

Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
I hate this feature in TF2. Your on this team that is kicking butt and then all of a sudden you die. Then to add insult to injury, it says you are attacking/defending. It makes me angry because I had so much team spirit for my team, trying to do whatever for my team, and then now I have to support the team that I was just against. I understand it's for balancing purposes but it sucks the big one.
I have mixed feelings on auto-balance, becuase on one hand I hate it with every fiber of my being when I or one of my friends get plucked and placed on another team, but on the flip side it's nice when were getting dominated and everyone is jumping ship to balance it out a little bit.

edit: If anything it should be adjusted so that it wont take the winning teams top 5 scoreboard leaders.
Or shut off the feature altogether when it's a 3V3 and someone joins.
They should make it so that the last person(s) to join the server is the one who gets switched.
They should make clan recognisability.
People sympathize with me when I get auto'ed :(

Yeah I hate it for the same reasons.
I'm fine with it - it's fun to joke with the people that you used to be on a team with (and I this seems to be better than having stacked teams)
I kind of like it, it often breaks up clans who are team stacking, but on the other hand, it can be very annoying when it happens to me.
I swear, 50% of the time I get switched is at least a minute before the team I get switched to is beaten.

5% is when I get switched to winning team.

10% is switched to losing team that loses in less then 15 seconds.

35% Is just plain annoying.
Best idea so far.
I'm pretty sure that's what it does. Within a certain time period, at least - not sure about when the game's been going on for a while - the most-recently-joined player on a team is the one who gets switched over.
No, it goes by points. It just so happens that the person with the lowest score is usually the last one to join. That's why when I join an unbalanced game, I usually work my ass off to at least climb a few spots on the leaderboard.
Ok, This is a hellish big thing for me...

I am a Spy ALOT, and I love annoying engineers by sneaking up behind them, sapping their equipment and then stabbing them quickly before the stuff is brought back online, just as I do this, I usually punch a large hole in the enemy defence or offence, eventually meaning they will lost the match because of this hole. Around the 60 second mark, if I am killed while destroying some equitment, the game always feels that I, the person who is making a large impact on our teams victory or loss, should be auto team balanced, this is so sudden that I don't have time to repair my damage before the match is over, and my team loses...

This is one reason why I despise this event in the game, however, it can be extremely benefitial...

Such as bringing the games best player onto your team
or bringing your worst nemisis onto your side so you can fight along side...

Its a big decision and I can't answer it now...

Maybe after a few rounds I might :D
I don't like it but for different reason then most here.
It's because more often then not it prevents actual
balancing. It just there to keep the amount of people even.
So when I want to switch to the losing team to balance things out,
it won't let me, if the other team has as many people as my team.

I would just make it so it doesn't switch engineers, because they
can have vital teleports and sentries, and it doesn't switch people
when the losing team has nearly lost.

I would definitely want it to switch the top players first seeing
as they can make the most difference, and since I personally play
only on pubs I have no particular loyalty to my team and it doesn't
bother me be switched.
I think it picks the first player who has more points than the leading player of the opposite team.

At least that's usually what happens to me.

(my god, i sure did awful that day)
I swear, 50% of the time I get switched is at least a minute before the team I get switched to is beaten.

5% is when I get switched to winning team.

10% is switched to losing team that loses in less then 15 seconds.

35% Is just plain annoying.

84% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Seriously though, the only worse than being auto-switched is being a losing team with 2 less people than the winning team because each round the worse players quit the server and the better players switch to the winning team which turns into a viscious cycle.

Last weekend I went through 3 maps where our team never one once. It was all 2 clans kept joining the same team. By the third map we had gone from 24 players on the server to about 10.
not worse than star wars battle fornt on the psp switchs u and keeps switching u
Seriously though, the only worse than being auto-switched is being a losing team with 2 less people than the winning team because each round the worse players quit the server and the better players switch to the winning team which turns into a viscious cycle.

Last weekend I went through 3 maps where our team never one once. It was all 2 clans kept joining the same team. By the third map we had gone from 24 players on the server to about 10.

Absolutely! Finally somebody is mentioning this.

The other side of this coin are , quite rediculous, all the players waiting to join the winning team.
After few rounds of one team winning most servers look like this after loading a new map


7 spectators waiting to join the 'winning' blue team.

I don't care, I play for fun, sometimes you win , sometimes you lose, sometimes you blow yourself up just after winning the game...
also happy to have a good score in a losing team.
