• ATI

    Votes: 121 72.0%

    Votes: 47 28.0%

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Oh yes, nVidia will surely have a chance to re-emerge but it'll be more difficult now. It has a very strong competitor with better products and even better products will come by the end of the year.

Advice: stay away from a company that needs to cheat in order to win. It doesn't deserve you money.
Erm, cheating? I hear this a lot.... but it's really just that nVidia refused to stump up the money to 3Dmark... and then 3Dmark optimised its benchmarks for ATi in revenge and accused nVidia of cheating

or have I confused two separate events?
You're talking about things you do not know.
3DMark didn't optimize anything.
Who cheated in 3DMark scores is nVidia with its bloated driver optimizations, clip planes and reduced image quality.

Didn't you find strange the fact that nVidia was accused of cheating from Futuremark?
Didn't you find even stranger the fact that Futurmark, some days after the scandal, withdrawed the accusations?
Can't you see where nVidia's money and strong-arm (lawers) strategies went? ;)

And I got more for you:
first of all, nVidia is set to rejoin FutureMark's beta program. Amusing, isn't it?
And secondly, FutureMark agreed to do a demo ( I don't believe this is a benchmark demo, just something like Dawn ) for nVidia's NV40, to be launched at Comdex.

Anyway, the nVidia VS. Futuremark thread has already been deeply discussed and, frankly, I'm tired of repeating myself.
Pity that in the Futuremark forums, most of the good posts about the subject have been deleted so, please, do yourself a favor and start searching on the internet for more informations.
all poeple who purchased fx5900 pro had problems playing games such as splintercell and ... etc.
Erm, cheating? I hear this a lot....
...Some links to check out:

Article on nVidia "optimizations",3973,1088795,00.asp,3973,1105259,00.asp

Article on nVidia "optimizations"

Article using the RivaTuner guy's anti-cheat scripts

Video Card Review Commenting on nVidia's "optimizations"

Thread at Beyond3D About nVidia Not Doing Real Trilinear Filtering

The highly-anticipated Half-Life 2 game will have a major bug with current DirectX 9.0 hardware resulting in impossibility in enabling Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing, a popular feature that dramatically improves image quality in games. Apparently, there is a limitation in DirectX 9.0 and/or DirectX 9.0-compliant hardware that will not allow the function to be enabled on certain graphics cards if the workaround is not found.

According a Valve officials quoted in forums at web-site, there are problems with the way that current hardware implements FSAA. If you enable it, you will see a lot of artifacts on polygon boundaries due to the way that current graphics processors sample texture subjects with FSAA enabled.

Valve continued that this is a problem for any application that packs small textures into larger textures. The small textures will bleed into each other if you have multi-sample FSAA enabled.

Currently both leading graphics chips designers use multi-sampling or hybrid multi-sampling + super-sampling methods to for FSAA.

The developers of the legendary Half-Life game said that drivers are not likely to solve the problem, however, it still can be solved for graphics cards based on VPUs from ATI Technologies, such as RADEON 9500-, 9600-, 9700- and 9800-series. As for NVIDIA GeForce and GeForce FX-series, there are practically no chances to find a workaround, according to Valve.

Some industry sources indicated that the problem with such FSAA is a known one and is to be addressed in DirectX 9.1 and next-generation graphics processors with Pixel Shaders 3.0 and Vertex Shaders 3.0, such as ATI Technologies’s code-named R420 and NVIDIA’s code-named NV40 VPUs and derivatives. Both next-generation products will come later than the Half-Life 2 that is expected to be available by October.
I am i the only one here who finds Nvidias cheating highly amuseing.

and yes I'v read some more reviews on the fx 5900 and it certainly seems to be the faster card
nVidia has to CHEAT (and use proprietary driver paths) in games in order to beat ATi, that's why it cheatoptimizes the games/benchmarks reviewers often use.

And in some cases, not even that help :D


And notice one thing... Its OpenGL! The one thing the Nvidia drivers are so acclaimed for, and the one thing ATI drivers are said to suck so much at.
open GL is useless in UT2003, especially on the gf cards due to the fact it renders the detail textures on all surfaces in the level regardless of where the camera is.
Ati's OpenGL driver is great now days. It's really been improved over the last few driver revisions.

The facts are that ATI are making far better products at this point in time, anyone that thinks otherwise is ill informed. That doesn't mean that nvidia products are terrible, nothing is stopping nvidia from releasing better cards in the future either. However for the moment, you can’t get anything better than an ATi card. They have better image quality, more advanced features and faster, more powerful hardware. ATi will be releasing another high-end card between now and the release of HL2, which will definitely be the card to get if you are serious about your HL2 gaming experience.
Yeah, you could have a hidden weapon? Like, ohh - I don't know... A NAILGUN? *mainical laugh*
well ive got an nvidia and i love it, the only problem is that its in a dell and for some odd reason my fps doesnt go past 60 and doesnt fall past 59. Ive checked for the v-sinc but cant find it. I have the right nvidia card so i wont have any problems with HL2 (thats what spud said)
Nvidia is a fudgin monopoly.... I like ATI!!!! Besides, ATI is way better...
I voted for ATI.

