Attention all Fallout Fans!


Aug 15, 2003
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Please direct your attention to this petition ;)

I know some of you have probably signed it already but if you haven't, just take 2 minutes of your time and sign the following petition:

We want FALLOUT 3!

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To: Interplay Entertainment and Black Isle, Inc.
We the undersigned respectfully request that one of the following PC game production companies - Interplay Entertainment or the Black Isle, Inc. - finally START the serious development process of the sequel to the greatest RPG of the 20th century - FALLOUT. We all wish to buy and enjoy playing FALLOUT-3, and we all hope that this game will keep the original atmosphere of the Fallout Universe shown in Fallout-1 and Fallout-2 games.


The Undersigned

29628 Total Signatures
Old RPG game, for the Mac IIRC...
Took place in a Post-Nuclear War setting.
The Fallout series is very unique, it's the the greatest all-time classic RPG game.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Please direct your attention to this petition ;)

I know some of you have probably signed it already but if you haven't, just take 2 minutes of your time and sign the following petition:

We want FALLOUT 3!

View Current Signatures -
Sign the Petition

To: Interplay Entertainment and Black Isle, Inc.
We the undersigned respectfully request that one of the following PC game production companies - Interplay Entertainment or the Black Isle, Inc. - finally START the serious development process of the sequel to the greatest RPG of the 20th century - FALLOUT. We all wish to buy and enjoy playing FALLOUT-3, and we all hope that this game will keep the original atmosphere of the Fallout Universe shown in Fallout-1 and Fallout-2 games.


The Undersigned

29628 Total Signatures

Jesus, tell me one thing, do you even read NMA and Black Isle Forums? If not, do it: and

Online petitions are stupid and get nothing done at all.
Are those pictures official concept art, or is it just believed to be concept art for Fallout3?
HL2 reminds me a little of the cutscenes from Fallout 1 for some reason. Fallout 1 reminds me a little of the Terry Gilliam movie Brazil. Don't ask me why.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
What's the revelation? VB is Fallout 3?

Yes it is, always been. Devs just can't call it Fallout 3 yet, until announcement, which, some believe, will be after BGDA2 comes out.

As for the art, it was found on the personal webpage of one of the artists from Black Isle. Not very hard to guess, is it? Plus look at the gasbot, in the corner, you can see F3 logo.
I loved the fallout games....must dig em up and play them again. Twas the game that got me into even liking RPGS
Yea it took me a while to figure out Van Buren is Fallout 3, but in some of the interviews the switch between calling it Fallout 3 and Van Burren, so I don't think it's too guarded of a secret.

On an unrelated note, wouldn't a fallout mod for Half-life 2 be awesome? The graphics and ambience of Half Life 2 would lend themselfs well to something like fallout if you had the right mod team.
Originally posted by RandomPING
Yea it took me a while to figure out Van Buren is Fallout 3, but in some of the interviews the switch between calling it Fallout 3 and Van Burren, so I don't think it's too guarded of a secret.

On an unrelated note, wouldn't a fallout mod for Half-life 2 be awesome? The graphics and ambience of Half Life 2 would lend themselfs well to something like fallout if you had the right mod team.

I have no idea how you would put SPECIAL system in, or are you talking about Fallout FPS? Yeah, would be cool, going between towns on the car.. Mad Max Style... AH I WANT IT!
Well Gabe did talk about how versitile the system is, you might be able to throw in specials. Though it wouldn't lend itself well to the FPS envyronment. A FPS with slight RPG elements though would be cool, NPCs who follow you from town to town, a slightly dynamic story, bartering options. It may not be as open ended but you could put in enough triggers and probably set up a communications menu. The only thing you'd really have to change is the way combat is handled, you couldn't really emulate what fallout with an FPS and still make it fun, but you could add some new dynamics with the different medium...

I could go on like this for a page if I really put my mind into it, though i don't think that would be too interesting of a read. If only i had the dedication and a mod team, the rights to the fallout series, map making skills, and a magic gnome.
Van Buren is Fallout3?! That's great news :D

Oh God I can't wait to smack some tribals again with the sledge hammer!
Originally posted by RandomPING
Well Gabe did talk about how versitile the system is, you might be able to throw in specials. Though it wouldn't lend itself well to the FPS envyronment. A FPS with slight RPG elements though would be cool, NPCs who follow you from town to town, a slightly dynamic story, bartering options. It may not be as open ended but you could put in enough triggers and probably set up a communications menu. The only thing you'd really have to change is the way combat is handled, you couldn't really emulate what fallout with an FPS and still make it fun, but you could add some new dynamics with the different medium...

I could go on like this for a page if I really put my mind into it, though i don't think that would be too interesting of a read. If only i had the dedication and a mod team, the rights to the fallout series, map making skills, and a magic gnome.

Well yeah, turn-based combat won’t work at FPS at all, or it will be boring. I also can see small use of special, like getting perks, which will give you different advantages (like you can jump higher, or swim faster, etc.). Stats can work too, for example strength will limit number of weapons you can carry and add to the melee attacks. Agility will allow jump higher, etc. You see where I am going, but it’s ton of work, and we didn’t even start talking about story and balance. I guess we can only dream to see something like that one day :) I would pay $50 for that, if it was separate game.

About rights for Fallout, I think it's okay if you are making free mod. I mean, we have Thief mod for UT.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Well yeah, turn-based combat won’t work at FPS at all, or it will be boring. I also can see small use of special, like getting perks, which will give you different advantages (like you can jump higher, or swim faster, etc.). Stats can work too, for example strength will limit number of weapons you can carry and add to the melee attacks. Agility will allow jump higher, etc. You see where I am going, but it’s ton of work, and we didn’t even start talking about story and balance. I guess we can only dream to see something like that one day :) I would pay $50 for that, if it was separate game.

About rights for Fallout, I think it's okay if you are making free mod. I mean, we have Thief mod for UT.

I remember all those stargate mods kept getting shut down by whever owns the stargate. Damn those Goulds! Or Paramount, it's one of the two. A lot of work went into some of those (so i hear) before they got shut down, so probably would be best to get permission from places first. Then again, interplay (or black isle, i forget) does seem like a friendly company, if it was done well they'd probably wanna play it as much as anyone else.

You have good ideas on the perks too.
Did anyone play the Fallout Mod for HL1? It was called Wasteland Half-Life, kinda a flop but I played it once or twice online since there were servers with bot support, quite a lot of fun actually.
Wasteland HL was finally updated around July. It's a lot of fun charging around ruined maps laying the smack down on tribals and mad max wannabees with spears, sledgehammers, dual pistols, pancor jackhammers, G11's, etc. They've also changed the name to 'The Wastes' and the general look of the art/models to avoid problems from Black Isle I think. It gets a lot of support from the various Fallout site like No Mutants Allowed and Duck and Cover.
Can someone fill me in on this Van Buren game? Are there any previews? where are these interviews? What is the estimated release date? Why haven't I heard of this game until now?

Fallout 1 and 2 are some of the coolest games ever. The go anywhere-do anything game structure puts crap like Grand Theft auto 3 to shame, I can't believe I sequels coming out!