Audi TT (WIP) 35% Complete


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
I been modelling this when ever I have had time. Dunno how long it has taken me altogether. Proberly about 4 hours on and off. Mainly taking me so long because I have just gone back to six form and been working :O

Anyway enough blar blar blar. Here it is.






Its obviasly not finished and even the materials took about 10seconds. Atm its 4000 triangles. But it has no interia or underbell (engine pipes etc...)

I am planning on modelling the bottom of the car with pipes etc... (how a car should look) mainly because in the hl2 engine it might get tipped upside down and will look stupid with just a flat bottom. I have no plans for the actual model yet. Might add it as a prefab to one of my maps with city streets. But it would have to be optamised quiet a bit.
A bit Blurry, remove the fog and give us a propper render please :cheese:
well done but For god sakes don\t u have anything else to do than Audi TT??? I don't get u guys... there are only audi TT-s in the 3d world... mostly... i presume it's couse there are most tutorials of modelling it :p...
so my advice is... do something i haven't seen, and other ppl!
my next car will be a ford capi 80s style. Maybe a Ford Mustang 80 series as well. The cars are just so ****ing sexy tbh.

I need some good image planes though :( can't find any classic american muscle cars bloueprints
dunno. I think it makes it look nice with the fog. Its also better than having an endless plane.

Stone I already looked. They got a nice shelby gt 500 but the blueprints suck dick. I need some really good ones. Gunna have to go buy some from a model car shop tbh. When I cba to move off my ass :p
If you want the "endless void with shadows and reflections" look use the matte/shadow material in max.

Nice looking model *thumbes up*
yes, it is a very nice model. On the underside, you might consider using normal mapping for the pipes and such. that would be super...
actually this model lends it's itself very well to normal mapping
tight Audi

you could always help us out Ichi, the Downtown Dispoute mod. We need alot of cars for the streets and I'm definently sure we'd include ur work Ichi. ;) ;) ;)

Originally posted by crabcakes66
Id kinda like to see a porsche 911 GT2 myself :p
You got some good taste, thats my favorite car.
well.....u can like have the model if u like? just add my name into the credits or summat. Have one of your team finish it off if u like? I am gunna start work on a better car because I was kinda a bit disapointed with this one mainly because I can not skin and most of the bumper etc.... will be shown with a skin. I kinda stalked an audi TT at work and went outside and checked it out to see how close and how my model will work. Its alright but some stuff needs to be added to actual make it an audi TT.

Anyway ye if u want the model or summat just PM me on msn
Originally posted by Submerge
You got some good taste, thats my favorite car.

gheh. THAT kiddy car? I guess I need to send you two to the big taste master in heaven, cuz clearly something went wrong in your taste assembling prosess.

Fear him!
lmfao, its not my fav car. I just wanted to model a more moden car (style) and also I had a good quality image plane of it. So fort what the hell. Its not like modelling it took long anyway. I have a big suprise for Submerge as well. Just check the forums later on for it. Its actually lookign ****ing really nice atm.
Very good for 4 hours of work! I'm looking forward to see the progress :)
Nice job, good lines for a low poly model.

Just a general word of advice, if you are looking for critique on the modelling, it is always a good idea to show the wireframe. If you are worried about people ripping it, thats understandable, but its hard to judge how good the modelling is from a shaded model.

If you just wanna show off some sexah work, thats cool too, no worries :)

lol, true. Well the work is actually for nothing. Its just a general model I have done for fun. So doesn't exactly have to be spot on in r_speeds etc... and also I havn't had time to take a wireframe picture mainly because I am hammered down with work and six form atm. When ever I am modelling then its something else.
ye my lastest work is porche or how ever u spell it. Its in my signiture. Check it out. Its proberly better.
It's very nice, has a spark of resemblence to the Nissan 350Z, awesome car :).
Nar I can't see the model been used in any hl2 game, I might use it to practice getting importing correctly done etc... But I was mainly doing it so I can get better at car modelling. I am planning on making a set of about 15 very low polgon cars for my maps for CO:IN if I get in that is (only on trial atm because no one knows what the never hammer will be like)