• ATI

    Votes: 121 72.0%

    Votes: 47 28.0%

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Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
dont gimme, gabe said ATI.. OK? right now, personal opinion, no research, need to know which card to get
Just to let everyone know....its not about the freaking is about which card has the best performance for the best price and ATI is leading now. I have a NVIDIA Geforce 3 TI200 in my comp now but does that mean I hate ATI? No! If you love one company and hate another, you need to get a life.

Anyway I voted ATI for best performance for the price!
ATI, I've heard tonnes of good things about both companies but my final choice will be the ATI 9800 Pro 128 Mb.
I currently have Nvidia... But as soon as I upgrade ( A few months ) I'm getting ATI 9800 pro.
I prefer Nvidia in general. ATI is good too.

And of course ATI will win this poll, especially since everyone found out that Valve screwed them over. :p
nvidia offers better support and drivers while ati delivers the most powerfull hardware

its a tradeoff but in the end I think I would probably have to go with the best nvidia out there in a few months (when new ones come out)

I have a ati 9700pro 128mb support and drivers are so terrible it makes me puke
Originally posted by alb1221
nvidia offers better support and drivers while ati delivers the most powerfull hardware

its a tradeoff but in the end I think I would probably have to go with the best nvidia out there in a few months (when new ones come out)

ERr... no, not necessarily at all. Those are just myths, in fact the Geforce FX 5900 Ultra is the most powerful hardware overally right now.

And driver support has gotten a lot closer to Nvidia's quality for ATI recently, however I still have some problems with ATI drivers that I don't get with Nvidia's. Nothing huge though.
well im speaking from owning both a ti4600 and a radeon 9700pro on different almost equal stats dell systems

im kindof a nvidia fan detonators are amazeing quality drivers
Unless you plan on buying the $500 5900, you should probably go with ATI. But then there is the whole FSAA issue. That really makes it a no-win situation for nVidia.
ati , cuz nvidia u can't do fsaa in hl2...hhahaha

but who knows they may fix it rite?
I'm sticking with nVidia. I'm going for reliability: check out any tech support for any game: 80% of the people having problems are using ATi cards, sad but true.

OTOH, if you like ATi and have no problems using it, I'm happy for you ;)
Kleptomaniac please show me were it sais 80 percent of people having problems are using ATI CARDS...

Originally posted by alb1221
well im speaking from owning both a ti4600 and a radeon 9700pro on different almost equal stats dell systems

im kindof a nvidia fan detonators are amazeing quality drivers

Why would you compare a Geforce 4 to a 9700PRO? Just because that's all you have? And then you say ATI offers more powerful cards.... that makes no sense.
Originally posted by subs
ati , cuz nvidia u can't do fsaa in hl2...hhahaha

but who knows they may fix it rite?
If ATI can run HL2 with FSAA then why wasnt it on in the videos?

..... or did i miss something?
i got a Ti4200 128MB which isnt bad but it think my next buy gonna be an ATi 9500pro or 9700pro
Originally posted by SilverBullet
If ATI can run HL2 with FSAA then why wasnt it on in the videos?

..... or did i miss something?

ATIs can't run it either right now. It's a problem with the Source engine. Lol.

They said they are likely to fix the problem for ATI, but not for Nvidia cards...
I vote Nvidia, just recently bought a geforce FX 5600, only because my geforce 3 ti burnt out
( not because of the card, but i had a card next to it and the fan had no room to breath, generating heat in the hot summer day :/ )
i took that old card out and let my new geforce fx breathe

My next card is gonna be a ATI though
i wanted to get the Radeon but the FX was 50$ cheaper and i just turned 16
I say ATI.

... For those that are saying ATI's drivers suck and NVIDIA is the bomb, might wanna check THIS article...
I'm really shitty at nVidia. Because when they brought out 3DFX they didn't support all those Voodoo cards anymore and everyone had to get rid of them once Windows XP came out.

Sure there are 3rd party drivers but they aren't that good and that's not the point.

