Awesome Goldeneye:Source news!!!

Can I ask if this is a remake of Golden Eye for the N64? That was the nuts.
Yes, its an attempt at a direct port.

DiSTuRbEd - I expect your right, but I really hope your wrong.
Link said:
Yes, its an attempt at a direct port.

DiSTuRbEd - I expect your right, but I really hope your wrong.
Well there going to have to shut it down, its a shame, but they could lose there intelectual property rights to James bond games if they don't.
Bingo. The Goldeneye name isn't something they're likely to let people use without permission.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Bingo. The Goldeneye name isn't something they're likely to let people use without permission.

-Angry Lawyer

Really depends if the Authors/owners of James Bond IP will let them, film studios really can't say much. But I doubt (I forgot his name even after owning all movies...:LOL: ) would find the mod, unless a film studio pointed it out.
The Bond rights were split - someone has the film rights, someone has the book rights and, most importantly, someone has the game rights. Guess who that is?

It's been in development for over a year. It hasnt been shutdown yet, so I'm doubting it will be.
Pi Mu Rho said:
The Bond rights were split - someone has the film rights, someone has the book rights and, most importantly, someone has the game rights. Guess who that is?

Please cencor yourself.

Thoose who cannot be named, will never let this happen.
WhiteZero said:
It's been in development for over a year. It hasnt been shutdown yet, so I'm doubting it will be.

I don't think you understand the mindset of Lawyers. We wait until just before a release before we strike. More damage that way.

-Angry Lawyer
For the mods survival they need to take it underground to prevent any lawyers causing problems. It sure as hell wouldn't be easy for EA to do anything if the game is being developed in secret and released through non-direct means like P2P and bittorant sites.
they should just change the name to platinumeye or something...
I guess for what they do release, we should be grateful. This will be getting downloaded when it arrives.

But not on the 25th, I'll be too pissed.
If you attack them too early they can just change enough things as they go to squeak out of legal trouble. If they wait until the game is almost done before they break out the cease and desist... it's less likely the mod team will go back and redo all of the artwork to make it a Bond clone rather than a port. Plus, it's wasted lawyer fees to attack every mod ever announced that is planning on infringing on copyrights as the vast majority of mods never reach a public release. Just making it that far, in the first place, is hard enough... and, if you're told you have to do it all over again, the chance of success becomes astronomical. I can only recall a couple of mods which survived such a situation.
I say change the name etc now before anything serious happens.

On most occasions the game dev/company take EVERYTHING they worked on and ask for everyone else to delete anything related to the project.

With this i urge they rename etc. A few simple changes and it should be sweet.
Angry Lawyer said:
Just in case you don't realise how severe it can be...

You'll also have to remove likenesses to James Bond to be safe.

-Angry Lawyer
Sheet, there basically saying, give us the names of youre freinds, and everything youve made. I couldn't comply with that, as project leader it's youre responcabiliy to look after your team, looks like hey didnt comply though.

No-way will EA let them get away with this.
Solaris said:
Sheet, there basically saying, give us the names of youre freinds, and everything youve made. I couldn't comply with that, as project leader it's youre responcabiliy to look after your team, looks like hey didnt comply though.

You couldn't comply? Have fun in court, BUCKO!
DiSTuRbEd said:
You couldn't comply? Have fun in court, BUCKO!
Exactly, they shouldnt have tried to steal IP tbh.
Well I can understand that fox does not want them to make that mod, but aren't they going a little to far, those demands are unrealistic. Isn't it enough to simply tell them to shut the mod down.
Grey Fox said:
Well I can understand that fox does not want them to make that mod, but aren't they going a little to far, those demands are unrealistic. Isn't it enough to simply tell them to shut the mod down.
There doing thoose demands so they have more sue material.
Stop talking in the first person plural, Angry Lawyer :D
But Angry Lawyer doesn't like talking in third person singular.

-Angry Lawyer
Solaris said:
There doing thoose demands so they have more sue material.

No thats when you save all files to a HDD and ship it to a far away friend that Fox has no idea who the person is. Then when you say you have no data, you deleted it all they have to believe you.
Well now that pimpinjuice says it, I guess there's no grounds for a legal bitchslap after all.

pimpinjuice said:
Ah you would think they would shut down... But no. I know the lead developer. They are very determined. Btw, forums fool... Bring it up there.
Bring what up? My breakfast over you?

Well if you know the developer then thats fine then, thats like a legal contract, go right ahead, i bet he's your dad or something right. I'm convinced at last.
pimpinjuice said:
Ah you would think they would shut down... But no. I know the lead developer. They are very determined. Btw, forums fool... Bring it up there.

You must be at an age where you don't understand the LAW. So I won't say anything else.
I've been following this mod for a while... I sure hope that it doesn't get shut down. There is a high possiblity that it will be, but I'm hoping that this is the exception!