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When I saw "Axe Leather" I thought this was going to be that cartoonish claymation caveman one. Upon which I was going to smack you Krynn.
Video doesn't seem to be working for me.
Should work now. Missed a letter when copying/pasting a better version.
I hate axe commercials. Too much TnA. Or something sexual.

Every damn time. It's all they know how to do.
Krynn, that is an awful commercial. Every time I see it I cringe, total lamefest.
You're a total lamefest. HURR I THINK DEAD PEOPLEZ IS ARTZ IM SO DEEP. Thats what you sound like.


The only thing NEARLY that awesome when it comes to Engrish ****ups is this:
You both sound like an old, lesbian couple.

It had to be lesbian because only two girls could produce as much bitchy bickering as you two. I hate you both. I wish you would just die lip-locked in a submarine plunging to the depths of the ocean as you slowly unbutton...

Woah, got a little to into it there.
i liked the skittles commercial, they don't make them like they used to
When I saw "Axe Leather" I thought this was going to be that cartoonish claymation caveman one. Upon which I was going to smack you Krynn.

I can say anything I want, because I look good in Lea-ther.
Lynx is ew. It smells horrible. this guy at work drowns himself in it like, every 20 minutes.
We made it official. There was an international meeting about it, but America wasn't invited.
Krynn, that commercial is horrifying. I'm imagining being vacuum sealed in leather, oh christ it's horrible every breath I try desperately to take just presses the material more firmly against my nostrils and it all just smells like Axe so really I just wish I'd hurry up and die rather than have to keep breathing that scent in

But they're having sex in there Toaster. Sex.