Attention GeForce Ti Users!


Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Found this on some other boards - haven't tried it yet though. Apparently it makes the game use shaders 1.2 (Ti support up to 1.3)

"Ok, I finally figured out how to fix that damn crash to desktop error when using a GF4TI card.

1) download the Microsoft Framework, do a search on google (+download +microsoft framework)

2) download DXTweaker:

3) Extract to a folder on desktop

4) Run DXTweaker, and goto "New" on the right

5) Point it to your root BF2 EXE (in your EA Sports\battlefield 2\ DIR)

6) Check the 2 boxes that contain 'SHADER' , one is FORCE PP SHADER OTHER IS PS SHADER or something of that sourt

7) Click Apply, and then click RUN on the top.

It will launch the game with no problems and you will be playing very smoothly!

I just wish EA and DICE would have included a simple pixel shader 1.2 include but w/e, this will be suffice for now.

Happy gaming all!, any questions IM me on AIM @ no but because or email me: [email protected]"
Yep, it works :D

EDIT: Nevermind, doesnt work for me at least. You can get in game - the second you join a game or start a server it just closes.
I really hope this works

*Fingers Crossed*
nice to see im not the only one using a ti. not done downloading yet but we'll see what happens with it.
Im not getting anyway, thoose intructions arnt very good. No offence. I think Im doing it right, anymore help would be greatley appreachated.
ahhh. yep, just crashes back to the desktop. at least it had to curtosey not to shove an error message in my face. i tried the dxtweaker shiz but no luck.
Ye, It lets me run teh game, and just when I click the join button it crashes to desktop......:(
I got a geforce 4 ti 4400 i'm going to try this right now.
Ye, no luck in that forum either.

Im really p****d with ea for doing this.
WOW EA IS so ****in retarded

They sold out to Nvidia and they won't admit it. They support more and older ATI cards then nvidia cards. The geforce 4 ti line can support games of much higher quality then bf2 yet the only reason we can't run the game is because of pixil saders 1.4 which can easily be disabled by EA. They are not a core engine feature. I hate EA now even more then I did.
Awesome I'll try it but I'm not hopeful....

edit: nope this just gets you into the menus. It does work, until BF2 RE-overrides it when you join a game, which makes it crash. This is confirmation though of the fact that bf2 will run on a ti4200, and it's just EA's business practices holding us back.
Kitfox said:
Fictious please read the entire thread next time.

WTF? I read this thread and read the planetbf2 12 page thread you asshat. Then I tried it for myself on the offchance miracle that it might work for me. What the hell more do you want?

If the game works until it resets the primary buffer and reinstates its incompatibility then I'd say yes this is the source of the problem and is a step towards fixing it.
no i'm just saying that we all know this fix doesn't work i has been stated countless number of times... it seems the is a texture redudence check in the game.. only logical explanation for this is that they purposely decided to **** about 10% of there user base because nvidia is lining there pockets with cash.
Thx for that, was wondering why the demo wasnt working.
kitfox ea doesnt gain anything from purposely removing suport for nvidia cards it actually looses customers no one is going to buy an ati card if they cant play a game with an nvidia or vice versa.
so explain to me why i can't play? my card is supperior then the Ati 8500 which is supported. 1.4 pixel shaders are not an excuse. Hl2 Doom 3 are all far superour in graphics then bf2 and i can run them jsut fine. But bf2 doesn't let me play the game. It constatnly checks to see if i have the shaders they want. Exactly they can't gain anything you cannot blame it on a technical fault on the geforce ti line because Ati 8500 is supported and it is worse then gf4ti. On the EA forum the mods have basically said 2 bad for you upgrade your gfx card to 1.4 shaders somthing that is easily disabled in other games.
well they just messed up on their release im sure the mods havent blatantly told u upgrade ea isnt stupid theyre all about making money they arent going to screw up their chances at sales .
theyre going to send out some kind of patch later on.
after boiling up with stress over this demo not working on my geforce 4. i remembered that i have an ati 8500 that i used to use. so i put the 8500 in and the demo works. the first thing i see is a big picture that says " Plays best with NVIDIA ". Ironic?
The thing I dont like is that you can use a 6600gt PCI-E but not the agp version

^^ this fixes the problem but it will look horribble because the person diabled all texture checks which the game configures

1) Extract the EXE and DLL (into the same DIRECTORY)

2) start TatniumD3D.exe (and click ok in the msgbox)

3) start the BF2.exe demo (or the shortcut on your desktop)
Geforce4 Ti only support 1.1 Vertex Shader.

can somebody check if this post above work for Ti users ?
NikolaX said:
Geforce4 Ti only support 1.1 Vertex Shader.

can somebody check if this post above work for Ti users ?

Works, not well, but works. :thumbs:
It works for my 4800, its still fun, but it all goes white when u see a tank. I hope they get textures working
I think the 'going white at certain angles' problem is a lensflare or some sort. Because no transparency of textures is supported on many polygons in the ti hack version, you see entire polygons instead of effects you would normally recognize as smoke, fire, etc.

I'ts actually rather interesting, when it's not getting in the way. Now you know (if you didn't before) that some effects are just polygons overlayed on the screen, and primitive shapes with clever alpha mapping.

My personal favorites are the jet exaust trails and the lensflare polygons. Though the 'you're getting hurt' overlay is a pain in the ass, because there's no transparency getting shot effectively blinds you by placing a large opaque quad over your view.
Yes, remeber to post if a new version of the hack comes out btw.
So heres EA's Official response on the matter.

We've been talking to Benjamin Smith on the development team about this. There are no plans to implement GeForce 4 support in a patch. The engine was not built to run acceptably (performance or appearance-wise) on the GeForce 4 series of cards.

It's total BS since they support an ATI 8500 card that has worse performance then The Geforce 4 Ti Card.
Yes, I totally agree, there money corrupted smacktards.
Holy shit, are they completely stupid? This confirms that Dice is being payed by EA, whom are receiving a payout from nvidia, and that all three are money grubbing asses. Do they not care that every single post in the EA battlefield forum is a complaint thread?

Apparently not.
It's EA, what do you expect? There's nothing you can do about it unless the community gets a decent hack out that fixes it. To be honest I probably wasn't going to buy BF2 anyway, so I don't care too much about not being able to play the demo, but the principle still pisses me off. I'm not so much pissed at EA for this, but Nvidia. They've gone out of their way to hamper support for their own customers. When I upgrade again it will be to an ATi card, not Nvidia.
Damn... I was really looking forward to BF2. One less person who buys BF2. BTW I have a Ti 4200, which still kikz azz. rawr!

Anyone have anyidea as when to expect a new update fotr the geforce4 hack, coz Im gettign tired of these poo graphics?