Awesome round-up of why Halo 2 will kick so much ass.

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disruptioN_ said:
I just hate how a lot of my console noobie friends think OMGZ HALO2 IS GUNNAWHOOP HAFLIFETOO'Z AZS!!OMGZ WUTZ A MONIPULATAR?
I think Halo 2 will be fun but it's waaaaaaay overhyped.

I agree, I have friend who have never played a game on a computer but they have Xbox and they have Halo and they're all flipping out about Halo 2. I'm like psh Half-Life 2 is gonna be better but they just say no. Then I ask them why not and they don't know why because they don't know what Half-Life 2 is. One time I had one of these friends play CoD on my computer and he was flipping out about how awesome it was. He didn't know FPS games could be good on the computer :/ and CoD isn't all that great.
Really people, you gotta see things more clearly....STOP COMPARING THIS GAME TO PC GAMES.
Halo and Halo 2 were made solely to be released for consoles. Key work...CONSOLES. You don't compare a console game to a PC game, you compare a console game every other console game, and in terms of Halo, it IS revolutionary.

Name another (console) game that is unparralleled to ratings, received massive attention from the public, and contains most of the latest graphical features you can find on a PC game. So if fanboys find this as the second coming of Jesus for the console system, they have every right to believe that.

If you felt Halo 1 was rushed to the console, explain the high ratings (though I do find Halo a bit overrated...though it did offer a storyline which excited me throughout the whole game). Halo WAS rushed for the PC though.

And if you find me an HL2 or PC game hater...your mistaken, I'm a modmaker, I make mods because I love PC games.
O.K., i am writing this for all you people out there who complain halo isnt unique enough, or realistic enough. people whoi complain that it shouldnt be allowed on the PC because it is a console game, and worst of all people who say it isnt worthy of all the hype because of trivial gameplay reasons.

i can tell you now that halo and halo2 are worth all the hype, but for no reason other than they both have intense stories. to be honest i couldnt gove a **** whether people hate it for having simplistic gameplay ot other pointless reasons.

Halo isnt a game that offers stratigic positions or supirior tactics. It doesnt allow the player to command troops, or give any battle tactics. It doesnt need to.
In Halo you are one man, one warrior. Halo strips imagination down to when people lived in straw huts and told tales of valiant knights who saved princesses from huge dragons... For that is what halo is, a fairy tale. It boasts one human (bio engineered as he is) battling heroicly through hundreds of evil aliens, fighting for his objectives... and for his race.
The origonal Halo's last level was awesome. heres a quote:

Me (Suicide42) said:
The REAL thrill was when i finally got to my ride home. The dropship swoops down, evading ships to get to me. and remember this is the only human left alive on halo other than me- the pilot. Just as i started to run tawards it, a feeling of sudden horror washed away my hope. Ships swooped down, lasting away and blew my ride home to smithereens. I watched as the rubble glided fell down like stones to the ground below. But instead of weeping, i clenched my fists and looked up. anger burned in my heart as i decided to take as many creeps as posible with me to the grave- But whats this? apparantly there is another drophip about 5 minutes away. Looking at the 3 minute timer until halo is blown to smithereens, i clenched my teeth. This is going to be one hell of a ride...

So i grinded the bones of my foes under my warthogs wheels as i glideed over the surface of this giant spaceship. bounding over obstacles and smashing through walls i could feel the time running out of my heart. With only 30 seconds to go, i come across a blockade... only one thing to do now. with the clock running out of time, i run full speed at the drophip. At first i blasted away the opposing troops, but at i watched that counter get lower i dropped my weapons and made a run for it. As i heard the first signs of the halo ring breaking, i jumped inside the drophip and blasted my way off this hell hole. I had done it. I was a hero.

After watching the truly amazing halo2 trailer- which features the master cheif getting ready to drop to Earth... it suddenly occured to me that Halo2 is truly a story of heroism.

me (suicide42) in another thread: said:
I have always veiwed Halo 2 as a very promising title. I loved the origonal, i loved the way you fought- the way you defended earth at all costs. I loved the patriotic feel- and i loved the sense that you were the only one left- YOU were the only gap between the end of the universe, and life as we know it. I loved the final few levels- a climatic stairway to the final confrontation in your only ope of escape....

I loved the way that just as you were going to make it, YOU ARE GOING TO ESCAPE, your dropship is here- that you watch it get blown to smithereens in front of you. I loved the way that dispite all odds- dispite entire armies trying to stop you, you managed to burts away from the world and watch halo get blown to smithereens before your eyes.

to put it more simply, i loved Halo.

