ATI Overdrive


Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
Has anyone tryed to use the overdrive function on you're ATI card. (if you have one of course) I want to do it but i dont want to ruin my card because that would suck :(
It takes your cards to the limit, without killing it...ATi cards are teh smart!
WOW that's godda be the first time you have ever poseted on one of my thred's without insulting me.

do you use overdrive?
sHm0zY said:
WOW that's godda be the first time you have ever poseted on one of my thred's without insulting me.

I was gonna say something insulting towards you, but I couldn't think of anything good :P omg shmozadoodles sux! <--- good enough?
Six Three said:
I was gonna say something insulting towards you, but I couldn't think of anything good :P omg shmozadoodles sux! <--- good enough?
my heart is broken.. thank's =(
I wouldnt expect you to get much of a great overclock with overdrive. Atleast not of enough of an overclock to notice a difference in games. I use powerstrip. It works well for me because I know the limits of my card and how hot it can get befor giving me problems. You got to remember overdrive will only overclock your card if its temperature is low enough that ATI doesnt get a large amount of returned cards under warranty.
ok so i dont have to worry about frying my card =D

anyway so i an overclock my cpu with this?

I dont understand overclocking realy.. can someone explain or give me a site that tells you about it?
No you cant overclock your cpu with that its just for ATI videocards.
Theres a thread at the top of the forums that explains overclocking.
Overclocking is easy. Just dont over do it your first time. I know my friend did with his fx5600. He increased the clock and memory speed of his card to fast and fried it. You dont have to worry about that with overdrive though as it automatically adjust the clock speed based on temperature. The clock speed will never go below the factory settings though.