Awesome round-up of why Halo 2 will kick so much ass.

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Suicide42 said:

Here is my problem, I wouldn’t even talk about originality or revolutionary features, if damn fanboys stopped talking about how revolutionary this game is. You know, I may understand why x-box fans scream so much about Halo, because they are new “gamers” and had never played any other FPS on PC. If I was Bungie, I would put BLUE KEY, RED KEY and GREEN KEY in the game, so I can just sit there and laugh how next preview hypes the game that has super KEY feature.

And you know they will, and you will see during some E3 video people will gasp when they see new neon key, which is gently lights the surface around it, turning in the air. Then master chief will pick it up (!!!!) and open a door with it (!! oh my god, by this some people in the crowd become unconscious). Behind the door the is not one! No no no no, not one, but TWO guns, and they both can ZOOM IN (!!!).
Mr.Reak said:
You know, I may understand why x-box fans scream so much about Halo, because they are new “gamers” and had never played any other FPS on PC.

That's just not true.

I've been playing pc shooters since Wolfenstein, and compete with my clan in leagues and tournies at a pretty high level. I still think Halo is better (especially in multiplayer) than the vast majority of pc games, though.
Warbie said:
That's just not true though.

I've been playing games pc shooters since Wolfenstein, and compete with my clan in leagues and tournies at a pretty high level. I still think Halo is a better game (especially in multiplayer) than the vast majority of pc shooters, though.

Then I am lost to why people think it’s the better game, a boring mess in my opinion. The only explanation I can hear from my friends is “try co-op on legendary!” Guess what, still boring.
Mr.Reak said:
Then I am lost to why people think it’s the better game, a boring mess in my opinion. The only explanation I can hear from my friends is “try co-op on legendary!” Guess what, still boring.

What do you think is good? (other than HL of course :) )
Why does everyone have to flame H2? It's no threat to Half-Life 2 so calm down for chrissakes.

It will rock house though, been waiting for it for a long time :D
CrazyHarij said:
Why does everyone have to flame H2? It's no threat to Half-Life 2 so calm down for chrissakes.

It will rock house though, been waiting for it for a long time :D

Why the hell people bring HL2 in this discussion? We are talking about Halo 2, not HL2.
Warbie said:
That's just not true.

I've been playing pc shooters since Wolfenstein, and compete with my clan in leagues and tournies at a pretty high level. I still think Halo is better (especially in multiplayer) than the vast majority of pc games, though.
Actually he is right...MOST of them are new to me my friends are halo fanatics... :( Which sucks because when I ask if there is gonna be a lan party they say, "You have an xbox?"...damn noobs.So really out of all the halo kiddies I met your the only I know has played lots of fps games like me.
For me, Halo was one thing: fun. Actually, it was something else too : more fun. Then I played it coop on legendary and guess waht ? A hell of a lot more fun!!!

Some people are just too nerd in here.

If you want something revolutionnary then look somewhere else than fps games. Revolutionnary does not mean fun, like some people pointed out on this thread. I've started playing games on my black and white (actually it was more black and yellow) monitor. After all the revolutionnary new games and genres I've played, Halo is still one of the best games I've played because its so fun.

Anyways, we used to see much much more revolutionnary games before. Nowadays developpers tend to recycle already proven ideas by adding a few layers of polish.
Maybe the majority are new to shooters - that has no bearing on the quality of Halo :) - it just means they haven't had to sit through countless shit Medal of Honour type games.
Doom or Quake isn't a medal of honour type game. ;)
nicrd said:

Read this thread before you post, mkay?

And Warbie, shows once again, you didn't play any good FPS games on PC, if Medal of Honor is the only game that comes to your mind.
Mr.Reak said:
Then I am lost to why people think it’s the better game, a boring mess in my opinion. The only explanation I can hear from my friends is “try co-op on legendary!” Guess what, still boring.
Its not a question of the "better" game. Its a question of another fun game to play. As a gamers, I feel really well treated since this year i'm getting HL2, doom 3 and Halo2. What more can I ask?
Mr.Reak said:
And Warbie, shows once again, you didn't play any good FPS games on PC, if Medal of Honor is the only game that comes to your mind.

