Audio Problems with HL2

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Squeetard said:
It does not, these are the drivers I've been using since I bought the game.

sure? those are 67.20, and come out today. not 67.02!!!! :)
Yep stop trying to fix it, it will fix itself soon.
"11/22/04 06:03:33 PM GMT
Just received the following email from Erik Johnson at Valve. The patch should come out no later than tomorrow.
We've found a fix for this problem, and we're planning on shipping it no later than tomorrow"
I WAS using the leaked 67.20 drivers a couple of days ago. These new 'Evolution' drivers are allegedly based on those drivers but have basically been modified by some Joe in the street. Some people say they could conceal a CD-keystealer or something malicious.
what is up with this game! not only am i getting the stuttering audio/graphics bugs that everyone else is getting, but also the logo in game is showing up as HALF-LIFE' instead of HALF-LIFE2 (single quotation mark in the right corner instead of a 2) also it screwed up my mouse and keyboard, for instance when you tap the forward key you just slide forward until you hit a wall, and it affected all the games i have, the controls work the same way, almost like theres a delay in the keyboard/mouse controls, very bizarre - i did a system restore to the day before i installed HL2/steam and it works fine now, until i install HL2/steam again (which i wont do until the patch is released)... but has anyone else gotten the logo bug or movement bugs?
mattexxo said:
DRIVER NVIDIA 67.20 BETA (optimized for hl2!) what? more than an hour and nobody says that new forceware are out?

What's New ? :
- Optimization "D3D/OGL" SM2.0/SM3.0 Only For FX/GT cards "6800/6600/5900/5700" (Alpha version)
- Optimum performance for the games to bases source engine/other engine (All cards NVIDIA"no MX")
Game : Half life 2 , Counter Strike Source , Far Cry , Doom 3, Vampire....
- Bug Fix : Stuttering "half life 2" , Water "Shader 2.0" etc...
- Optimum Quality 2D/3D and Desktop
- Boost and Bug fix 1080i (WMV HD)


I just want to play the game.. Hurry up with the patch !!

How about another update.
Fix for "Stuttering Issue" May Require Additional Day Comment!
11/23/2004 10:20 PST | Half-Life 2 | by Pratt
Just got this email from VALVe's Erik Johnson concerning the expected bugfix for the famous "Stuttering Issue":
We're still working through some testing on this release. It might be something we'll want to hold for another day and release tomorrow.
Sit tight, Half-Life fans. VALVe is very aggresive about fixing these kinds of problems (and getting them done right). We'll continue keep you updated as soon as we hear anything new.

Just found this at
Fix for "Stuttering Issue" May Require Additional Day

Just got this email from VALVe's Erik Johnson concerning the expected bugfix for the famous "Stuttering Issue":
We're still working through some testing on this release. It might be something we'll want to hold for another day and release tomorrow.
Sit tight, Half-Life fans. VALVe is very aggresive about fixing these kinds of problems (and getting them done right). We'll continue keep you updated as soon as we hear anything new.

Dammit! :(, oh well, 1 more day.

Edit: LOL Pingu20, looks like you were quicker. :)
Sharpfish said:
"at the latest" ;)

I suppose it is good they are testing it well before release anyway.

Somethings just occured to me. I dont want to be a pessimist, and im sure VALVe are doing a great job. But surley if they need "more" time to test it dosent that give the impression that their first attempt to fix it didnt work?

I dunno, maybe im just looking into what they said too much. Sure it will be fine. Cant wait to play!

:) :) :)
They might have the fix done...they just want to see if it works on a variety of machines... They don't want people to yell at them because the fix only works on a handful of people's computers....

People just can't understand that they have to program for everyone's computers not just theirs... Its tough...
Bluechair said:
They might have the fix done...they just want to see if it works on a variety of machines... They don't want people to yell at them because the fix only works on a handful of people's computers....

People just can't understand that they have to program for everyone's computers not just theirs... Its tough...

agree! but this waiting its really eating up my nerves!
Patience, guys. It's not like Valve had FOREVER to make this game. What do you expect from this really rushed game? :rolling:
Pippinator said:
yeh, read up about 7 posts, and dont waste our bandwidth again!