But untill now i have thought of Halo 2 as just another sequel. I had been exited by the videos, and i knew the plot- covenent invade earth and we are all going to die. Sounds pretty kewl. on with life.But just now something hit me. something that made me change my mind and think "i just cant wait!" I downloaded one slideshow from fileplanet. A series of pictures strung together with music. Thats all. And yet, through this slideshow i was shown the potential story, the potential enviroments- by watching this slideshow i realised that Halo2 has the potential to have one of the best storylines ever- and judging by the first- im guessing that this has a very good chance of becoming a true classic.

What was the slideshow you ask? well, it started off by veiwing the master cheif (i presume it was). he is standidn in an armoury, next to guns. it then follows a chain of photographs, showing the cheif walk through many doors and corridoors, until glass doors are shown. as we look out, we notice that we are in a dropship hovering above earth. explosions litter the planet, it looks decimated and tired from war. Then the cheif opens the doors, leaning against a pillar. Then we realise. He is going to drop.

As we watch our hero fall from the sky- it hits us. WE veiw as we see drophips throwing out troops in desperation- trying to turn the battle their way, hopelessly trying to save their home. This is when it hits me- this isnt soem sci-fi enviroment, with star trek aliens and a lifeless shoot-em-up gameplay... This is earth. Our home. and it is dying. Soon the covenant will have engulfed it as their own... Would you want that to happen? i sure as hell wouldnt. Everyone is fighting together - iraquis, americans, chinese- this is a World war against an alien threat- and we are

losing. We need a hero. We need a miracle.

And you- the player- are that miracle.

just thought i would post all this... seemed kinda relavant ;)btw, u can imagine i was much more exited when i saw the actual video and not the crappy slideshow.
Suicide42. That whole argument you just made was utterly pointless. As no one is going to change their mind simply because you say they should
BTW, what twat decided to make the vehicles in Halo drive the direction you look at? IT DRIVES LIKE SHIT! The Warthog feels like a drunk rhino on ice. Driving a vehicle in this game is absolutely no advantage, it just makes you a lot bigger target to shoot at!

And while I'm at it, are they actually gonna attempt to balance the MP this time around? I mean... owning everyone with a pistol? What the f*ck? It's the only weapon you ever needed! It easily beats the assault rifle as a close combat weapon. You can even snipe with it!
Actually i thought that was a really smart idea. Its alot easier to drive then the jeep in Far Cry
Neo_Kuja said:
Translation : Since I cannot defend against his argument, and I won't back down because my masters at Bungie won't let me, I shall try to insult Mr.Reak, and show him to be an idiot, who can't play for crap.

Nice try ...... :)

What are you talking about? My point is completely valid, and has nothing to do with being a fanboy. I know people who've disregarded a game, after only 10 minutes play, simply because it's controlled with a joypad. If somebody decided HL2 was shit for similar reasons, and vowed never to play it again, i'm sure your view would be different.

It was not an attempt to insult Mr.Reak, which he understood perfectly.

Neo_Kuja said:
And if he can't ? What's the problem with that ? That doesn't change his opinion or affect it at all.

Of course, noone disagrees with that. It was an attempt to find out why our views conflict so much.

Neo_Kuja said:
I PLAYED (Horror !) Halo, and all I found it to be was a unoriginal mix of other people's ideas, and I got deja vu in every second room, as I said before. What difficulty you play it on doesn't matter !

The ideas maybe unoriginal, but does that matter? UT2004 is hardly original, neither is Doom3 (most games aren't). It's how well the ideas are implmented that counts, and how much fun the result is. I personally enjoy Halo far more on the hardest difficulty setting - so for me, and every person i've met who loves Halo, it does matter what difficulty setting you play it on (I thought the game was pretty average, repetitive and boring on medium settings. The difference on Legendary was enough to turn, what I considered to be, an average game into one of the best i've experienced)

Neo_Kuja said:
How ? Duel Weilding ? What a revolutionary component ! Never mind it's been done before in GOLDENEYE, and UT2k4 ! HALO is using it, and that's all that matters ! What, the energy sword was used in DX ? That doesn't matter, HALO uses it, that's all that matters ! Vehicles were used in Far Cry and UT2k4 with great success ? That doesn't matter, HALO uses it, that's all that matters !