ATI is a better card anyway. Especially for HL2. If the boss dood at Valve is using one for the most antcipated game of all time That's a good enough excuse to keep my ATI 9700 Pro.
To the original poster, who kinda got ignored, try, they have some very nice cards at generally affordable prices. The nVidia cards are partictularly inexpensive, and they have good companies and service. If you want to shop around more, you can check out, but be wary that not all the resellers on that site are legit, they may try to scam you. Try not to go with the cards that say 'house brand,', i'm always a little wary about that, LOL. It's like pasting the word 'SHITTY' on the side of the box, fills you with confidence. Those are the best ones that i know of, check em out
How... Odd... That many people say ATI when HL2 is obviously gonna run best on them :dozey:

At any rate, I definetly pick ATI because of their customer relations, driver support and the fact they are actually quite nice fellows (driver devs always post on rage3d, I still havent found an eqvivalent Nvidia page), compared to the clams at Nvidia.

Then of course we have the reason the R3x0 is the base of DX9. It was designed closely with Microsoft, and I would think features ran both ways. So its no real wonder it will run DX9 games better than the FX, which goes its own way with its own standards (not neccesarily a bad thing, but for DX9 standards it is).
I have had a GeForce2 GTS Ultra for long time now. Never gave me any problems whatsoever and still plays most new games very well.

However, it looks like an OEM 9700 PRO will be the best bang for my buck when i upgrade.
Originally posted by thehunter1320
dont gimme, gabe said ATI.. OK? right now, personal opinion, no research, need to know which card to get

Gabe said ATi
whatever you do dont waste your money on a 256 meg card.

It seems that both ATI and Nvidia have done a good job of making people believe that it will improve preformance.

for the extra 80-120$ you can buy some more ram or upgrade something else that will actually make a diferance.
ATI, i want to play with REAL FSAA, Geforce cant do REAL FSAA over 4x, and therefor its slow in FSAA and AF.

ATi, speed, quality and FSAA!

ATIs driver is really good now, so no problem driver-wise.
hey, just got me new 9800 Pro, and it's godamn amazing

on a side note, what are the best ATI drivers at the moment? 3.5 or 3.6?
Originally posted by Lifthz
I prefer Nvidia in general. ATI is good too.

And of course ATI will win this poll, especially since everyone found out that Valve screwed them over. :p

ehem, Valve is screwing nobody over, my friend, it is Nvidia an ATI working on the optimizations

We work with all the graphics card manufacturers. ATI and NVIDIA have made the biggest investments in time and engineering to make sure Half-Life 2 and their hardware work well together. We are not trying to give an advantage to one company over another, as the people who play our games certainly wouldn't want us to do that.

With that said, Half-Life 2 appears to be the first game to really be pushing the capabilities of DX9-level hardware. At E3, we ran on ATI hardware because ATI's hardware did the best job. Since then both ATI and NVIDIA have worked diligently to improve performance and quality, not just because they think Half-Life 2 will be a title that will help sell DX9 hardware, but also because it is a good test case that will aid them in understanding the behavior of their hardware for future games.

As we get closer to shipping we will release Source based benchmarking tools that will let people analyze this themselves.
I've been using ATI cards for over 15 years, and never been disappointed with their quality or service. Plus, I'm Canadian, so I have a little loyalty there.

AND they're just the best... most of the time... for the money.
Yeah ATI drivers are perfectly fine. hehe. I use them and never have a problem with framerate or what ever.

Why are nVidia drivers suppose to be better?
Accidently voted for ATI...

Personally, I have never used an ATI card. I have had freinds that had bad experiences at first but are satisfied after a bit of frustration and work to tweek thier ATi card into shape. Also, I hear more complaints about buggy ATi drivers than I care to remember.

I have always used an NVidia and havent had a single problem.
Detanator drivers almost always seem to improve my performance with every update.

Im not really a fan boi for Nvidia, I would go ATi, but...why fix something that isnt broken?

Both companies produce fine products that are actually worth the money, and thier cometition is a major driving force behind advancing gaming technology. ATi is on top today...tomarrow NVidia, and ATI again next thursday and so on until something completely new and revolutionary hits the market.
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