ATTENTION: Read this before posting upgrade questions/'Will my PC run HL2?' questions

I remember when I had a system like that. Oh wait I have the MX420, I think I'll go jump in front of a bus now.
Hahaha... My comp is now a :

512megs ram
60Gb seagate
Intergrated Soundcard (Rulez =)
and a *sigh* Geforce 2 MX 400

What the main problem on this comp is the last one.. feeling like i want to go infront of a bus when i try to play C&C generals and UT2k3...

Luckely, I've just ordered a Powercolour Radeon 9800 PRO !!

Im so happy right now!
Well, I don't have much money, do you think the following could run everything on highest settings alright?

Radeon 9600 Pro 128mb
A7N8X Deluxe mobo
256mb DDR RAM Corsair XMS Series (1 stick)
Athlon XP 1900+
2 case fans
Chiftech server case w/ 430w power supply

This is a ways below the requirments, so what would you say?
Originally posted by dawdler
You need an AGP mobo. And that's about it I suppose. If you have a computer that's 1ghz and up, it should be fine... If below, I would suggest upgrading the entire computer before thinking on a 9800 :)

LoL... i have a 400mhz P2 and i have a AGP Mobo... so dont think that computers under 1Ghz doesn't have AGP Mobo's... =)
Well, I don't have much money, do you think the following could run everything on highest settings alright?

no, it sucks, the game wouldent even start up:cheers:

just kidding...:bounce:
Originally posted by Swartz
Well, I don't have much money, do you think the following could run everything on highest settings alright?

Radeon 9600 Pro 128mb
A7N8X Deluxe mobo
256mb DDR RAM Corsair XMS Series (1 stick)
Athlon XP 1900+
2 case fans
Chiftech server case w/ 430w power supply

This is a ways below the requirments, so what would you say?

Sorry to say... but i am very sure that your system wont be able to play HL2 in highest res and quality...

Thats life
Please help me out. Right now I have an AMD 1900+ with a Geforce MXX440 and 256MB. I want to double my memory and get a new card, but which one would you guys advise? Moneywise I am tilting towards the Radeon 9200 with 256mb. That's about 150 euro's (about the same in US$) here in the Netherlands. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.
Can you afford a 9600 Pro 128 MB? It is ~175 USD. It would be much better than a 9200 with 256 MB RAM.
Originally posted by Shakermaker
Please help me out. Right now I have an AMD 1900+ with a Geforce MXX440 and 256MB. I want to double my memory and get a new card, but which one would you guys advise? Moneywise I am tilting towards the Radeon 9200 with 256mb. That's about 150 euro's (about the same in US$) here in the Netherlands. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.
I would definetly not advise the 9200.
9600 or 9800 are the best choices. 9600 should be your aim considering the price, preferably the pro version.
Alrighty then. I've made up my mind. Its gonna be the RADEON 9600 w/ 256 MB. That will set me back about 140 US$. The PRO-cards are a lot more expensive on this side of the Atalantic than they are in the US.
WAIT!!! Before you order, the 9600 pro 128mb will perform MUCH better then the 9600 non pro 256. Its only a little tiny bit more, and will def. perform better then the non pro.
Well, maybe it's a tiny little bit more expensive in the US, but over here in Holland it is one-third more expensive, 150 euro's for the regular version and 200 for the pro version. Is it real REALLY worth the money? I am also planning a six month trip through South East Asia in the second half of next year so I am a real Scrooge MacDuck at the moment.
Okay, I have a 512Mb Rambus system (800 Mhz access), with a 2.4 Pentium 533 FSB, a soundblaster live card (don't care too much about sound). A Pioneer A106 (might be useful for Collectors edition!) and unfortunately a MX440 Gforce card. I'm probably going to get a 128Mb ATI 9600 Pro. Can that do full power?:afro:
yup, the 9600pro will do well. just don't get the powercolor EZ version.
Hey guys, I just placed an order at NewEgg for the following system. How will this hold up with Half-Life 2?

2 sticks of CORSAIR 512MB PC3200 = 1GB
Asus A7V600 AMD Barton MB (400 FSB)
Athlon XP 3000 "Barton" 400mhz fsb processor
Radeon 9700pro 128mb video card
Some 120gb harddrive.. i imagine it's 7200rpm, etc.

Is there anything I'm lacking or might want to change?


Wow, this truely is an 1337 thread!! Can you guess why.... ;)
Hey, I'm running a P4 1.8GHz with 384mbs PC-800 RDRAM and a Radeon 9800 Pro. Should I be able to run it smoothly at 1600x1200 with all effects to max? Thanks!
Originally posted by Legend
Hey, I'm running a P4 1.8GHz with 384mbs PC-800 RDRAM and a Radeon 9800 Pro. Should I be able to run it smoothly at 1600x1200 with all effects to max? Thanks!

