ATI prepares Counter Strike 2 papers for Radeon 420XT


Dec 6, 2003
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For their side, ATI partners are not comfortable to go for one more bundle as there is still no game available. Summer could well mean the end of summer rather than the beginning and it will still take some time to finish Counter Strike 2. This might easily put ATI in a position where it has another card, the R480, before the piece of paper can be exchanged for the real thing. :cheese:
I was under the inpresion that the inquirer was a fake news site with made up news. I believe they posted a news post about how HL2 was canceled a short while ago....
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I was under the inpresion that the inquirer was a fake news site with made up news. I believe they posted a news post about how HL2 was canceled a short while ago....

no, they're not a fake news site, sometimes they're wrong, but they have alot of contributors in the industry and quite often they are correct.
lol, one year delay of halflife 2 and everyone is bitching as if they never heard of delay before and it is the end of the world.
lol, one year delay of halflife 2 and everyone is bitching as if they never heard of delay before and it is the end of the world.

^ lol... yeah man...
EVIL said:
lol, one year delay of halflife 2 and everyone is bitching as if they never heard of delay before and it is the end of the world.

It's not that. It's the fact that they were so adamant that they would hit the September 30th release date and in particlar the way they handled it i.e. not mentioning anything until a few days before the game was to be released. I would have preferred if they had not mentioned any release date at all and just said it will be done when it's done. Similar to what id is doing with doom3
true true "when it is done" but that could been see as "providing lack of information" and still everyone will be bitchin about it. but anyway, we are going a bit offtopic here
I'd take this with a large pinch of salt.
Play4Fun said:
Radeon 420XT?!.. did i miss something?... :sleep:

Simply a mixup of the various names.

Chip = R420
Card names = Radeon X800 Pro, X800XT, X800XT-PE, etc
TheWart said:
Simply a mixup of the various names.

Chip = R420
Card names = Radeon X800 Pro, X800XT, X800XT-PE, etc
O... thx for the info dude! :)
I find it funny that if there so sick of waiting for HL2 to release, how in gods name do they expect CS2 to release any sooner, nutters!
Lobster said:
I find it funny that if there so sick of waiting for HL2 to release, how in gods name do they expect CS2 to release any sooner, nutters!

Why couldn't CS2 come out first? Pretty unlikely, I know, but they've kept it under wraps for so long, there's no reason it couldn't be finished before hl2 and released first.
dscowboy said:
Why couldn't CS2 come out first? Pretty unlikely, I know, but they've kept it under wraps for so long, there's no reason it couldn't be finished before hl2 and released first.
It actually makes sense to me that CS2 could be finished sooner than HL2. Creating all the content and playtesting for the single-player game likely takes longer than creating new maps around a Source-based version of Counter-Strike. Essentially all the pieces are already there, but I'm sure they'd add new features to make it more than just CS1 on Source.
Yea, HL2 is only pushed back a year, thats nothing compared to some delays.

Duke Nukem Forever anyone?

enough said.

no reason for valve to release cs2 right after hl2 release. They want fans to cash in on hl2 first, then once the userbase is high enough, they will allow users with hl2 (mostly for the engine) to buy cs2 off steam.

i wouldnt trust theinquirer anyways....
My question is, why is it Vavle feels that every mod that used to be free has to be charged as a full price game? CS and DoD were 2 great mods, and Valve realised, "Hey, we can make more money by putting these free things in a box and charging $35-40." CS2, TF2, and I would assume there will be a DoD2 should all be free mods to those that purchase HL2. Don't get me wrong, there's other mods that will be free, but it's the big names that I'm going to want to play first as far as mods go. I really don't have an extra $120.00 to pay for something that used to be free with original HL. I know there's a lot more work involved in the newer Valve mod projects, but still, if it's all about "mod community" then, you don't charge your "community" for something. Mods are supposed to be seen as, "cool, i can change this to do this." If every mod group decided to charge people to play their mods, well, sorry to say, but I'd be play HL2 deathmatch (whatever MP will be) only.