Nope, i've played them all I think - from rise of the triads to shogo, SOF to Far Cry. It wasn't the only shooter I could think of - just a easy example of an average game 1000's of people seemed to love.

(fps are what I really like. Especially clan games)
nicrd said:
Its not a question of the "better" game. Its a question of another fun game to play. As a gamers, I feel really well treated since this year i'm getting HL2, doom 3 and Halo2. What more can I ask?

We are arguing about different things. You talk about game being fun, with which I won’t agree/disagree, because fun is subjective. However I am laughing at X-box fans who treat this game like it is second coming of Jesus itself and blow out every little detail out of proportion.
Mr.Reak said:
Read this thread before you post, mkay?

And Warbie, shows once again, you didn't play any good FPS games on PC, if Medal of Honor is the only game that comes to your mind.

read his post again. carefully.

and seriously... CALM DOWN!!! no need to flame about it just because your some PC nerd who only cares about how "pr0" the game is with no regaerd to how actually fun it is.

i mean... seriously, some people on this forum have really forgotten why people play games in the first place... FUN!!! not so there can be extremely realistic improvements over the last game, or so that recoil on FPS games are improved or some crap.

and the reason most poeple who play halo are n00bs is because they are console gamers who own X-box's. Its not that halo is for n00bs, its that its a console game... i think youll find most of the hal PC community arent X-box fanboys at all.

basically, halo is fun, and its story rocks. those are its two main areas... making the player ENJOY playing the game, and also gripping the player in with an innotive and heroic story. personally i dont give a shit if dual weilding has been done before.

so stop flaming and actually play the game without constantly comparing it with what you think, in your opinion, are "pr0" games that everyone should like and n00bs shouldnt be able to play. you never know.. you might jusy have fun for once... instead of just complaining that "that guy got a HS on me with a crap gun he must be hacking".
KagePrototype said:
Of course games have done dual weilding before. GoldenEye and Unreal Tournament are both prime examples of this.
But not like it is done in Halo 2.
Suicide42 said:
read his post again. carefully.

and seriously... CALM DOWN!!! no need to flame about it just because your some PC nerd who only cares about how "pr0" the game is with no regaerd to how actually fun it is.

i mean... seriously, some people on this forum have really forgotten why people play games in the first place... FUN!!! not so there can be extremely realistic improvements over the last game, or so that recoil on FPS games are improved or some crap.

and the reason most poeple who play halo are n00bs is because they are console gamers who own X-box's. Its not that halo is for n00bs, its that its a console game... i think youll find most of the hal PC community arent X-box fanboys at all.

basically, halo is fun, and its story rocks. those are its two main areas... making the player ENJOY playing the game, and also gripping the player in with an innotive and heroic story. personally i dont give a shit if dual weilding has been done before.

so stop flaming and actually play the game without constantly comparing it with what you think, in your opinion, are "pr0" games that everyone should like and n00bs shouldnt be able to play. you never know.. you might jusy have fun for once... instead of just complaining that "that guy got a HS on me with a crap gun he must be hacking".
Yes fun is a very important factor...but when you have played fps games most of your life the fun part is not what matters anymore...but the it's the "pr0" part that does.I don't find CS fun...but I still play it.Why?Competition...also when you played FPS games most of your life...all you see is another game to conquer.Thats why people like me don't care for noobs very much.
Yeah Halo is just fun in a way most FPS can't achieve, battles just feel so dynamic and can play out differently every time, of course co-op added a lot to the experience.

I play most FPS on my p.c but Halo is the only FPS I would much rather play with a pad.

About the dual wielding in Halo 2 you'll be able to fire each weapon independently so you'll have to think about which combo is best for different situations, it just adds to the tactical nature of the combat.
As soon as I saw the topic title, I knew a bunch of lameasses were gonna get their panties in a bunch and just HAVE to come in and bash Halo.

Here's the bottom line: Halo, and Halo 2 I'm sure, have excellent combat. That is the core of any good FPS, and in that area Halo excels. The firefights are always fun, the covenant Elites are actually intelligent, and the multiplayer is fun as hell. It is an excellent game.