Well i dont know about 16x12. Everything looks great, but i would reccommend at least 512mb RAM.
Thanks. Anyone know what resolution the E3 demo was running at? Also, anything on the setup or card? I think most fans would rather play it at the intended resolution.
Originally posted by Shakermaker
Please help me out. Right now I have an AMD 1900+ with a Geforce MXX440 and 256MB. I want to double my memory and get a new card, but which one would you guys advise? Moneywise I am tilting towards the Radeon 9200 with 256mb. That's about 150 euro's (about the same in US$) here in the Netherlands. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.

9200 is a bit like the radeon equivilent of the GF 4MX. Avoid, underpowered and missing real DX9 features. Go for a 9600pro, can pick up for around £100.
Originally posted by V!|2g3d
Hey guys, I just placed an order at NewEgg for the following system. How will this hold up with Half-Life 2?

2 sticks of CORSAIR 512MB PC3200 = 1GB
Asus A7V600 AMD Barton MB (400 FSB)
Athlon XP 3000 "Barton" 400mhz fsb processor
Radeon 9700pro 128mb video card
Some 120gb harddrive.. i imagine it's 7200rpm, etc.

Is there anything I'm lacking or might want to change?



sounds cool to me, no problems
The R9200 is DX 8.1 also. It will ruun no better then your GF4 MX.

I reccommend a 9500pro, 9600 pro or anything higher if you can afford it.
Originally posted by Legend
Thanks. Anyone know what resolution the E3 demo was running at? Also, anything on the setup or card? I think most fans would rather play it at the intended resolution.

Dell 2.6Ghz Pentium 4, 1 GB Ram, Radeon 9800pro was the E3 Machine.
"HL said it could run a P233 with a TNT card or something for graphics. I had a comp that was slightly better than the minimum and HL would crawl. "

you either had a real piece of shit card or you cant configure a system.

i ran hl on a p200 with 64 mb ram and a 4mb voodoo1
and man the game would rock. 800x600, decent settings .(not high)
great frame rate.


256 MB PC2700
Radeon 9200 (All I can afford.;( )

Watcha think? I'm saving to upgrade after I've bought the game, so do you think RAM first, or the graphics card?:dork:

Possible medium settings, probably low. I would up the RAM to 512, then upgrade the gfx card.
how will this run it:

XP3000 512 l2 cache 333fsb
512 pc3200 333 fsb ram
radeaon 9700 pro 8agp
msi 7kn delta nforce 2
40 gi maxtor ata133
Well i think any gfx upgrade at the min will be dodgy, Seeing as it seems nvidia havent got a clue what there doing with the FX drivers. Looks like i'll be switching to ATI
I have:

Intel Pentium 4 1.8ghz
512MB of RAM
GeForce 4 Mx440 video card

I'm not an expert on these kind of things but I know it's a pretty shitty setup and I need advice on what to do to upgrade my computer for HL2.

Also is it possible to take the parts out of my sony VAIO computer and put them in a new case? the case my computer came in is pretty ugly and now that I've seen some of the flashier cases available I really want a new case for my computer.
i just got a computer with

p4 3ghz, fx5900ultra 256, 120g hardrive, 1g ram and audigy2 plat.

would that run it at its best?
Originally posted by JACKELO
i just got a computer with

p4 3ghz, fx5900ultra 256, 120g hardrive, 1g ram and audigy2 plat.

would that run it at its best?

I wont even bother.
Yes I know its not out etc etc, but would be interested in anyone who plays games on laptops, as I will be using my laptop. I'd also appreciate any comments on whether you think my machine will be OK. I know I dont have DX9, just want it to be easonably playable.

Acer 1.6 Centrino
Radeon Mobility 9000 64mb.

I am currently using...

-2.4 Ghz P4
-512MB RAM
-5200FX Geforce 128MB (WEAK LINK)

...Am I good at highest??
ok, i'm spamming now but i just had to mention that this is thread # 1337 :cheese:
Im thinking of upgrading from my 2000XP to a P4. I was told that I can overclock a 2.4Ghz P4 to atleast 2.8 with no probs is this true (Please dont bitch about the overclocking question). Besides that whats a good MB that has 800FSB and is good for serious overclocking (and not to expensive). I have a budget of $500 maybe a bit more for CPU and MB.

Your help is apreciated.:cheese:
Originally posted by SpUnKy-BoB
Im thinking of upgrading from my 2000XP to a P4. I was told that I can overclock a 2.4Ghz P4 to atleast 2.8 with no probs is this true (Please dont bitch about the overclocking question). Besides that whats a good MB that has 800FSB and is good for serious overclocking (and not to expensive). I have a budget of $500 maybe a bit more for CPU and MB.

Your help is apreciated.:cheese:

2.4 is not guaranteed to OC. MOST can make it past 3.0ghz no problem. Good 800FSB mobos for OCing= Abit IS7-G, or abit IC7-G.

What i would really do, is upgrade that FX 5200.