Awesome Spiders!


Aug 7, 2004
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I found a big spider trying to build a web on my front front of the door of all places :D. They are called pumpkin spiders, and boy do they look mean. Then I found a website of some other common spiders. Check them out!

My favorite on that list is the Jewel Spider ( Gasteracantha Minax) It has spikes on its back!! Beauty!!
Thats an awesome site.

I'm aracnaphobic, but spiders on the interweb just interest me.

edit: why did a mushroom grow on that man's leg after 38 days?
one of my favorites and one of the most dangerous spiders

Funnel Web spider.

I admire these things
At times like this I'm glad I live in Canada where it's cold and spiders aren't poisonous.
The most dangerous spider in the world is difficult to detail because danger is not an easy thing to classify. The Brazilian Wandering Spider Phoneutria fera is currently believed to have the most potent Neurotoxin of any known spider, it also has very large venom glands meaning it can bite several times in succession delivering venom each time. Its venom is so powerful a mere 0.006 mg (0.00000012 oz) will kill a mouse. It is an aggressive spider and bites readily, fortunately there is an antidote for its bite now.

The Thing said:
/me dies....

:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
/me rummages threw The Thing's pockets.

Spiders are cool, except when they invade my sleeping space. I have a phobia about them going in my mouth when I sleep.
Know I feel all tingly and feel as if they are crawling all over me, thanks.
Large black spiders crawling over the bodies of sweet soft virgins.
Spiders are the only creepy-crawlies (I call them that because they are not insects and I catergorize them this way) that I don't kill when I find them in my house.
I love spiders alot more than wasps or Bees. Because they get rid of the wasps and bees..and misquitos and flys and...well all the stuff that irritates that I think of it..I LOVE spiders. :)
Oxygenetic said:
Know I feel all tingly and feel as if they are crawling all over me, thanks.

you didn't have to click the was your fault. :x
Kiva128 said:
At times like this I'm glad I live in Canada where it's cold and spiders aren't poisonous.

We may think we're safe, but if you let those house spiders grow, they can scare the shit out of you if you find them on the wall, just chilling, being huge.
:naughty: In my kitchen, coming back from school I heard a buzzing noise. Knowing it was a fly, it was ****in' annoyin' as it kept buzzing. I was like,"Shut the **** up already!" I then wanted to locate it, so I did some searching around the kitchen window. To my surprise the fly was caught in a web of some brownish type colored spider! It was so cool! The spider was all walkin' around the fly, but did nothing- the fly's buzzing was too strong... finally the spider managed to get near the fly and give it a little bite. The most exciting part was that the fly died within SECONDS from the venomous bite of the spider. I didn't bother killin' the spider, for I found a new greater respect for them.

Anyways, I WOULD kill a spider though that could do dramatic damage to me; the very ugly looking ones! Spiders are COOL!
Spiders are amazing. Here in Arizona We have a handful of spiders. One of the most interesting is the wolf spider. I used to see these all the time. The crazy thing is they dont use any web, they chase down their food and carry their babies on their back....creepy....

however its the scorpions that get my panties all wound up.
I couldnt even look at that website lol i felt like I Was gonna gag. I hate spiders so much.
Don't you ever get the feeling... that when your legs are tucked securely underneath your desk at work or at home, that the hidden number of spiders hiding up beneath there are going to extend or drop down onto your leg and terrorize you?
Coooool thread. I love spiders. So damn cute. Especially the jumpers.

Oh, and on that website: Solfugids aren't spiders...
burnzie said:
Disturbed much?

I saw it in some strange black and white horror film on SBS the other week. I felt compelled to describe that scene again. This guy then throws the virgins into a pit of poisonous snakes...weird stuff.
Spiders make me unhappy :(
Seriously, large spiders scare me shitless.
Ecthe|ioN said:
I just hate spiders ..

I hate them too. You have to be mad to like them anyway, ugly muthas...

Some of those pics freak me out :x

I kept this one as my pet next to my car. had a web about 3 feet wide. :D
Spiders are not awesome, they are worthless, discusting creatures that should all be slained...kinda like me. :p
The_Monkey said:
Spiders are not awesome, they are worthless, discusting creatures that should all be slained...kinda like me. :p

Stop talking about the human race!! j/k :smoking:
I like spiders more than I like most of the people I have to deal with in the offline world every day...
whoa! Some very cool spiders on that page. I love spiders!

And remind me not to get near a Brown Recluse ;)
I hate spiders.. freaky little bastards.
Ritz said:
I hate spiders.. freaky little bastards.

:cheers: I bet you're freaky too huh sexy mama? JP. I remember when I was like 9 years old I used to capture Black Widows and place them inside Gatorade bottles. One day, I had a Black Widow that had babies! Then, the day after that... no babies were present, uh oh. Thank god I never saw the babies after that, or the same babies as adults.