Author of Crayon Shin missing.

I don't know about some of you but it's really hard for me to feel sympathy for random dead people. Even if it were someone who created a project that I loved, I don't think I'd feel sympathy if he died. Like flamingdts said I'd just be bummed if they left behind something unfinished.
Well that's just because your soul is a mass of dripping black ooze that only cares about self-gratification and power.
No, I think that's ridiculous assumption to say that most people feel that way, and quite telling.

Obviously, if it was something I was a big fan of, there would be great disappointment that the work was incomplete and never to be finished.

But if I had been following the artist for a while, and had become a fan, I would be very saddened to know that they died. In fact, I would feel bad for the artist, because I would know that their work meant a lot to them and they would have liked to finish their masterpiece.

I guess it depends. Obviously, it's hard to care about someone dying if you don't know them at all. It's a statistic. But I feel like I get to understand, relate to, and sometimes know people through their work.

Just for the record, I've seen maybe 30 seconds of this cartoon 'Crayon Shin', by chance.

Like I said, some grew up with crayon shin, not the author of it. They will of course feel very saddened by the fact that the writer is dead, but to them it's more disappointing to know that something they grew up with (and for over 15 years as well) will end so abruptly.

You may think the lost of the author's life is more important, since you do not follow the manga/show. To many others, the lost of the author's life is devastating, but the abrupt ending to the manga/show is even more devastating.

There is a reason people tend to recognize the products and not it's creator. Ask anyone whether they've heard of the movie "The Godfather". They will probably say "yes". Ask them whether they know the creator behind this movie, and they will probably say "I don't know".

You've seen 30 seconds of crayon shin, the show means nothing to you, which is why the lost of the author's life seems much more saddening for you (and humanly so).
You've seen 30 seconds of crayon shin, the show means nothing to you, which is why the lost of the author's life seems much more saddening for you (and humanly so).
Er no, it's because I'm not a horrible and selfish robot who cares not for the hand that feeds, but the food itself.
I don't care about the guy being dead nor do I care about the show at all, if that makes you feel better.
I don't know about some of you but it's really hard for me to feel sympathy for random dead people. Even if it were someone who created a project that I loved, I don't think I'd feel sympathy if he died. Like flamingdts said I'd just be bummed if they left behind something unfinished.

If George R.R. Martin died, thats how I would feel. He only has two books left to write to finish his A Song of Ice and Fire series, but its been four god damn years since the last one and he missed his own release date by over a year now and theres still no signs that its even close to being finished. I will be more pissed than sympathetic if he doesnt finish the story. Hes old and fat, so hes doesnt have much time left. Hurry up damn it!
Er no, it's because I'm not a horrible and selfish robot who cares not for the hand that feeds, but the food itself.

Then it's difference of opinion and this arguement should end at that. It doesn't make me selfish if I feel his work is more important than him, it just makes me feel his work means more to me than the author himself.

The moment Marc Laidlaw dies (touchwood) I can bet the first thought to cross your mind is "what will happen to Half Life now?" and not "I hope all his wishes were fulfilled before he died etc." That doesn't make you a horrible and selfish human being, it just means Half Life means more to you. Does that mean you absolutely don't care about Marc Laidlaw? Of course not! It's ridiculous for you to believe a random human life will always mean more to another human being than an object. Not everyone is willing to throw away their life savings for some random dude on the street who needs a heart transplant. In fact, the majority will say "can't someone else do it?".

Update: The body has been identified to be the author. The author of Crayon Shin is officially dead.
People should stop going on hikes alone. If you're gonna die at least take someone with you and use the buddy system.
Preferably lots of people. I'm taking all you ****ers with me when I die.

You may strap yourself with E-xplosives and blow the forum up, killing my E-body, but you'll never get my real persona!