If you don't like it, if you think it doesn't "advance the genre", then shut the **** up. Not every game has to revolutionize the whole damn genre, some just need to be, you know, FUN, the whole point of games in the first place.
mosquave said:
Yeah Halo is just fun in a way most FPS can't achieve, battles just feel so dynamic and can play out differently every time, of course co-op added a lot to the experience.
Same with UT2k4 and BF:Vietnam....every fps has that.
Soundwave said:
If you don't like it, if you think it doesn't "advance the genre", then shut the **** up. Not every game has to revolutionize the whole damn genre, some just need to be, you know, FUN, the whole point of games in the first place.
Refer to my post above yours....
Tr0n said:
Same with UT2k4 and BF:Vietnam....every fps has that.
Except those are multiplayer games...and the single player to those games BLOWS.
Tr0n said:
Yes fun is a very important factor...but when you have played fps games most of your life the fun part is not what matters anymore...but the it's the "pr0" part that does.I don't find CS fun...but I still play it.Why?Competition...also when you played FPS games most of your life...all you see is another game to conquer.Thats why people like me don't care for noobs very much.

This is where we differ then.

I play for fun, if clan matches stopped being enjoyable i'd stop.

Of course there has to be some challenge (in both single and multiplayer) and this is where Halo stands out, especially in single player. I can't remember the last pc fps that actually required any skill in single player. Far Cry on realistic had some tough moments (in a 'cheap kind of way) but nothing like Halo on Legendary. No other single player shooter has come closer to recreating the excitement of a clan match than Halo (xbox) imo.
Neo_Kuja said:
Why is there all of a sudden "I love Halo 2 !!!!111!!!" threads coming up ?
H2 is just a blatent game, combining ORIGINAL (Shock !!) ideas from other FPS's, just so it can sell.
Also, It ain't coming out for a while and Doom 3 is coming out sooner .......

Hold on, this is like the Splinter Cell rifle ......

The Rocket Launcher from Unreal Tournament 2004 ......

Hold on, this is like the "duel" assault rifles from Unreal Tournament 2004 AGAIN !

The Dragon's Tooth sword from Deus Ex (And DX:IW) as well .....

See ...... ? :hmph:

I've noticed that too. But what it does is that it combines them all into one game and does it well. It just has something that makes it a good FPS, and Halo 2 doesn't look like it could take on HL2 or Doom2, but it take a solid 3rd lpace on my book, right in front of HL1
Again, Halo doesn't break the boundarys set by fps's, and doesn't deserve ANYWHERE around the amount of hype it gets !. For example, in Halo, you run around, shoot things, and then complete a objective. What is so godly about that ?

Sure, it has very good A.I. Far Cry has better in some instances, with the mercenary's. It has good weapons, so has UT2k4.

Anyway, I can't be bothered arguing with rabid fanboys, so I'll let other people do the arguing .......
See I still maintain that if Halo had a been a PC only relase, and Halo 2 was a PC only relase, then we would be getting none of these arguements.

Simply because while Halo was a good laugh, the game was clearly rushed (So many parts look the same, and there are arrows pointing in the right direction), and really isn't groundbreaking. Halo 2 looks to fix most of the problems of Halo, by not being rushed... The Grolsch approach seems to be doing good for HL2.

See I'm not trying to bash Halo but its benifited greatly from being the title relase for the Xbox. On the PC you play a good FPS, you get to the end. You think 'Hey that was good', try the MP for a bit, then move on. On the Xbox there wasn't this move on option, so you play Halo again, but harder difficulty, or only using one eye or something.

Now I played Halo Coop and I did enjoy it. I really wanted it to be on the PC version but it was missing, shame really cause I was trying to go through Halo on hardest diff but now am playing Unreal 2. I liken the two game with the slow moving pace of each game. And to be honest SP Unreal 2 is keeping me just as entertained as Halo's SP (though the Halo story is better written, and more enjoyable I'm just talking about core gameplay).

