Awesome theory of time traveling


Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
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Beerend, you so crazy. Why would people travel forward to discredit you? If they theoretically done that, they would come back to our current time and there would be no ill effects.

IF they went forward in time as suggested, they would be deemed as nutty, not of the right mind. Seemingly predicting events that have already unfolded, but yet to unfold.

Make sense? No? Drink more beer :p
nonsence, as long as you're not in future you make it, if you go to future and do something and come back it wouldn't make a difference. (e.g i go into the future and kill someone, when i'm back in my own time that dude's still alive, get it?)
It would only be lolworthy if you told them what was going to happen, with ss proof

This is my time traveling boat. Want to come explore the future with me?
So I'm confused. The slant in the middle of the diagram indicates a distinct phase shift into the quantum reality of the current dimension, yes?
so if someone was to screw up your future, then you would be destined to a shitty life.

THEN AGAIN, time travel into the future is only possible if we travel faster or close to the speed of light, after which time slows down such that we cannot even reach that future (according to Einstein), unless we were to cut across a universal path via a wormhole or blackhole, but that would result us being too far from our destination.

so fail.
The you from the future would be there, and if it was me and I found out someone was calling me gay, I'd kick their ass.. So in essence - Mr Time Traveler would get his ass kicked, then go back to his current time, and I'd be fine in any time-frame.
In the future, the river of possibilities is infinite. In the past, there is only one possibility; when you travel back, you can manipulate that one possibility and can change it to a different one or many. In the event of traveling forward and changing something in the future you just produce another river filled with many more infinite possibilities.
My time travel theory:

There are an infinite number of parallel universis, each exactly 1 unit of time before or after our current, with an exact rendition of history as same as the one next to it...

By travelling through time, you travel to another universe where time has travelled a certain amount of time...
I think of time as a tree, where infinite or near-infinite numbers of possabilities branch off at each point. The specific path that you take through this time "tree" is determined by quantum theory which says the quantum state is unknown until it is observed, then it "collapses" into a certain state. So I think when we get to each point in time, the timeline isn't in that quantum state anymore and collapses into a certain branch.
Beerdude's theory appears to rest on the assumption that as soon as you entered the future the past would crystalise fate-like as to see that future is to confirm it (a long street: you can see the end, and know how it will progress).

If so, going slightly forward in time and messing with things would not have any immediate effects but would soon introduce your own custom-designed elements to the life of your enemy. It would essentially be like deciding their fate. Novel, to say the least.
His theory is based upon the fallacy that he would be in high school in the future.

If he were in reform school, the point is made moot.
His theory is based upon the fallacy that he would be in high school in the future.

If he were in reform school, the point is made moot.

Well, I'm in college now and I have yet to be called gay, so I guess my theory is null and void ;(
I'd rather goto Narnia then go back in time.