Awesome things about life

That feeling you get when you are visiting/being visited by a friend or loved one you don't get to see often, and you just think "I get to spend the next several days just chillin with them"
Going into a jazz combo rehearsal being totally pissed off, and leaving the rehearsal in a good mood.
****ing brownies with that white frosting and just cutting a huge piece. i had some for desert today and they were the best i've had in years. also tomorrow i'm going to get COD and play it all day on Tuesday because i have off of work
Waking up, getting up for a few minutes, then laying back down in the middle of the night for a few more hours of sleep. It feels so good.

I set my clock for 6am every day, just so I can wake up, set it another hour ahead and go back to sleep. The best part of sleep is just falling back asleep when you woke up, I love it.
Real life Lancer is neat. :D
Getting in my car and just going for a drive in the country
Having a bad day at work, then go outside to the warm and sunny day with a slight breeze.
Talking to one of your closest friends until the wee hours of the morning
Waking up really early on the weekend, taking a shower, then just sitting in a chair trying to figure out what you're going to do all day
On that note, just thinking of how much time you have away from responsibilities.
Getting a modification for my car, and getting it installed
  • The first drag of a ciggerette, after a crappy day.
  • Being in love.
  • Finally finishing that essay you spent all day working on.
  • Waking up in the middle of the night and realising you still have hours to go before you have to get up.
  • Christmas morning.
  • Staying in bed when its pouring rain outside.
  • Watching scary movies with someone special when theres thunder and lightening outside.
I like getting positive feedback from anyone, for anything. I'm like "Finally, I did something right!!"
I just want you to know that this is a perfect post. Keep up the great work.
*when you wait for your stomach to growl right before you eat and everything tastes delicious
*when your friend brings you a coffee during a tough day at work
*rufies (jk)
*peeing in snow and watching it steam and then carving your name into the snow
*finding money lying around
*****ing fireworks during random times of the year
A penis cannot be innocent.

Also, I have no idea what this conversation is about.