authentic vision test

Wait a minute...i've done this before(I noe the truth)
And it's that u get to see bunnies at the end.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Wait a minute...i've done this before(I noe the truth)
And it's that u get to see bunnies at the end.

wtfzer!? :dozey:
that was pretty dumb, i liked the room one with the alien kid better.
yeah, i was like "wtf is that number?!?!?!?!!!111" and then I was all like "ahmfg, crazy woman!":afro:
lol, I haven't seen that one before.

I could only see one of those numbers... :(
coming from ablinoblacksheep webitsite, your always got to be wary
Originally posted by vitale
coming from ablinoblacksheep webitsite, your always got to be wary

pfft, no, that site ownz.

I love the vid of the guy playing mario songs on the piano, even the star part :eek:
This is the 2nd ****ing one ive fallen for.
I sooo knew that was gonna happen just seeing it was from Albino Black sheep. Thats why gladly didnt wear my headphones.
Ok, that's the SECOND TIME this week. Great, my heart rate has increased by 50.
omg im a wuss and im home alone and that sacarfed the (you know what) out of me ;(
these were entertaining for awhile, but I think I've seen and or sent every single one in existance...
Kikia still kicks all of them out of the playing field, but it did scare me ;)