games. Oh well.