Attention Steam Users...


Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
... and specifically those steam users that have been having difficulty with the system over the last month.

Moderators; I realise this may not be the best forum for this but could you leave it here for a short time in order for it to get some exposure?

A number of users have reported trouble with incredibly long start-up and load times with Steam, during which CPU usage is at 100% and the computer is essentially 'frozen' for 5-10 minutes while the program loads.

The issue coincided with a steam update a number of weeks ago, though at the moment the reasons for the issue are unknown.

The issue has been raised with steam Tech support and to date no resolution has been received. HOWEVER if you are also experiencing this problem could you please head on over to Steampowered and post the details here;

Tech support are aware of this thread and will be monitoring it. However if alot of people post to say they are experiencing the same problem we will all get a speedier resolution. Hopefully.

Is it difficult to wait a few more seconds so steam doesn't use 100% full function, I've never had steam freeze ANY of my pc's even my 500mhz celeron. Some people probably need to defrag.
JimmyPage said:
Moderators; I realise this may not be the best forum for this but could you leave it here for a short time in order for it to get some exposure?

Moved to Community Game Support.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Is it difficult to wait a few more seconds so steam doesn't use 100% full function, I've never had steam freeze ANY of my pc's even my 500mhz celeron. Some people probably need to defrag.

So don't post here...

The issue exists. I'm not a novice - my drive is regularly defragged and there are no system issues present. I take very good care of my computer and no other problems existed before this.

It is not simply a few seconds, read my post.

An update from steam some weeks ago has caused a problem with my computer and that of several other people.

Why reply if you have nothing to contribute?

Thanks anyway Chris_D
JimmyPage said:
It is not simply a few seconds, read my post.

Why reply if you have nothing to contribute?

If its not a few seconds I suggest checking your ram for errors.

I can reply to what I want, who said I wasn't contributing to it? If you have issues, go post on because VALVe employee's scan that board A LOT more than here.
I'm sorry but there was no contribution in your previous post. You just made
a unhelpful remark about defragging and told me you weren't having any
problems. That's not relevant to the issue.

It isn't a RAM error, it is a genuinely a problem specific to steam. All other
possibilities have already been investigated on my end. I know what I'm

Mate I'm not trying to antagonise here but did you even read the post?! It
is posted at steam, there's a link in my post. The purpose of posting it
here was to attract attention to it and figure out how widespread it was.

The more people experiencing similar problems the quicker the tech guys will
get on it. Hence my asking people to head on over to steampowered and let
us know if they're having the same difficulties.

Sorry if I sound pissed, it's because I am! Was working perfectly until the
update about a month ago, on top of that my games are no longer working
due to an unrelated problem! So naturally I ain't too happy about it.
JimmyPage said:
Mate I'm not trying to antagonise here but did you even read the post?! It
is posted at steam, there's a link in my post. The purpose of posting it
here was to attract attention to it and figure out how widespread it was.

Dude, understand this, VALVe goes to their forum more than this one, I doubt they would miss your post. Posting over here is basically useless, we all know about, its not something "new" its something you just get used to, but I've yet to see steam freeze a pc when updating, or any other operation for that matter.
hey dude, youve got it totally wrong, hes letting people who visit this forum more then vavle's know that IF they are getting like 5 min of frozeness that they should report it to vavle and stuff
if more people are aware of it, the more people can post there..thats just the impression I am getting here.

I know what you are talking about..and I have a A64 3200+,gig of ram,6800gt..blah blah..defragging doesn't help(at least not for me),memory is good..

the longest "freeze" for me was about 5 minutes..its steam scanning for hacks and what your specs are...I think..

mostly because I noticed it after the VAC2 beta started up
Grundlegod said:
hey dude, youve got it totally wrong, hes letting people who visit this forum more then vavle's know that IF they are getting like 5 min of frozeness that they should report it to vavle and stuff

T.H.C.138 said:
if more people are aware of it, the more people can post there

Precisely. i dont know why that guy won't just read my post! It's right there! :|

It's not just occasional freezes btw guys, it's every time it starts up, every time you click on anything. Goes on for ages each time. The other guys are saying the same.

Anyway, if you spot anybody on here asking the same thing please let them know about this and pass them over to the thread on the Steampowered forum;