Anyhow in many ways I agree with what a lot of people have said here. They're not bashing Halo 2 for what it is, which will be a tight, well polished, Scifi shooter. But they're bashing it cause they're tired of being told how Halo 2 is going own everyones bases.

Oh on a side note (not bashing here) but the Dual wielding is identical to Red Faction 2. I'm sure Halo 2 will be a better game than that but I felt I had to say it :P

You can consider this a flamefest, but if Halo 2 doesn't come to the PC I'll not play it, and I don't consider it a great loss. To be honest the only thing I really want from halo 2 is to know the plot, like I said I like the story. I think I could live without the game.
DarkStar said:
Mr Reak:

Do you own an Xbox? I'm guessing no.....

No, but my friends do and I played it. Same friends hyped their Enter the Matrix to death, and bunch of other shitty games. I don’t find combat in Halo be anything special, maybe because I played tons of other FPS. Funny thing, I am not even FPS fan, I actually despise most of them, so yeah, Halo must be something special for it to even be played. I don’t have time to play games all day long, and when I do get some little time, I don’t want to play generic shooter #58, which Halo is. So there you go, answered your question?
Perhaps you haven't played it enough?

Or maybe you aren't good enough with a joypad to appreciate Halo. That isn't a cheap dig - some of my 'pc only mates' can't use analogue sticks at all (claiming Golden Eye, Metroid Prime and Halo to all be crap - while running about and shooting the ceiling :) )
Warbie said:
Perhaps you haven't played it enough?

Or maybe you aren't good enough with a joypad to appreciate Halo. That isn't a cheap dig - some of my 'pc only mates' can't use analogue sticks at all (claiming Golden Eye, Metroid Prime and Halo to all be crap - while running about and shooting the ceiling :) )

Sure I am not as good with joypad, but as I said, I didn’t find anything amazing in multiplayer or single-player (copy pasted rooms, for Christ sake, where do they hire these terrible designers?). I only played multiplayer on PC though.

As I said, maybe for console fans this game is something special, for me it’s over-hyped generic shooter. (One of my x-box buds in college agrees with me on that, heh).
I guess I will have to play Halo through now, and decide for myself if it is worthy of its praise :|
First and foremost, lighten up and give the game, and its fans, a break. Some HL fans can, and are, be just as bad as the worst H fan.

Where's my fanboy away spray when I need it. guys and your damn vid-watchama call it-games. Jeez, I mean, who cares if some people think Halo and Halo 2 are TEH SHIZNIZZLE! Same goes for some of you Half Life 2 freaks, not that that's a bad thing. Personally, I have a good PC and a Xbox. I'm eagerly/anxiously awaiting Halo 2's, Half Life 2's, Stalker's, and Doom III's release all the same. Should anyone have a problem with that, dial 9 to get out, and 3 for consumer affairs. Really though, lighten up people. H2 and HL2 both have their own redeeming qualities. Both originals probably have, and were, hyped beyond what they really are, both weren't complete originals(really, what games are original these days, especially when referring to FPS!), and both are excellent games. Don't take such an offense to another FPS that has been touted as the's no biggy. WTF?

Fact is, Halo was rushed FAR more than any FPS should(I believe they ported what they had to Xbox in as little as 6-8 months) and it's still a damn good game, even more so because of the fact. Valve took their time with HL, because they could, and more power to them, because it's a great game. Another thing, HL2 is years in the making, so is H2, but in a few years less time, and they will be the best games we will ever see in a long time. When you point out Halo's faults, you could easily tell that it was only a matter of time alotted to make the game. Repeat textures, levels, or what have you, are all the cause of not having enough time to implement what they wanted, because MS wanted Halo out the door with Xbox on Nov. 15, 2001. Now, H2 will have had its time and will have had the time it needed and wanted to be finished, so now you will see what Bungie and many others have said, what "they" wanted the first to be.
AlCaponeXB said:
Fact is, Halo was rushed FAR more than any FPS should(I believe they ported what they had to Xbox in as little as 6-8 months) and it's still a damn good game, even more so because of the fact. Valve took their time with HL, because they could, and more power to them, because it's a great game. Another thing, HL2 is years in the making, so is H2, but in a few years less time, and they will be the best games we will ever see in a long time. When you point out Halo's faults, you could easily tell that it was only a matter of time alotted to make the game. Repeat textures, levels, or what have you, are all the cause of not having enough time to implement what they wanted. Now, H2 will have had its time and will have had the time it needed and wanted to be finished, so now you will see what Bungie and many others have said, what "they" wanted the first to be.
Well said :)
*Que the song, "Why Can't We Be Friends?"*
heheheheheh..... mr. Reak cant handle the elites on legandary....hehehh.... you dont feel the surge of adrenaline when your fight them. they are bloody good... and not in a cheap way.