^^ The typical Halo fanboy's view of their "brilliant" game ^^

Where are these 'Halo fanboys' claiming the game is revolutionary? I havn't come across one. You're putting words into people's mouths, or taking one persons post to reflect the majority.

If Halo can take these features and improve upon them, then surely that's a good thing. The energy sword, and the fighting, in DX was rubbish. In looks mean in Halo 2, and great fun to use. Duel weilding was very good in Golden Eye, but poorly implmented in UT2004 ....... in this case a good concept wasn't improved upon. Hopefully Halo 2 will.

Sure, Far Cry and UT2004 have vehicles, does anyone deny that? It isn't a big deal that Halo has them, it is a big deal that they are done well, in both single and multiplay. In comparison, Far Cry and UT2004 have weightless, 'paper' vehicles - which feel like they're scimming over the ground. Driving them with a keyboard is also rather poor (at least compared to analogue control ....... surely noone can deny this?)

After playing, and enjoying all of these games, including BF1942, it seems obvious that Halo uses vehicles better than any other title (imo). They aren't a bolted on extra (Far Cry), neither are they the games focal point (bf1942). UT2004 uses vehicles well, just not as well.

Really the story to halo is good, but there are better stories. Deus Ex (You effect it so much more, making it more involving) System Shock 2 (It draws you into a world were you realise more and more just how screwed you are).

As for vehicles, I've got to agree with the sceptics here. Halo's vehicles were fun, but rubbish compared to other games. People say the hog has a feeling of weight because it can't turn on a dime, but it has a unrealistic lack of traction. For a 4X4 with wheels that big you'd expect it to handle better. The Banshee flys alright, and the Ghost handles well. But everyone talks about the hog. Personally I think its poor implentation. Also why can't human stuff die? Its totally stuuuupid in that respect.
Halo pwns.

Halo 2 to will pwn.

HL2 will pwn Halo 2's ass.
I find the handling of the hog to be great - and actually more intuitive than in other games of this type. It feels heavy, but not 'because it can't turn on a dime' - which it can. Halo puts the vehicles in Far Cry to absolute shame in this respect.

Raxxman said:
Also why can't human stuff die? Its totally stuuuupid in that respect.

This is a good design feature imo :) It lets you tear around with abandon, flying over hills and crushing your enemies into trees, and results in a more hectic, guns blazing experience (especially in multiplayer) Another bonus, in single player, is that you'll never end up walking miles because some sod has blown your jeep up (which is never fun).
Sparta said:
Suicide42. That whole argument you just made was utterly pointless. As no one is going to change their mind simply because you say they should

oh. my. god.

that is the most hippocrital thing i have ever heard in this thread.

ahem, may i remind you that my opinions are no less valid than yours? and may i also remind you that you have said nothing decent in this thread other than say "i second that" or just bash other people?

seriously, shut the **** up if all your going to say is "you cant change other peoples opinions". im not trying to, im just saying that the story of Halo is what everyone is overlooking, yet that is its best part. The next time someone who is trying to persuade other people to hate a game, says to a defender of that game "you cant change opinions"- i swear i will deliver a smack square in the centre of their nose for their incompetent, hippicritical annoyance.

And why is it pointless? you are saying that a gripping in stories is pointless? or are you trying to say that no-one wants to read stories?
Suicide42 said:
Bla bla bla, I am super angry midget, bla bla bla

Man, you need to relax a bit or you will have heart attack by age 29.

Basically, everybody here agrees that we are arguing not about how fun the game is, because for a 100 time, it is subjective, but about how overhyped it is. Guess what, game can still be fun, but there were tons of games that were overlooked and are much better and memorable experiences. Actually I can’t stand fans of the game more than a game itself, guess call it a backslash, because I heard great things about a game and it failed to deliver on every level, even story-wise.
sorry, i wasnt getting angry at haters of halo in that post, just angry at someones unthoughtful insult when im just trying to show how the story affects me.

and how did you know im short? i used to get very upset when people called me a midget at school. kinda ruined my lower school years... especially when you cant help it. Im still short now i just kindof leart to ignore all those insenseful assholes.
Suicide42 said:
sorry, i wasnt getting angry at haters of halo in that post, just angry at someones unthoughtful insult when im just trying to show how the story affects me.

and how did you know im short? i used to get very upset when people called me a midget at school. kinda ruined my lower school years... especially when you cant help it. Im still short now i just kindof leart to ignore all those insenseful assholes.