I have had two Nvidia cards, the first one I ever owned was a Riva TNT and the other was a Geforce2 GTS. None of them ever gave me problems. So upgrading was just a personal choice.

Until about a couple of weeks ago I decided to upgrade and got rid of the Geforce2 GTS that I was using. I did some research, and to me, I felt like the 9800 PRO was a good deal in price and performance. This card runs things quite well and so far I have not had any problems (I have not had it for that long, however, but things are smooth nonetheless).

As for a good place to purchase one, I would suggest - it's where I got mine and all my other computer parts for that matter.

Why?, Do you run Windows XP? It might be the refresh rate problem (at least it sounds like it is). I have had that problem ever since I first started using XP but managed to find something that fixes it. When I had my Nvidia card I used a program that fixed the refresh rate problem but I forgot the name of it; it was made for Nvidia cards and had NV<something>force in it, I think. Now I use RefreshForce, however, and although I forgot the homepage for it, you can search for 'refreshforce' on Google and it will find it.
Next month I will buy PowerColor ATI 9800 WITH 256MB. if nvidia did not fix the dam problems:flame:
I just bought a Radeon 9500 stock Sapphire card and modded it to a R9700 and overclocked it to near r9700 pro speeds (330/290).

So that is the card I will be using to play HL2.

I have resolved to never pay over a $150 for a video card and got a good deal paying only $132 for this one. :D :D :D
Voted ATI - Just got a radeon pro 9800 128mb - previously had nvidia tnt2 and gf4 both of which i had no problems with.

Even tho i voted ati since ive had my new card ive had more problems with it than my old nvidia cards. Like the fact i cant play a game of hl1, or its mods without my pc randomly restarting, and a whole other range of problems. But as ati is meant to be good for hl2, more so than the nvidia 5900, it got my vote.
Thanks for the help, but i acctually got the card on a totally new pc. So no old Nvidia drivers.

As long as hl2 comes out soon, i can last without hl1 mods

(i think) ;(
Well, I don't really give a shit about the manufacturer...
What I'm looking at is the ratio performances/price
ATi beats nVidia on that point this time, so I bought a Radeon9700. (I had a GeForce2 GTS)
I'm not shitting on nVidia cards, though... I think the FX is great, but it's so HUGE and NOISY !

I haven't got any drivers problems yet, and I hope I won't never ever have some :cool:

EDIT: oh, don't mind my signature; i'm not pro-ATi, hehe. This sentence just made me laugh...
I said ATI because its obviously better in performance than any new nvidias...

for a middle end card though I'd go Nvidia all the way...

ATI ---> 9700 Pro and above
Nvidia ---> Geforce4 and below
first off, I'm sick of Fanboys. I concider people that don't do research to be kinda dumb. Whatever, its their money. You want to waist it, fine.
(That goes for BOTH sides)

I spent the last FOUR MONTHS reseaching the best vid card to upgrade. I had a GeForce3 Ti200, great card, loved it. However I wanted more for HL2. I read every review I could fine, looked up screenshots taken on the latest cards and compared them, watched prices, talked to users of both cards, etc etc.

At first, I was concidering a GeForce4 ti4600, I had used NVidia, and knew they had good driver support etc. Then ATI kicked driver support up to the point that it actually topped NVidia, that was quite a feat. (Seriously, they have like, a new driverset a month, release, not betas). Then there was the whole price issue.

After much talk, thought, etc, I decided on the 9700 Pro. I wanted a 9800 Pro, but to expencive. (Yet still cheaper then NVidias FX) In the end, I found out the 9800 non pro was faster then the 9700 Pro, and actually cheaper then the 9700 Pro at

I'm happy with it, great card.
To bad NVidia lost it this past year, they were a great company, they just fell behind with the whole FX series. I honestly hope they manage to pull it together. Mainly, they need to make the FX cheaper.
New review of the ATI 9800 256MB card at Beyond3D ( July 21st )

...They don't seem too impressed when comparing the 256MB version
to the 128MB version. ( i.e. The ATI 9800 128MB is a better buy )


It would appear that at present much of this board smacks of
marketing. The use of DDR-II RAM is somewhat extraneous as it
serves little purpose - The DDR RAM already in use by the 128MB
board is available with relative abundance and would run much
cooler than the DDR-II on the 256MB board. It almost seems as
though this board configuration is here to prove a point - with
NVIDIA touting the use of DDR-II with their ill fated 5800, ATI
wanted to show that they are there too. However, if this was the
case, with NVIDIA re-adopting DDR for the 5900 this is ultimately
a little pointless!

