Audio Problems with HL2

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Yes, there was a patch. Steam updated HL2. Again, it's just that the patch doesn't ****ing work.
Ohh i read it wrong then on the Steampowered website, it looked like a work around on how to improve the stuttering not a HL2 Patch, its says Halflife 2 update.

My stuttering is finally gone! I think I finally found the culprit on my system, and combined with the patch I have NO MORE STUTTERING. Here is what happened. Basically, last night, I did a format and reinstall of Windows XP. After that was all done, I got the latest sound and video drivers. This time around, I went ahead and used the onboard AC 97 card on my MB. Well, I finally got HL2 downloaded again and fired it up. Guess what, it still stuttered! So, I waited for the patch. When the patch came out, I tried it again. Same thing, still stuttering, although I noticed that the hitch when the G-man says your time has co-come was no longer there, so I think the patch did indeed do something.

Finally, I had a flash of inspiration. I have a Giga-byte 8PE667 Ultra MB and an 80g ATA133 capable Maxtor HD. So, in order to get the ATA133 transfer rates, I had my main HD set up on IDE channel 3 using the Promise MBUltra133 RAID controller in ATA mode ( I had another older 40 gig hard drive set up on IDE channel 1 just for storage) . Looking on some forums on the net, I noticed that some people had problems with stuttering audio with this kind of configuration. I noticed I was getting stuttering in audio using DirectSound even outside of the game To make a long story short, I simply swapped the cables so that my main HD was on IDE channel 1, which only supports ATA 100, but what the hey. Booted up, started up HL2: no stuttering at all!

I suggest people with similar configurations to mine take a look at how they have their boot configuration set up.
The patch increases loading times lowers fps (too many textures in agp memory..that's what the new cvar does), doesn't remove a single stutter.

Too bad, I was just getting in the mood too.

The guy who makes this website
If it works for him, you reckon he will stop updating? hehe I know I probably would...but he needs to e-mail gabe, erik, yahn or whoever made this patch and tell them that they should add support for directsound as an alternative to miles audio(and it's cpu usage, bad coding), because frankly more evidence pointed to that than to textures being too slow to load on the fly.
No help!!!!!

My first post. I just got access to post and I applied the day after the game came out. Guess that means the board is overloaded with new members? ;) Same problem for me here.

Athalon xp 3200
Abit AN7 motherboard
1 gig kingston ram pc3200
ATI 9800xt pro w/256megs
2x 200 meg maxtor hds 7200rpm 8meg buff
Audigy 2 sound

What gets me is i installed this on my son's computer and it runs perfect. No studdering!!! His specs are.

Athalon xp3000
Cheapie gigabyte MB from Frys
1 gig corsier pc2700 ram
ATI 9700 pro All in wonder 128megs
Soundblaster live!
40 gig Maxtor 7200rpm 8meg buff

I can play the game on mine but it is very choppy when turning a corner or new sounds play. Patch did not help. Although G-man's speech is better in the sense he dosn't studder as much anymore. But the quality of his voice is not as clean and there is crackeling now!

Get it right Valve! This is crazy. Somone should loose their job for this one! I smell a class action lawsuit in the works. This is just to big. I'll give them 30 days to fix it. After that all bets are off!
Wthrman13 is off to a good start. Everyone READ this:

I did the following, and while it did not eliminate stuttering completely, it reduced it to a level that looks more like extremely fast precaching than it does locking up (in most cases).

What I did:

1. Reduced transfer mode from DMA133 to 100. This in fact increased my realtime transfer rate by a good 6 or 7 megs/sec and there is less loading while playing HL2. I am using the nForce IDE driver, version 2.6. But it's funny, the overall performance of my hard drive has improved. :| Confused too?

2. In Control Panel > System > Advanced:

Processor scheduling:

Memory Usage:
System Cache

In Control Panel > System > Data Execution Prevention:
Turn on only for programs you specify

Virtual memory:
x1.5 the amount of installed memory
For example if you have 512MB, make the size 768MB. Set this for MINIMUM and MAXIMUM.

Reboot, try playing and see what results you get.

This has helped a lot so far... the problem isn't completely gone, but at least the game seems playable. Before, it would completely stop every five seconds.

Share your results!
I did not see it update at didn't think it did. Nothing in message saying HL2 updated (which apparently some people got???).

However, upon trying to play the game just to see, my stuttering is worse than it was and load times may have been a tad longer so I think it might have indeed changed. Much more frequent stuttering, and even a bit of a staticy sound that I don't think was there before. *sigh* Either that, or nothing changed and the game doesn't like me tonight, but I had just rebooted not long ago...

If it *did* update, I'd certainly also like to be able to tell... There needs to be some kind of accurate history of these things...and if there is one, I can't find it. (There seems to be one if you right click on HL2...forget the name of the option...but it didn't say anything new past release.)
sgupta said:
However, upon trying to play the game just to see, my stuttering is worse than it was and load times may have been a tad longer so I think it might have indeed changed. Much more frequent stuttering, and even a bit of a staticy sound that I don't think was there before. *sigh*

Exact same results here.

When I stopped playing last night at 11pm (9hours ago now) I shut down and restarted STEAM and there was an update that was finished within seconds.
I doubt that it contained of MegBytes, maybe a few hundreds of kB´s. Maybe just some tweaking and a new cvar ?
Can´t wait to knock off and see what it did to my system.
@sguta: There´s a new thread called "So this is the patch" or so. In there you find a link to the update-page.


that patch was to disable a remember password feature or something, new patch came out just a few hours ago.