Eh sorry, actually it was a random word, I was doing homework on this painting , which has a really creepy dwarf woman. So doing this, combined with your rant, the angry midget just came up. Didn't mean to insult you.
Speculator said:
Really people, you gotta see things more clearly....STOP COMPARING THIS GAME TO PC GAMES.
Halo and Halo 2 were made solely to be released for consoles. Key work...CONSOLES. You don't compare a console game to a PC game, you compare a console game every other console game, and in terms of Halo, it IS revolutionary.

Name another (console) game that is unparralleled to ratings, received massive attention from the public, and contains most of the latest graphical features you can find on a PC game. So if fanboys find this as the second coming of Jesus for the console system, they have every right to believe that.

If you felt Halo 1 was rushed to the console, explain the high ratings (though I do find Halo a bit overrated...though it did offer a storyline which excited me throughout the whole game). Halo WAS rushed for the PC though.

And if you find me an HL2 or PC game hater...your mistaken, I'm a modmaker, I make mods because I love PC games.

Golden Eye...

The only reason we compare it to PC FPS games is because thats what we play. What else are we going to compare it to, an FPS for Game Cube that we've heard about? The reason we don't see it as being that good is because we've played better games for the PC. Why should we lower ourselves down to the console level and say an ordinary game is revolutionary. Sure is the coolest thing since sliced bread for Xbox player but not for us. Because we see it that way doesn't mean we don't know how these Xboxers feel. Sure Halo was fun for a little but it wasn't that great. To them it's the God of FPS console games and that's good for them. To us it's another mediocre game and the PC version was less than that because it was ported horribly. I don't get why people are trying to change our minds because these console gamers don't play PC games or because the game is for console.
^ explain the people here who play both pc and console shooters yet still like Halo. I'll take Halo (xbox) over CoD or NOLF any day.
WOW!!!!!!!!! 16 player 1995 one-way CTF on CONTROLLER with no mods or community!!!!

I CAN"T WAIT TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't say Halo sucked. It's an alright game. Don't take my opinion as fact. If you think it's so awesome then don't bash me for my opinion. I thought CoD was an ok game, it was nothin to write home about.
Subz said:
WOW!!!!!!!!! 16 player 1995 one-way CTF on CONTROLLER with no mods or community!!!!

I CAN"T WAIT TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF are you talking about? The only thing I really got out of that was no mods or community, wtf do you mean no community?
Where are these 'Halo fanboys' claiming the game is revolutionary? I havn't come across one.

Obviously you havn't been to a Halo forum. Go to, and search for "Halo". Click on the X-Box board, and prepare to meet the most rabid fanboys EVER ! Try making a topic about "Halo sucks" or "Halo doesn't deserve the hype it gets", and prepare for your worst flaming ever !

Kind of like banging a bee's nest with a stick, they'll all attack you, even if you try to reason with them. They love their nest, and they will go to any length to protect it, that's why I call them rabid bees .......
just out of intrest... does anyone here who dislikes halo actually have an X-box?? i dont care how long youve played it for, but do any of you have an X-box?

its just out of intrest. if your wondering, i dont :P i like PC halo. ive never even played it on an x-box
I find the handling of the hog to be great - and actually more intuitive than in other games of this type. It feels heavy, but not 'because it can't turn on a dime' - which it can. Halo puts the vehicles in Far Cry to absolute shame in this respect.

Fair enough then. I just found it a little odd, and I've had to walk for bloody miles not because some grunt Naded my hog but because my 'buddy' took it off a waterfall. I did a quick 'CYA' seconds before take off... but it was a long walk... just as well sun was out :)

Too bad the game designers can't design for the IQ impared of the world ;)

but yeah, its much like the Scots with the English Football team. Keep going on and on about 1966 :)
The scale of the conflict in Halo 2 is what really impresses me.
Suicide42 said:
just out of intrest... does anyone here who dislikes halo actually have an X-box?? i dont care how long youve played it for, but do any of you have an X-box?

its just out of intrest. if your wondering, i dont :P i like PC halo. ive never even played it on an x-box

I do own an Xbox and a copy of Halo for it.
Whats hard to understand Foxtrot, the games MP is on the level of quake2, except with no mods and only 2 player models.

Hopefully the SP of halo2 is diff. from halo1. i could barely play halo1 it was so repetative.
Half Life 2 overhype > Halo 2 overhype

Don't be surprised if Halo 2 gets GOTY, even from non biased reviewers.
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