Augmented Reality, HL2 + MoCap + HMD = The Allusion Project



I am trying to find a team of programmers and 3d modelers..among many other people with a variety of backgrounds to work on the Allusion Project.

The project is simple in concept, and I believe is not that far off in reality. Create an Augmented Reality Environment using a high end gaming engine such as HL2's engine, combine it with motion capture or tracking (IR) possibly using OpenCV libraries, track users movements in a large space (think laser tag environment), use transparent Head Mounted Display with stereographic capabilities to display the imagery.

The result would be a completely immersive environment in which you would see everything as in any HL2 mod/game, but you would be able to physically walk around everything and see it adjust to your movements in real-time as if you were physically in the game.

The weapons could be real physical motion tracked objects to make the game more realistic, yet shoot virtual rockets, grenades, whatever...the environment could be mostly real, but could show damage from the various weapons...and character models could be animated by other players physically in the gaming environment and overlaid to replace parts of the player with a 3d model.

The applications for an Augmented Reality Environment would go far beyond gaming. Currently AR is only being used by the military and a few companies for gimmicky thoughtless projects, most of which are trying to create a 3d engine in the process.

We have everything we need to create this system/environment/game whatever you want to call it, all that needs to be done is to connect all the pieces of the puzzle.

We have a gaming engine and it's damn good. We have powerful real-time motion capture, we have high speed wi-fi, high-quality light-weight Head Mounted Displays, small powerful computers capable of pushing TeraFlops and advanced robotics for physical interactions...this can be done.

If you are interested in helping with the Allusion Project, please contact Chris Rojas at [email protected].
So... you own a mocap studio?