

Party Escort Bot
Jul 10, 2006
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"Don't tell me you're going to wear those sunglasses during a night operation!"
"My vision is augmented"
-- Anna Navarre and JC Denton, UNATCO

Suspend your disbelief for a moment, as I have a simple question: if given the opportunity to augment yourself, with a 100% success rate, would you do it? If so, how? Eye implants? Brain-machine interfaces (Neural interfaces)? Nanomachine injections? DNA splicing?

Personally, the very first thing I'd go for is a neural interface (the unwieldy human hands will stop being an issue when it comes to art and surfing), with an advanced eye implant (vision enhancements) and possibly musle and/or skeleton reinfored with synthetic fibers and durable materials.

So, what would you get if you decided to?

(cross-posted to see different results on different fora)
Probably. I'd go for mechadendrites and god-knows what. Bionic eye and robotic arm.

-Angry Lawyer


all things considered there are very few augmentations that would be all that useful for a civilian - unless there was a self healing nanobot tech that granted youthful immortality :)
I see eyes are the usual choice, which is understandable, our vision is what usually forms a majority of the world we perceive...

For all those hardware upgrades... imagine how virii would affect you ;)

And Samon, how about a "skul-gun" if you catch my drift?
i would probably not want to change anything in my body
Eyes of the Hawk
Ears of the Wolf
Strength of the Bear
Speed of the Puma
Exactly how I feel. I just feel there would be something very wrong in body alterations/mods.

Yeah.. but..what about LASER EYES?!!?!?!!1
Yeah.. but..what about LASER EYES?!!?!?!!1

that could actually be pretty useful 8)

IF I had to pick something it'd probably be something like the regeneration of bodily tissue. If I get my fingers blown off, my fingers regrow again in about a week. I'd have to eat a lot to produce the substances (carbs, acids, proteins) with, of course, an enhanced metabolism.
I see eyes are the usual choice, which is understandable, our vision is what usually forms a majority of the world we perceive...

For all those hardware upgrades... imagine how virii would affect you ;)

And Samon, how about a "skul-gun" if you catch my drift?

Having it directly linked to nerve endings in your brain would protect you from viruses, unless said virii affected my brain directly. In which case, the augmentations are the last thing you'll care about.

-Angry Lawyer
Enhanced senses. All of them. I want to be able to navigate based on the vibrations in the earth alone. Being half-blind is not a good feeling.

And the bare-basics super-strength package would be nice too.
Probably some sort of augmented vision. My eye-sight is currently perfect, but I'd love like Nightvision, Infra-red sensing, heat sensing, and like a zoom function. That would be so awesome.
Also I'd probably have augmented muscles, probably just my normal muscles lined with nanotechnology that increases the maximum weight I can lift and durability, but because it's not like proper robotic, I won't lose how I currently look. I'd get them in my arms and legs so I could jump really high. That'd be sweet.
Also I'd probably get part gene-splicing with something aquatic so I could breathe underwater.

Y'know. The usual.
Eyes (if I could just see things clear from more than two feet away it would be one *hell* of an improvement.) and the telepathic ability to drive people insane using only my thoughts... Just so I could watch it happen.
I just don't want to pay for contacts anymore...

Also sometimes I feel as weak as a little kitten. Make me stronger.
What a silly question....I'd want a cannon in my chest of course.
So far very interesting results... eyes, memory and pushing back limitations of the flesh are the areas most interesting...

Now, would you prefer them cosmetically neutral Strogg like?
I want something that'll keep me fit for some time.(1)

(1) Thing must keep individual fitter than 8 cases of Bawls
I'd want: a Secondary heart, an Ossmodula, a Neuroglottis, a Haemastamen, a Larramans Organ, a Catalepsean Node, a Premnor, an Omophagea, a Multi-Lung, a pair of Lymans Ears, a Sus-an Membrane, a Melanchrome, an Oolitic Kidney, a Biscopea, a Mucranoid, a Betchers Gland, a pair of Progenoids, an Occulobe and an interface.

Me after augmentations:


But I'm too damn old. So I'll settle for nano tech that makes me stronger, faster, tougher, etc and forever youthful
So far very interesting results... eyes, memory and pushing back limitations of the flesh are the areas most interesting...

Now, would you prefer them cosmetically neutral Strogg like?
Cosmetically neutral, definitely.

What I'd want is a cybernetic skeleton that gives me the ability to perform any martial art or outlandish stunt I care to choose, and some sort of nanotech shock absorber/resistor/transformer that would be laced throughout my body, which would a) prevent my flesh from tearing off when I land on things, b) prevent my flesh from being otherwise damaged beyond slight bruising, and c) absorb physical shock energy and transform it into stored energy to power my cybernetic skeleton.

I'd look completely average, but I'd completely pwn.
I'd never get anything done to my brain, I'd be paranoid about that

Super-eyes sound good though.
I would get my bones augmented. They would be formed of trillions of tiny robots that could shift position with ease. I'd essentially be a giant amorphous blob, and reconstruct my bones in any fashion that I desired, so that I could take the appearance of anybody or anything I wanted. Also my skin would be augmented to be able to change color or spontaneously grow fur/hair if I needed to.
if you did have the chance there would be set things you could get, without these rules this thread is basically a 'what superpower would you chose thread'.

Blame! rocks.

Like everyone else something with eyes maybe a zoom feature or something like that. As long as my eyes glow a faint blue its all good :D

Also strength and more durable body, oh and super speed and super jumping >_>. None of that laser cannon nonsense, I'll just punch your jaw square off
For some reason that BBS message always freaked me out.

I want ability from Deus Ex to wirelessly hack into computers and cash dispensers. :borg:
People use augmentations everyday - glasses, iPods, cars etc :shh:
True, but these augmentations are external and are not self-powered. The augs I'm taking into account are thos that can be integrated and powered by one's body (suspension of disbelief).
Seriously, I was just gonna spam Deus Ex quotes all over the place in this thread.

But I wouldn't mind integrated augmentations. I have horrible eyesight so getting better eyes with night vision, thermal vision, and zoom capabilities would be ace.