ATI's 9800Pro and 9600Pro sales.


Jul 8, 2003
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I'd like to know ATI's sales # on their 9600Pro and 9800Pro lines. The marketing they've put into them, being the cards to "fully" experience Halflife 2. One of the most anticipated games to be released and ATI's name is all over it.
There was that whole 8 million dollar auction between nvidia and ati over who got to package their card with hl2.
If nVidia would've won I bet you most people would be running 5900Ultras and 5600Ultras. The card for "Halflife 2"
Originally posted by Amsterdam
If nVidia would've won I bet you most people would be running 5900Ultras and 5600Ultras. The card for "Halflife 2"

uh no, becuae the benchmarks would still be the same, nvidia sucking at it, all the bidding did for ati was to get the game included with their new cards. and nvidia's bid was right up there with ati's. valve decided to go with ati becuase ati's cards play the game the way they programed it to play, with out having to revert to dx8.