nothing much can be said, its all been talked about...

Halo 2 is the rokz0r :D
Or maybe you aren't good enough with a joypad to appreciate Halo. That isn't a cheap dig - some of my 'pc only mates' can't use analogue sticks at all (claiming Golden Eye, Metroid Prime and Halo to all be crap - while running about and shooting the ceiling :))

Translation : Since I cannot defend against his argument, and I won't back down because my masters at Bungie won't let me, I shall try to insult Mr.Reak, and show him to be an idiot, who can't play for crap.

Nice try ...... :)

heheheheheh..... mr. Reak cant handle the elites on legandary....hehehh.... you dont feel the surge of adrenaline when your fight them. they are bloody good... and not in a cheap way.

And if he can't ? What's the problem with that ? That doesn't change his opinion or affect it at all. I PLAYED (Horror !) Halo, and all I found it to be was a unoriginal mix of other people's ideas, and I got deja vu in every second room, as I said before. What difficulty you play it on doesn't matter !

Halo 2 is the rokz0r :D

How ? Duel Weilding ? What a revolutionary component ! Never mind it's been done before in GOLDENEYE, and UT2k4 ! HALO is using it, and that's all that matters ! What, the energy sword was used in DX ? That doesn't matter, HALO uses it, that's all that matters ! Vehicles were used in Far Cry and UT2k4 with great success ? That doesn't matter, HALO uses it, that's all that matters !

^^ The typical Halo fanboy's view of their "brilliant" game ^^

Time and time again your argument boils down to how you don't think Halo is original. Fine. Does a game have to be completely original and have totally unprecedented gameplay mechanics to impress you? If that's the case you're going to be dissapointed by just about every game that comes out.

By the way, Bungie heard a bunch of criticism from people who didn't like the game (such as yourself) and are fixing things people didn't like. Such as the repetitive nature of levels and the like. It just boggles my mind when people like you are so deadset against a game, they refuse to even give it the slightest chance.

Can you answer me this Neo_Kuja? Wouldn't it be cool if Halo turned out to be really fun? Wouldn't it be cool if HL2 and Doom 3 and Stalker all turned out to be great games too? Wouldn't that be great?

Why ever root AGAINST a game? It makes absolultely no sense.
Why ever root AGAINST a game? It makes absolultely no sense.

Okay, I'm saying that I dislike Halo because it's overhyped, and not worthy of it's title of "FPS King" (Or whatever you want to call it), Halo 2 seems to be looking at these problems, and perhaps it will be fixed. I am however frustrated that so many people think that Halo 2 will kick HL2, D3 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R and so on. H2 will probably be a okay game to play, but ALOT of reviewers are biased in their reviews on Halo. This game should get a 90% rating if it works out, but nowhere near a 95% rating that reviewers are giving it.

Wouldn't it be cool if HL2 and Doom 3 and Stalker all turned out to be great games too? Wouldn't that be great?

Actually, it would be great. You ASSUME that I hate all games including Halo 2. I don't. End of story ........
Oh shoosh you two.
The bottom line is Halo 2 is going to kick ass, but it isn't gonna be revolutionary.

Nor will any other game coming out this year.

I just hate how a lot of my console noobie friends think OMGZ HALO2 IS GUNNAWHOOP HAFLIFETOO'Z AZS!!OMGZ WUTZ A MONIPULATAR?
I think Halo 2 will be fun but it's waaaaaaay overhyped.
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