Awesome things about life


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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You know those little tiny things, that your sure only you notice, but when they happen it just makes your day better to a degree? Name some of them. It can be particular to your life (in which case explain), or just life in general

For example:

Socks just out of the dryer (oh yea)

The last popsicle out of the box

When you leave a big download on, leave and forget about it, then you come back and it's done (therefore you don't get the sense that you had to wait for it, because you forgot about it).

Just a few..
The smell of gasoline. :)
Getting fresh air after a stressful day, man it feels good.
Playing the original Half-Life.
You find money down the side of the couch.
Your best mates football team loses.
You forget to eat something in the fridge and it turns up and you are all like "hell yeah".
Lying in at the weekends.
Losing something important, and randomly finding it years later.
Dog, you're doing it wrong. We need more "life sucks *slits wrists*" threads.
My woman, the fact that it's 64 degree weather when winter is just around the corner, the leaves turning colours, this tea, the sunset. I'm actually in one of those freeze time forever moments as I type this, I hope it never ends.

Yeah, I know, totally "gay".

Getting out of the shower then right back to bed. mmmm... cool sheets.
When I'm walking down the street, and I pass someone, and I hear them quietly singing or humming to themselves.

When I look outside and I can actually see a few stars because the light pollution isn't as ridiculous as it was for other places I used to live.

Socks just out of the dryer (oh yea)

The last popsicle out of the box

Neither of those work for me because (1) the dryer never completely dries my socks so all I get are wet socks; (2) there will be no more popsicles left!!!!

The smell of gasoline. :)

More like the smell of carcinogens...
Whenever hive minding occurs, i get a smile on my face and feel fuzzy inside.
  • My fiancee
  • living in Maine
  • rubbing a heavily purring cat (not sexually, mind you)
  • My warm comfy bed with memory foam
  • the smell and feel of new shoes
  • the feeling of buying a new PC game and playing it for the first time
  • listening to podcasts while driving hundreds of miles in a day
  • watching cute dogs in the park and my face turning into :3
  • getting written work published
  • getting paid for writing
  • playing in a band
Neither of those work for me because (1) the dryer never completely dries my socks so all I get are wet socks; (2) there will be no more popsicles left!!!!

Check your lint trap?

Also the reason I like it is because I feel like I won, no one else gets any popsicles, and I got the last one - **** yea.

That site is perfect for this thread. I LOVE peeling that plastic off of electronics, I can never see how people leave it on, that pisses me off.
-Waking up and finding out the cat was cuddled up on my chest while I slept
-Living in T.O (I love the city, but I'm pretty used to nature at the same time)
-Cake and a glass of milk (mmm chocolate)
-A good (read:memorable) thread on
-Going to school
-Meeting new people
-Eating my favourite food
-Getting a new video game
-Waking up one morning to no worries after working your butt off the other day
-Taking a nap
-Reading under the covers during rain

I could go on and on. Life is definitely not short.
-waking up from the worst dream you have ever had and realizing it's not real
-the right amount of painkillers
-those really long burps
-farting in a glass elevator right before you get out then watching everyone's reaction as they endure it
Check your lint trap?

Also the reason I like it is because I feel like I won, no one else gets any popsicles, and I got the last one - **** yea.

Yeah I check the lint trap, I've just always been living in dorms/apartments for the last several years where our dryers aren't very good.

Also, living by myself means that no one wins by getting the last popsicle :(
Some little things that I enjoy in life -

The first snow of the season
A quiet rain at night
Clean sheets
Discovering a really good music band/group
Completing things
Finding a solution to a persistent problem
Fixing a bug in a program
A hot caffeinated beverage in the morning
Crisp dry towel after being left out in the hot sun. (It has a nice 'sun' smell)
That feeling of warmth and comfort you get whilst dozing in bed after waking up in the morning.

The warmth of freshly dried clothing on a cold day.

A cup of coffee and a roaring fire in winter.


The cool side of the pillow.

Walking in the rain with no hood up or umbrella watching everyone else scattering around like ants trying to get out of the downpour.

Swinging slowly in a hammock in South Africa, drinking ice-cold Savannahs and watching the orangey-red sun go down behind the mountains...dear god thats heaven.
- Smoking a cigarette at the end of a very long day.
- Those times when you're with a good friend and you both get so winded up into a fierce and stupid conversation that you end up laughing your asses off and then you talk about how awesome the conversation was.
- When I realize my homework isn't due tomorrow.
- When I'm on my computer on a school night and it seems like it's late but I check the time and find out it's only 8.
- Thinking about going on a road trip across the U.S. or Europe.
- Punching nazis.
- Gin and Tonic
- A new book
- The stinging feeling on your cheeks when you come in out of the cold
- Getting my lab reports back
- Friday evenings when I first realise I'm off for the next two days
- Fahitas
- Writing out a long computer programme/doing a long calculation and
getting it right at the end
- Going to the cinema
- Driving(I'm new to it)
- Thursdays
- Mince Pies
- Cuddling on the couch
- Elderflower Cordial
- Little mice that get caught in the headlights when they run across the road
- Mozart

Aw I'm really happy now:)
Having a routine. For me this is not the mark of a boring life or one that has fallen into a rut. It is a small barrier of certainty against a world - mostly a social world - with very few of them. On weekdays I will work frantically at my uni work, using chatty meal times as breaks. On Friday afternoons I will clear up my admin and paperwork and my room. On Friday evenings I will drink and have fun, whether I am in or out. Maybe I will write something or talk to people on the internet or both. Then on my weekends I do nothing constructive. I spend Saturday with friends and properly go out in the evening. And then I sleep through the hangover and spend the Sunday in bed with my laptop on my knees, doing all kinds of interesting variants on nothing at all.
I have a routine too:

Weekdays: I procrastinate work
Weekend: I procrastinate some more
Another one: Buying new clothes that fit perfectly. You got a new good look AND its comfortable as hell.
Having a routine. For me this is not the mark of a boring life or one that has fallen into a rut. It is a small barrier of certainty against a world - mostly a social world - with very few of them. On weekdays I will work frantically at my uni work, using chatty meal times as breaks. On Friday afternoons I will clear up my admin and paperwork and my room. On Friday evenings I will drink and have fun, whether I am in or out. Maybe I will write something or talk to people on the internet or both. Then on my weekends I do nothing constructive. I spend Saturday with friends and properly go out in the evening. And then I sleep through the hangover and spend the Sunday in bed with my laptop on my knees, doing all kinds of interesting variants on nothing at all.

This is like my life aside from the fact that I may be more of an indulgent little wanker. I often give myself weekdays as self-parties as I'm a firm believer that one needs solo parties as often as social ones.

So, yeah, I sit there and get intoxicated (in various ways) and do things like play first person shooters. Sometimes I even do homework in these sessions. Sometimes.
Today I bought an Xbox 360 at Walmart and the $100 giftcard deal was still working! I'm buying it for my best friend who is moving away so we can keep in touch over the holidays and such. And then when I came home...Got a giftcard from my sister in law for my birthday! So that'll buy me COD: MW2 this tuesday morning. Also Its sunny today and 65 in Buffalo, which normally it would be snowing/cold right now

today is awesome!
-Not changing the clocks in my apartment back for Daylight Savings Time, so I always feel like I have an extra hour... feels awesome up until it says 2 AM (then I'm like, "Wooo I have an extra hour, it's really only 1 AM! Oh crap, that's still late.")
Waking up, getting up for a few minutes, then laying back down in the middle of the night for a few more hours of sleep. It feels so good.
Being there for someone after they've done so much for you. Such a warm feeling.