Awesome Quake-1 based brawler!

That is awesome.
Just played a few minutes of it...
Looks really good for a Quake engine game too.

Controls -
PC Version:

Up Arrow = Move closer to background

Down Arrow = Move closer to foreground

Left Arrow = Move Left

Right Arrow = Move Right

Z = Attack

X = Jump

S (Impulse 2) = Block

A (Impulse 1) = Magic Menu
Yeah, man this really brings me back to the good ol' days of playing Streets of Rage and similiar games with my brother on my Sega Genesis!
Ravioli, tried running the OpenGL version of it? It's a different exe, way darker.
Heh yeah, at first I played the non-OpenGL version. OpenGL does look significantly better ;) Fun stuff, but after a few minutes I get to a point where a map doesn't load. No, I haven't read the readme or anything.
Hm, seems the first level is the only level in the game. :(

Or I downloaded a bad version, as it says it can't load map02.bsp when I reach the end of the level.
I get the same problem, I guess its not finished yet sadly..
Damn, it's really fun.
Combat is just really satisfying.
Damn finally found this thread.

Was looking all over the place for this game again. :D