ATTENTION: Concerning Delay Threads

The game itself is finish in my opinion, I really don't think a delay would be because they haven't finished the game. They announced Half-Life 2 very recently if we compare with Doom 3 for example. I thknk they would not have announced it if it wasn't very close to be finished. *If* there's a delay, it's only a business decision I think.
<breaking my ''1 post a day'' diet>

Display boxes are out in my local EB, good sign?

I don't see display boxes sleeping there for 2 months...
Originally posted by Kenny
I placed this message on another topic to. :cool: I agree with Dis, but i do not think it will take another 6 months:

"I dont get this, every shop is telling us another release date? : 28/11/2003 : 30/09/2003 : 21/11/2003 (netherlands, I ordered half-life here)

More and more online shops are setting there release date to end November.

They would not do this without a reason, couse that is bad advertisement. I think the online shops with the November release date are right. Why didn't Gabe official confermed the 30 Sept. release date? There must be a delay. I can't think of another reason why they are setting the release date to November. Can you? :thumbs:

, Another gamer desperate waiting for half-life 2. "

The thing is, they've all put different dates in November. Some say the 12th, some say the 28th, some say the 21st, and a lot of sites still say "30th of September".

It's not enough for every site in the world to say there's a delay, they have to agree with each other.
Ive heard from a reliable source that monkeys will fly on 34th of september.
I think not. I never heard of that release date before, but evrything is possible in these times.
Just went back to who had 28/11/03 date down and they've changed it back to september 30th, and with my experiance of them they are very accurate with release dates. :cheese:
Originally posted by GPRT
Just went back to who had 28/11/03 date down and they've changed it back to september 30th, and with my experiance of them they are very accurate with release dates. :cheese:

Most likely they changed it because everyone else was. Then they came to their senses. Sites seem to be changing the release dates back, it's been mentioned before that EB said November before and now they say September.
Why anyone would believe a retailors release date at this point i dont i guess.