
You're lucky that Angry Lawyer isn't on watch tonight DEM.

Wait, HE IS?!!?
An empathy chip. Make your enemies close, and your friends closer.
Aye, that's bw neat.

Also, for wireless hacks, imagine hacking a pacemaker...
I want something in my brain that records all i see and hear. That way I never have to trust a faulty memory or someone else's words.

"Sean! I told you to take out the garbage!!"
"No you didnt"

I suppose I would also need a mini-projector in my eye so that i can play back video for people to see.
Shit, I'd go all out with many of the things mentioned in this thread.
Stronger skeleton, tougher skin, stronger muscles, more flexibility...
Increased brainpower, thinking and processing thoughts many times faster than normal...enhanced memory...
Various vision enhancements...

Another weird thing I would change if I could: Body hair.
I'd have very thin and short hair on my head, no damn facial hair (except for eyebrows/lashes), and very thin body hair (including pubes I guess). It would all be fairly colorless, thin, and never grow any longer. No more eye lashes falling out into my cereal every morning!
I'd rather not do anything at all and remain human, I'm one of those fanatics that find it disgusting how mankind are raping both evolution and the earth itself, what we need is a limited worldwide nuclear war, that eliminates atleast 75% of the world population. We need to bring people back to their natural roots, not further away from them damnit.
I'd be fine with augmentation if it was necessary for the job, say maybe if you needed it to mine in a very dangerous area in outer space, but for 'pleasure' for the average person? No.
Vision modes in my eyes like Predator kinda, and some kinda agility augmentation so I can go around all ninja n' shit
"Don't tell me you're going to wear those sunglasses during a night operation!"
"My vision is augmented"
-- Anna Navarre and JC Denton, UNATCO

Suspend your disbelief for a moment, as I have a simple question: if given the opportunity to augment yourself, with a 100% success rate, would you do it? If so, how? Eye implants? Brain-machine interfaces (Neural interfaces)? Nanomachine injections? DNA splicing?
It's not about suspending your disbelief -
I'd rather not do anything at all and remain human, I'm one of those fanatics that find it disgusting how mankind are raping both evolution and the earth itself, what we need is a limited worldwide nuclear war, that eliminates atleast 75% of the world population. We need to bring people back to their natural roots, not further away from them damnit.
I'd be fine with augmentation if it was necessary for the job, say maybe if you needed it to mine in a very dangerous area in outer space, but for 'pleasure' for the average person? No.
You first?
Solaris, you mean I should die first? Perhaps, how would I know, though I doubt it, I doubt Sweden would be a target incase of a major nuclear exchange, though it's possible that norway would be, and that's close to us.
I'd go Halo.
Be like the Master Cheif.
Only with wings and a built in organic grav gun.

pwnaaaage... it'd be like Gordon + Master Chief.
I'd rather not do anything at all and remain human, I'm one of those fanatics that find it disgusting how mankind are raping both evolution and the earth itself, what we need is a limited worldwide nuclear war, that eliminates at least 75% of the world population. We need to bring people back to their natural roots, not further away from them damnit.
I'd be fine with augmentation if it was necessary for the job, say maybe if you needed it to mine in a very dangerous area in outer space, but for 'pleasure' for the average person? No.

Why? Thats the stupidest shit ive heard all day (I just woke up :P). But really... why would we want to become more like animals? I think our goal as humans should be to transcend our physical selves, increasing our mental and physical abilities. I think as a whole, we are right now much too animalistic in our behavior, and it is causing a lot of pain to innocent people. I believe we need to get further away from it, and never return to our "natural roots".

And my method doesnt involve nuking 75% of the world population. (which btw would totally wreak havoc upon our planet... which you claim to want to save)
I'd go Halo.
Be like the Master Cheif.
Only with wings and a built in organic grav gun.

pwnaaaage... it'd be like Gordon + Master Chief.

Master Freeman. Woah, u pwnl0rdzzzz!!!111one the combine and convenant.
Neural Interface and the Uber High Jump.. Oh, and maybe distant hacking or cloaking
Master Freeman. Woah, u pwnl0rdzzzz!!!111one the combine and convenant.
Or Gordon Chief, performing low-level scientific duties in a research station on a planet that nobody knows about.
Master Freeman would be more appropriate and sounds better...

Hmmm... after reading your posts I start thinking about wireless hacking... though it could potentially work the OTHER way round.