Avatar the Last Airbender trailer

Yeah they do look really out of place as pale white eskimos don't they.
...realizing now that more than just a few members of this community watch and engage in Nickelodeon cartoons.
great show...I'm pretty sure it will turn out rather decent.
...realizing now that more than just a few members of this community watch and engage in Nickelodeon cartoons.

I wouldn't classify the show as just a nickelodeon cartoon, it actually had a thing a plot and character development.
There have been other Nicktoons with plot and character development. Not all of it is status quo with one-dimensional characters.
Avatar actually has some exceptional writing. Especially Zuko's arc
Avatar may be the best animated show I have ever seen.

This movie will suck donkey balls. And not just because of the caucasification of the cast. Though that is a big part of it:

This is going to suck for one reason, and (not) one reason only:

Where's the ****ing humour?

Somehow I can't picture the kid playing Aang pulling off a huge wacky grin, and I can tell just by looking at him the douchebag they cast as Sokka won't even be half as charming.

That said, nice to see some set pieces from the series returning, but that probably won't be enough to sell me a ticket. Mostly I just really can't see M. Night pulling off an action movie epic...

What's going to be the better Avatar movie?
Probably James Cameron's. Which wasn't very good. But this one is going to suck ass.
I can't wait for everyone to be Avatold when this movie comes out and the twist is that it's good.
Hey man, if that happens I'll be thrilled obviously, but I kinda doubt it.
Why are the brown kids white and the white kids brown?
Why are the brown kids white and the white kids brown?

I hope it's not disney racism all over again. Or maybe they are afraid that Americans won't watch a movie with Asians as a lead.
I agree with the general "Why are Katara and Sokka white?". Good to see Siege of the North, probably my favourite two episodes. That said, I still think it's going to suck.

Edit for pedanticism:
Anti-hero, not villain.
I agree with the general "Why are Katara and Sokka white?". Good to see Siege of the North, probably my favourite two episodes. That said, I still think it's going to suck.

Edit for pedanticism:

Anti-hero, not villain.

The movie is set during season 1 only, in which it has to be said that Zuko is the villain, if a sympathetic one.
I agree with the general "Why are Katara and Sokka white?". Good to see Siege of the North, probably my favourite two episodes. That said, I still think it's going to suck.

Edit for pedanticism:

Anti-hero, not villain.
I'm sure M. Night Shyamalamadingdong probably made him a full on villain BET.
The movie is set during season 1 only, in which it has to be said that Zuko is the villain, if a sympathetic one.
I disagree. I always thought he was an anti-hero. His struggle is shown as much as Aang's and in scenes like his duel with Zhao he is certainly shown to be the hero. Zhao and later Azula and Ozai were always set up to be the real villains.
I wonder who that Earthbender is in the trailer? From what I can remember, there weren't any in the first season. But I might be wrong.
Why the brown kids are white, and why Zuko is Indian:

Because it's hard to find actors/actresses with any ability at that age who ALSO have training in martial arts.
Because that actor is a national hero of India because of Slumdog Millionaire, and can play any damn role he pleases.

Also, if there is no cabbage guy in this movie, I will remove life from this world. It looks like it's going to follow the plotline pretty accurately. (Especially because Mr. Shy's daughters are huge fans of the show, and would kill him if he screwed that up.)
I wonder who that Earthbender is in the trailer? From what I can remember, there weren't any in the first season. But I might be wrong.
There are a couple. Haru and his dad and the other prisoners, the Earthbenders in the village where the fortune teller lives and Boomy are the only ones I can remember though. (Boomy was in season one right?
There are a couple. Haru and his dad and the other prisoners, the Earthbenders in the village where the fortune teller lives and Boomy are the only ones I can remember though. (Boomy was in season one right?

Yup. There's also the guys who capture Iroh and the dude who lets them over the great filler episode. Erm, divide.