ATI Radeon 9800 pro 128...?


Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
Which brand do you guys prefer to buy?

is the Guillemot Hercules ATI Radeon 9800 PRO 128MB a good brand?

plus, how do I know what power supply to get (wattage wise) for when building anew pc?
yeah that one is good... although im gonna buy a 'normal' 'standard' radeon 9800 pro with 256 mb :p
I have a sapphire, and so does dawdler (he's always raving about it). I'm very happy with mine.

WaSwat, if you're rolling in money, go for it, but the 256 mb version doesn't give you any advantage at all. maybe 1 or 2 fps. until games come out in 2 years or so with much bigger textures, it really isn't worth the extra money.
I have the Hercules. I haven't had any problems with it, but I'm sure you could go for something cheaper without any problems as well.

However, the Hercules does have one particular feature that puts it in front of the competition... It's blue! :)
Shappire is a very reliable company. And they're usally cheaper :)
I thought VALVe was working on superhigh-res textures to use the extra 128mb?
I have a sapphire radeon 128mb and it has worked perfectly, it also came with RTCW and SOF2.

But it has no heatsinks on the ram.
Originally posted by rec
I have the Hercules. I haven't had any problems with it, but I'm sure you could go for something cheaper without any problems as well.

However, the Hercules does have one particular feature that puts it in front of the competition... It's blue! :)
And it has a nice all copper heatsink that the others dont have. ;)
Other than Hercules, I could recommend Visiontek(Xtasy),Gigabyte,Sapphire and the Built by ATI card ;)

For a PSU, i would get a brandname. Some powersupplies that are not brandname dont even live up to their max watt rating but fall quite short.
Antec and Enermax are the well known brands.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
I thought VALVe was working on superhigh-res textures to use the extra 128mb?

This is true. Also Where the 256 DDR-II is going to come in handy is when AA and AF kicks in. You're going to need a MUCH larger buffer to cope while processing these effects. So far the benchmarks VALVe has shown us haven't used AA and AF. Once these features kick in, the 9800 Pro 256mb DDR-II will pull vasetly away from the pack.
no 256 mb card is really fast enough to use it yet. not even the 9800 pro.

Its kind of like the 128 mb gf4s. if you want the ultra high rez textures you need to wait till its out and look at specs, dont bank on a 9800 pro with 256mb running it well.