ATI Radeon 9800 Pro?


Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
Does it need more than 300W power supply for gaming?
I'm just curious because i am going to buy 9800 Pro and I have to buy a new power supply, but i don't have much money to buy a powerful power supply.
Ah. Hmmmm. I ran a 9800SE on a 230W PSU for a while, but that wasn't safe. How much do you have to spend?
Not that this has much to do with anything but there's a rumour that the NV40 will require two molex connecters on seperate power rails... which means if you want to futer proof you will need a 500W PSU whith an above average ampage.

BTW I'm running my 9800 on a 350W PSU, with one hard drive, one DVD drive and a athalon XP 2800. I'v never had any problems.
ComradeBadger said:
Ah. Hmmmm. I ran a 9800SE on a 230W PSU for a while, but that wasn't safe. How much do you have to spend?
In Finland where i live cheapest 300W is 33€ but cheapest good is about 40-50€ so that's my budget for a videocard.
I run my 9800 pro with a 350W PS and it works without problems. I have 2 hard drives, 1 CD-RW, and one DVD drive. The best bet is to usually buy a case that has a PS included. You can also find cheap power supplies at ebay but they are very prone to breaking, I bought a 400 W PS for $11 :) and it crapped out on me after a week and a half, but you never know, I might just be unlucky.
:) Ummm, it says on the box that the minimum is 300 Watt PS. Now why would they lie to you? So, 300 Watt's and up is good, right?
Asus is usally the one smart about PSUs (and most other things on hardware) There's like some kind of special thing to look at on the PSUs that really define what makes them good or not, like the voltage or something. I'll be damned if i can remember.
Have a look on DABS. I got a Thermaltake black silent purepower 360w from there for £45 all in. Very good psu!
Power Wattage Calculator
Give ya a good idea. ;)

The total amount this calculator figures is for all devices running at peak utilization. It is important to bear in mind that this amount will never be reached under typical operation. However we feel that this tool will give you a better idea of how much power your system will need. After all when it comes to power, it is better to be safe than sorry.
how can I find out what my power suply is?
I'm not sure what the hell I have, its a 2 year old computer, but I recently got a ati 9800 pro.
hiln said:
how can I find out what my power suply is?
I'm not sure what the hell I have, its a 2 year old computer, but I recently got a ati 9800 pro.

...anyone? ;(
There is a sticker on the side, bottom (somewhere) of the PSU with the rated watts.
Also should have a chart that says the amps for each Rail. 5+V 3.3+V 12+V etc.
If you knew new how many amps were on each rail that is the most accurate way to find out if you have enough power.

That's the main reason 9800pro cards and up say they need a 300watt PSU. Because they use additional power from the rail that might already be stressed with Harddrives/Optical drives etc.

Look at this chart to see what devices use which rail. Gives ya an idea.
Asus said:
There is a sticker on the side, bottom (somewhere) of the PSU with the rated watts.
Also should have a chart that says the amps for each Rail. 5+V 3.3+V 12+V etc.
If you knew new how many amps were on each rail that is the most accurate way to find out if you have enough power.

That's the main reason 9800pro cards and up say they need a 300watt PSU. Because they use additional power from the rail that might already be stressed with Harddrives/Optical drives etc.

Look at this chart to see what devices use which rail. Gives ya an idea.

shit, theres no other way to see in windows or something?
I don't feel like openning that damn thing again.