I already posted my problem a week ago and told everyone I got rid of it by formatting my c: drive and setting up Windows XP with nothing but video and sound drivers. Well, I didn´t. After a few restarts the problem was back. Now everything seems to run fine though.
The only things I did change on my system was using the Omega drivers for my 9800se (sucker edition) which gave me a wonderful + 20 fps since it uses the soft-mod for se cards AND I installed the Intel Chipsets Software Installation Utility for my Asus P4P800 deluxe board which can be downloaded here:

Except for minor stutters when entering a new area or when saving everything runs smooth now. So this tip is for everyone using a chipset that is supported by that Intel tool and who isn´t too frustrated to try another possible problem solver.

Good luck and may the crowbar be with you!

ChronosWing said:
that patch was to disable a remember password feature or something, new patch came out just a few hours ago.

No, that one was already done.

I think I will give ANY of the updates a miss then at this time, I do have stutters on autosave and loading of new areas, but it is mostly gone after a few seconds and have managed to play through Nova Prospekt. I would hate the game to get WORSE at this stage so I'll stick with what I have until further patches are tested (the only thing I did was the autoexec.cfg, used Contig on my whole drive, and used -console -heapsize (mem) on the launch properties, and it is now playable - but we already know that doesn't work for many :( )

"Next week we will be releasing the Source SDK, along with a surprise for the community."

A suprise? don't tell me, a fully working version of HL2 for *everyone* ;)

What a joke.
So I heard a patch was finally posted. I loaded it up excited to finally play the game. And guess what? Still crap. This just makes me want to:
i also get this stuttering bug, but more often then not when i get it half life shuts down to desktop without a message. on some occasions it will totally lock up and i will have to reset my puter. funny thing is this exact same thing happend to me on my old computer with hl1 one. music would skip out then game would crash. in win98 it would just lock up whole computer. in winxp you could recover and would simply go to desktop, like what is currently happening to my computer with hl2. do you reckon this stutter bug is the same thing that is making my hl2 crash or do you think it is something else. i have read through a few pages of threads and couldnt see anyone with same problem. thanks in advanced

here is a page of my systems info.
A **** up. If the patch is'nt working today later (I'm @ work right now), I'll bring it back to the store.
Or eat the hole damn thing or burn it or what...
I got this update and it was added to my original HL2 installation with all he crazy config stuff ect. The stuttering was bad, perhaps worse than before.
Then I reinstalled except with no mods to config or anything and it was better!!
I really really hope that wasn't the full patch!!!! I haven't tried the game yet, but have been reading through the forums, just loaded steam and the hl2 update took literally about half a second, blink and you'll miss it!!! It must've only been about 200kb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great...before patch, no problems...after patch, audio stuttering and resulting mini freezes. Please fix!! NOW!! :E

My system:

Athlon 64 3400+
1024 mb ram
Geforce 6800gt (no overclock)
Asus K8N-E Deluxe
Other stuff...
FuriousDude said:
Great...before patch, no problems...after patch, audio stuttering and resulting mini freezes. Please fix!! NOW!! :E

My system:

Athlon 64 3400+
1024 mb ram
Geforce 6800gt (no overclock)
Asus K8N-E Deluxe
Other stuff...

You can disable the patch apparantly by typing in "mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0" in the console.

If you have thet patch then that command will work, to use the patch set it to 1 (default unless on nvidia card). Tho for me the patch does nothing.

Stupid patch killed my framerate. My timedemo score went from 68fps to 40. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Jak said:
You can disable the patch apparantly by typing in "mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0" in the console.

If you have thet patch then that command will work, to use the patch set it to 1 (default unless on nvidia card). Tho for me the patch does nothing.

So that command is the patch? And what's this about 'unless of NVIDIA card'? So is this command nor recommended for NVIDIA hardware? In any case this command does f**k all to my game. The problem is still there.
patch fixed my problem thanx Valve for your quick service :D

I can even play mp3 from winamp at same time as game now and no stutters at all :D
So is this command nor recommended for NVIDIA hardware?
According to Gary McTaggart he says they are still working on sorting an additional bug with Nvidia cards....but try it at 1, if it goes then carry on if it doesn't set it back to 0 and cry like the rest of us
dogboy73 said:
So that command is the patch? And what's this about 'unless of NVIDIA card'? So is this command nor recommended for NVIDIA hardware? In any case this command does f**k all to my game. The problem is still there.

Valve said that with nvidia cards its set to 0 by default, probably because of the other issue with nvidia cards that they havnt fixed yet. Mind u, by the looks of things they havnt fixed anything.
So just to confirm - The 'mat_forcetextureintohardware' command is the patch? This command wasn't there before?

Does nothing for me anyway :-( This is getting silly now,
by the looks of things they havnt fixed anything.
So true!

We need a solution at the lowest level, not some workaround that tries to mask the issue by preloading all the textures, the engine really suffers with scripted sequences and I'm surprised given people's descriptions to valve that they would suddenly hone in on makes no sense.
The sound stuttering seems to have gone from major annoyance to acceptable stut... I'm pleased.
The patch gave me a massive framerate drops and even more stutters.
Way to go Valve!
Snap. A 30fps loss is expensive to say the least for this patch. Not that it even works for me.
same issue...
after this update *ahem*, nothing is getting better it's even getting wors than before!!

damn :-((((
Squeetard said:
Stupid patch killed my framerate. My timedemo score went from 68fps to 40. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Same here. I was getting 49 fps and now 19.
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