You didn't display all of the conclusion.

Inevitably gaming titles that utilise many high resolution textures and large vertex buffers will crop up that will make better use of 256MB boards, possibly Doom3 being one of them and recent discussions have highlighted Half Life 2 as another, but its also likely that higher performance boards are going to be available by the time these titles appear.

Personally I would would never shell out $499 for a video card, but it is possible the R9800 256 board could pull ahead of all other radeon cards in HL2 because the games out currently do not need a video card with 256 megs of ram.
Originally posted by alehm
Personally I would would never shell out $499 for a video card, but it is possible the R9800 256 board could pull ahead of all other radeon cards in HL2 because the games out currently do not need a video card with 256 megs of ram.
More is always good ;)
Yes, but it doesn't make much of a improvement.

It's like putting two large nets in small tank with 10 fish in it.

You only need one, but with two - you catch the same amount.
Originally posted by Sniper
Yes, but it doesn't make much of a improvement.

It's like putting two large nets in small tank with 10 fish in it.

You only need one, but with two - you catch the same amount.
But you have twice the chance of containing them if a fish happen to be a net eating piranha.
For the guys here that still think that nVidia drivers/hardware is the ultimate choice:
DEVELOPERS AT the Meltdown Microsoft DirectX conference heard Nvidia make an interesting comment about its drivers.
One of the developers using FX 5900 hardware for an upcoming title tested the new shaders 2.0 and made a comment that he'd had problems with them.

Apparently, some shaders 2.0 simply do not work making Nvidia's claim that this card is DirectX 9 hardware puzzling, as Pixel Shader 2.0 is one of the essences of DX 9.

Subsequently, Nvidia staff at the conference agreed the shaders are not feeling very well, and that the recent drivers are quite buggy. But hey! They run Quake, UT and 3Dmark just fine.

We are sure that this carelessly honest Nvidia boy will be decapitated for this statement but we are sure that this will brought much more attention to making things work in future revisions.

As you might expect, there are not many ways to test these shaders as DirectX 9 games are still far away in the future. Ironically, the same shaders run just fine in ATI Radeon 9800 class hardware.
well i always have been an nvidia guy.. but after all this aa and half life 2 bullshit... im pretty pissed. i cannot play without aa.. it makes me go 1600x1200 2xaa is my norm for playing games.
Originally posted by jAkUp
well i always have been an nvidia guy.. but after all this aa and half life 2 bullshit... im pretty pissed. i cannot play without aa.. it makes me go 1600x1200 2xaa is my norm for playing games.

Well you can get an aquarium filled with water and add a cup of milk to the water and place it in front of you monitor and that'll help smooth out the edges. :cheese: :cheers: :dork:
Originally posted by dawdler
But you have twice the chance of containing them if a fish happen to be a net eating piranha.

I didn't say they weren't sharks. ;)
Originally posted by Pr()ZaC
For the guys here that still think that nVidia drivers/hardware is the ultimate choice:

The drivers have a bug not allowing those shaders to work...

Those shaders arn't currently being used which means *gasp* it deosn't matter.

a bug like that really deosn't concern me when it comes to a buying decision and nvidia proberly will fix it for when it deos.
Originally posted by mrchimp
The drivers have a bug not allowing those shaders to work...

Those shaders arn't currently being used which means *gasp* it deosn't matter.

a bug like that really deosn't concern me when it comes to a buying decision and nvidia proberly will fix it for when it deos.
Bug or not, if it cant use them, it aint DX9. PS/VS2.0 is a core element of DX9.

What Nvidia does by saying it support it is straight out false then. How on earth did the drivers pass WHQL?

I am aware ATI have done the same claiming the R300 has supersampled AA, but that is an extra feature, and it still has multisample. DX9 demands are not options.
Originally posted by mrchimp
The drivers have a bug not allowing those shaders to work...

Those shaders arn't currently being used which means *gasp* it deosn't matter.

a bug like that really deosn't concern me when it comes to a buying decision and nvidia proberly will fix it for when it deos.

I don't think you get the point.

First of all, they ARE currently being used, as developers are testing their products on videocards. The fact there's no such product in retail market that uses these shaders doesn't mean there won't be one in the future (hint: there WILL be).
The article I've quoted shows you how nVidia is deceiving costumers AND developers saying that their products support DX9.
The same article also shows you how ATi products are capable to fully support DX9.
If you still can't get it, it's your problem buddy! :)
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