As long as it is 100 % fully working, if so i am prepared to wait till the weekend so i can assault the game all weekend. Twice if need be lol
Oh dear....

I just did some tests. I ran both HL: Source, and the original HL off of steam, and the stuttering sound is STILL there in both of them. This has me really concerned now that it's not Source Engine related, since the original HL obviously does not use the Source engine. The stuttering occurred in the original HL even when enabling the EAX hardware option, although I don't know if it's still trying to use the Miles Audio. At any rate, I posted on the steam forums that I had tried using the MSS sound player and got the same type of stuttering on MP3's. I'm now nearly convinced that it's, at least on my machine, an MSS issue, and unless the forthcoming patch deals with that, it probably won't fix it.

At least, I'm not holding my breath.
Are you realizing that even after this patch, the game will still stutter and freeze at autosave points?

You need to understand that there are two different things we are experiencing that are very alike:
the autosaving freezes, which occur at the same places every time we play and result in short freezes and audio stutters, and then there's the random sound stuttering that Valve is fixing right now. But when they have done that, the suttering which occur when the game is autosaving will still be there, so the thing we all need right now is information on how to get that autosaving disabled.. Please dig the internet for this information, i sent a mail to valve software, however i doubt they will answer it. Sorry if i sound rude and commanding, it's just that im so annoyed over this, i tried to play the last chapters of HL2 tonight but the immersion is so ruined by all the autosave points, and the fact that hey HAVE to happen in the most climactic and intense moments makes it all much worse, examples :
when taking down gunships on many places in the game, it autosaves and puts in a short freeze before the ships blow off, and in the chapter with the snipers when you take out the last one it freezes before the sniper falls out of the window for example. And in the beginning when the dude in the building says "over here, quick" and he's blocking the door for the civil protection, it freezes.

As i said i don't want to sound rude, just inform you that unless you find some way to disable the autosaving, you will get disappointed when the patch finally arrives since the worst freezes and stutters will still be there.
But, as I mentioned, I really don't think that it's the autosaves that are the problem for me, since I get the stuttering using the MSS player with exactly the same character as the stuttering in-game.
HamsterErik said:
the thing we all need right now is information on how to get that autosaving disabled..
1. Go to <steam installation folder>\SteamApps\half-life 2\hl2\SAVE
2. Select all the files containing "autosave", then right-click them, select Properties, check Read Only, click OK.

Done :)
Yeah, it's annoying we have to wait a little longer, but if it's for testing to make sure it works fine, it's worth it.
I don't know what the status is on the patch but I just logged into steam and it updated again.
Something tells me that this "one more day" is going to drag on for quite a few more than that...
Steam Client Update Released
November 23, 2004, 6:33 pm · valve
A platform update is available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The change includes:

No longer require "remember password" to be checked to play offline

aka: this is not the patch we're waiting for.
+aka: no further patch today, or they would have put that in the same steam update
Yeah. Oh, well. Tomorrow it is...which I guess is fine since I've got only a half-day at work. :)

Hey, as long as it's tested well and it works, it's worth the wait. Then I can finish playing the game past Ravenholm!
There was never an official release date for any patch. Erik Johnson simply told some people they were getting it out today, then said they'd want to wait another day to get some testing in. There was never an official announcement is what I'm saying.

If it had been on Steam's front page, then I'd be miffed.
Found this quite odd.

I downloaded a hacked version of the game a few days ago to see if it would run on my hardware well. I didn't notice any stuttering issues, and i played through the first chapter of the single game.

I then went and bought the game, installed it and now get the stuttering everytime anything any new sound occurs in the game.

Dropping the hardware acceleration to none in DxDiag helped greatly though. (I have an Audigy Gamer)
there's been reports of the hacked version working much better than the legit version..which is sad to say the least..
I dont get it

EDIT: my friend just explained it to me, seems i dont get it becuase i havnt been able to play the game becuase of this f*cking bug :)
You're obviously not that far in the game.

Play for a while longer and you'll's so true.
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