*Attention* to Louisiana residents!- Louisiana Bill Sponsor Reacts to 1st Amendment


Dec 9, 2005
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Louisiana Bill Sponsor Reacts to 1st Amendment Lawsuit

Shocked, but not surprised.

That is how Louisiana Rep. Roy Burrell (D), sponsor of his state's contested video game law described his reaction to the video game industry's suit to have HB1381 overturned on constitutional grounds.

In an interview with the Shreveport Times, Burrell said, "I knew it would happen, but this being my first time, it shocked me. I'm all for free speech, but not at the detriment of children," Burrell said.

"If I'm wrong, I apologize, but I don't see it that way. When it relates to protecting these kids, I don't apologize."

Reacting to a line in the lawsuit which reads, "Like great literature, these games often involve themes such as good versus evil, triumph over adversity, struggle against corrupt powers, and quest for adventure," Burrell said, "The kind of literature I've seen in some of these games is not 'great.' It may be great for somebody but it's not great for children. It's great for profits and great for controlling the minds of kids, but literary value? None... You're the one who's killing the cops. You're the one who's beating the woman. Pavlov's Law kicks in, giving you a reward for this behavior."
That guy is stupid. Way to limit your view of games to GTA, Captain Retardo.
Wow. This guy is an idiot. "You're the one who's killing the cops. You're the one who's beating the woman." Is he kidding??? You're NOT the one doing any of this--its a friggin game! Its pixels changing into other pixels. Talk about extrapolation-a-go-go!

And "It's great for profits and great for controlling the minds of kids, but literary value? None..." Ugh. No one ever said that games are great literature. Games share some themes commonly found in great literature. Man, what is wrong with this fool?! This kind of talk makes me so disappointed in our "elected" officials....
VictimOfScience said:
Wow. This guy is an idiot. "You're the one who's killing the cops. You're the one who's beating the woman." Is he kidding??? You're NOT the one doing any of this--its a friggin game! Its pixels changing into other pixels. Talk about extrapolation-a-go-go!
Some people just cant tell the difference between games and real life..
Once again, its the stereotypical notion that games are for kids. Is it appropriate for a kid to play a violent game? No. is it going to warp his little mind? Probably not. And this stupid "will someone PLEASE think of the children!?" mentality is like nails on a chalkboard for my brain. Give kids a little more credit than that. They are not all fragile little angels that need everything coated in sugar coatings or foam padding. They are a little more mentally competant than that.

Godammit let us adults have our fun
Haha, I agree that Roy's statement is pretty dumb. This shows that people like Roy needs to be locked up in a mental hospital. And also, hey, this shows that even a paranoid can be a politician!
"I'm all for free, unrestricted speech... except under the following conditions..."
Haha... haha... oh shit, he really is that stupid.
God I hate my state government.

They never get anything ****ing USEFUL done quickly, but when stupid shit like this pops up, they sure kick into gear.
Steve said:
God I hate my state government.

They never get anything ****ing USEFUL done quickly, but when stupid shit like this pops up, they sure kick into gear.

Indeed. Man, I can't wait for this coming hurricane season... I'm a lot closer to the coast now than I was last year too.
Seriously dude. I mean, they spent months bickering over Katrina, but remember the gay marriage ban? They sure got that to voters quickly.
There's only one solution: we must petition Kirovman to back-engineer a 1984 DeLorean so it can travel through time, then plunge back into history and convince William Shakespeare to write the plot for a first-person shooter literary tour de force! Then, we shall take the script BACK TO THE FUTURE and publish the game, proving once and for all that games can contain artistic merit!

I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, William Shakespeare's A Cold Day in Hell!
lol someone should make a first person shooter based of romeo and juliet. that'll show em!
I like it.

Measure for Measure, but with sex replaced with videogames ahahahah *dies*
Sulkdodds said:
There's only one solution: we must petition Kirovman to back-engineer a 1984 DeLorean so it can travel through time, then plunge back into history and convince William Shakespeare to write the plot for a first-person shooter literary tour de force! Then, we shall take the script BACK TO THE FUTURE and publish the game, proving once and for all that games can contain artistic merit!

I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, William Shakespeare's A Cold Day in Hell!

Well, you'd better go ahead and petition me! I need 1,500 signatures to get funding from HeadQuarters.

Also, yeah, they are getting confused thinking that games is a synonym for "for kids"
Why can't they just attack the main problem, which is parents buying mature games for their kids, or shops selling to underaged kids. That'd shut all those moaning minnies up. Put the responsibility on the parents, not the industry. Looks like the USA hasn't changed much since the alcohol prohibition times.

Oh well, I suppose the violence in Hurricane Katrina was a result of games?