ATTENTION CITIZENS: They're coming to your town

Oh dear god.

"Once they get into power, they aren't too tolerant of other people."

Funny....says the people that homosexuals shouldn't be in any place of government, should be stoned/killed, etc.

I dont get why Atheists care about religion.
I dont get why Atheists care about religion.

Slapping down religion and lol'ing at its obvious failings and flat out false beliefs for 2 minutes on the odd thread at and elsewhere is hardly caring.

In fact my parents are Christians, whatever, great for them, just goes to show most, if not all atheists just don't give a shit and many religious adherents can be decent normal folk, but aye, why shouldn't we post videos of dumb**** Christian/Muslim/Whatever tossers doing and saying dumb things and laughing at them?.

No-one accuses someone of caring too much about something because they like to laugh at a jackass stunt on a thread. :)
haha @ five-pack.

But yeah, this isn't some weird gray-area where its just people being Christian. Its a video about how to run a counter-insurgency against your local government' infiltration. Thats not Christian, thats stupid.
hahaha this is great. THE GAYS ARE TAKING OVER ZOMG!!1