Audiosurf worth getting?

Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
If I listen to a lot of music it will entertain me for a long time right?

what other games for around $10 are worth getting on steam?
Definitely worth it, but why don't you just play the demo first? :p
If you like the demo, it's worth it. And rock music works perfectly well.
Some rock works, some doesn't. It depends on how loud it is I think, if the guitars and vocals are constantly blaring and drowning everything else out then it won't be able to pick up the beat or anything else. I find it's best to use something with mellower guitars and punchy drums.

But yeah, if you like the demo it's definitely worth your ten bux.
Yes, very fun game. Good to just play for a bit and get your mind off things I find :)
There was a therad like this before. I said something like "it gets boring after 10 minutes."
It's okay, got old for me pretty quick though.
i'm not sure if any of you boys listen to Hardcore or not but does that work okay on this game?
My friend told me this a while ago and I agree with him completely; it's not a game meant to be played when you're sitting on a comp. This type of game is perfect as an on-the-go type of game, but not as one where you sit down to play it.

I enjoyed it the first few times, but it got old real fast. There was simply more things I could opt to play / do while on the computer and it just couldn't hold me for long. That said, I applaud it for it's ingenuity and design, it's just that I think it's on the wrong format.
Audiosurf is a great chill game, or for me it was atleast, still play it sometimes
It's very good. But does get old if you play it too much. That said, it depends how long your attention span for bright colours and fast moving objects is.
I don't play Audiosurf as a game, with a score to beat and so on. I use it to relax and have some mindless fun with my favourite music.
I juist got it today. It's downloading right now, but from the vids on YouTube and the demo, it's a good buy.
I enjoyed the hell out of it for the first few days, and still play it on occasion, especially when getting new music. It's very fun.
I treat it as an alternative music visualiser. It's worth it, methinks.