My trip to Comic-CON: NYC.


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Well I did not go last year but I went to Comic-CON: NYC this year. To go there it's about 200 miles one way from MA to NYC or 4 hours. Chet Faliszek was actually there on Friday with the CS:GO team promoting CS:GO. There was also a CS:GO match on Sunday and I was really happy I was going to catch Chet there. So I brought my copy of Raising the Bar, HL2 (Gordon cover), and HL: Platinum for him to sign. Probably ask him a few Q's and take pics. However when I got there, he was not there. So I must have asked 5 people from Intel where Chet was. They all said to ask another Intel guy and didn't know who he was. One curious Valve fan (he had a headcrab hat) asked who Chet was! :laugh: All I said was "he was co-producer of Left 4 Dead" to which he was surprised by. I had only 4 hours to spend at Comic-CON so I had to really prioritize my time.

Intel had an area showing off their hardware to play games on like BF: Play4Free, Star Craft 2, League of Legends, and some other random games. They also had a small corner room where nobody was at the time. Luckily they were showing off Intel 3D with Portal 2 and that weird Wii like controller thing. It was the exclusive levels for Portal 2 for the controllers. I never use controllers and for me it was really awkward however the 3D effect was really good. Portal 2 has a lot of plants and tiles broken in the game and the 3D effect just makes you feel like your in Aperture. I don't like 3D movies but for games I think it works out.

So I watched a match of CS 1.6, heard some people make fun of people who play horrible looking games, and left 10min later. I also got a code for a Nasus K-9 skin from a Riot employee (LoL game). I left but a lot of attendees kept watching and I just couldn't understand why you would go to Comic-CON and just watch people play games.



So I walked into the mob of people for comic alley. My first and previous Comic-CON there was a lot of people but it was manageable. This year was very much packed and since it was Sunday where they had the kids contests some stupid parents brought their kids in baby strollers on the show floor. You did this shuffle and you couldn't see much of the artists booths. If you managed to see some art it was either zombie related, D.C Comics related or Marvel comics related. Absolutely no imagination whatsoever and on top of this if you did want something there was a group in front of the table. Tom Moore was there and I could have got his autograph with art. Also the guy who did Marvel Zombies was there but I didn't pick it up. However one of the guys who did Ren and Stimpy was there. I heard that he was signing art for $50 and $100 he could do it in pen. I heard because there was a mob in front of him.

For comic vendors and merchants in general they sold junk basically and mixed the anime-CON there as well. Anime consisted of borderline pedophile statues, and large tents with absolutely nothing inside and some Japanese person talking on a cell phone. They took up a large chunk of the vendor area.


Now as you follow the mob, it starts going from a shuffle to a half a shuffle to forcing your way delicately through the crowd. You see if you went too far you hit MORE GAMES. Don't get me wrong I like my video games but there is a time and place for them. This convention is about celebrities, comics, and vendors. It isn't about games and that is what I think majorly hurt the convention. Last time they had a small Nintendo booth and that was it. You had people standing all over the place to play games, people standing to watch. Games are not like "get autograph, ask a Q, take pic in about 2-3min, done". It's more like 15min for a game demo. You had teens all over the place it seemed who went to Comic-CON just for the games.

Games vendors also did not give away stuff however a game prop maker was making Gears of War guns. The company was shocked when a 8yr old kid rushed suddenly in, gave them $200 in cash, and took off with a prop. Did not even ask any questions to them and some people jokingly asked what just happened and why a 8yr old kid was running around with that much money. I guess that is why consoles are doing so great.



Throughout this area was cases of movie props surrounded by a horde of people. I luckily took some photos but not a small replica of the Batman Tumbler.
















Finally a separate building altogether had the celebrities. Absolutely nobody was here, many celebrities already left. Mark Hamill was still there and I purchased a $5 picture for him to sign it. Then I found out it was $100 for him to sign it with no picture. Maybe that is why he only had 5 people in his line. I like him for his recent Joker voice work and Star Wars but for $100, that is even more than William Shatner or even Adam West. So I didn't get his autograph.

So I left Comic-CON and took some pics of funny people who dressed up. Some were even outside the convention.


<<<Nerf gun darts all over him. :D

Overall I'm pretty let down after this one. It's turned into a giant video game convention filled with pre-teens to mid teens. On top of all this the celebrities have taken the back seat and comic book artists have no imagination. I think the convention would have been much better though if a lot less people were there. They basically packed in celebrities, anime, comic vendors, vendors, game companies, artists. People also didn't dress up as a comic hero but rather a game character which again, this is not a game convention. However I saw a lot of Valve related costumes. For more pics and a mid-age, hairy guy wearing nothing but a thong, go here: *Also this:
Looks neat, I'd go if we had something like that here.
Nice write-up. Also, lolled @ the "YouTube!" in the third video.
Looks neat, I'd go if we had something like that here.

We have Armageddon in Auckland but I don't think it's on quite the same scale. Lots of trading card bollocks and a few voice actors, from what I've been told.

Cool post, thanks.
We have Armageddon in Auckland but I don't think it's on quite the same scale. Lots of trading card bollocks and a few voice actors, from what I've been told.

Cool post, thanks.

Yeah from what I see on the promotional ads it's mainly pillow fights, Kamehameha competitions and the odd celebrity.