Awkward Family Portraits dot com


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

hahaha that's hilarious

^you think that's wow!

warning, graphic!

From the site:

When I was 10 years old, my parents took us on vacation to a water park. I told my dad I had to go to the bathroom; he pointed to a building and let me go in by myself. When I got in, I noticed there were no urinals, and none of the stalls had toilets in them. Confused, I went into a stall anyway, pulled the curtain closed behind me, and did my business all over the floor. When I got out, we started walking away when another man with his son asked my dad if we knew of any bathrooms nearby. My dad pointed to the building that I had just exited. The man said, “No, that’s just a dressing room to change in and out of bathing suits.” My Dad said that was not true, as I had just used the bathroom in there. The other man insisted and my father started to get angry, “Are you calling my son a liar?” My Dad told the man we would all go in together to prove my innocence. Despite my objections, the four of us went in and when my Dad whipped open the curtain to the first stall…


i dunno but this site struck me as kinda mean :|

I can understand making fun of photos like the guy who is shirtless or the incestual overtones. But ones where people just happen to look a little unusual/not supermodel/hunk of the year... that's kind of low.
I can understand making fun of photos like the guy who is shirtless or the incestual overtones. But ones where people just happen to look a little unusual/not supermodel/hunk of the year... that's kind of low.


i actually found it kind of poetic how all these vastly different people had the same thing going on.. it tells you alot about humanity
i dunno but this site struck me as kinda mean :|

Sorry, I lol'd so hard at this.

I think you guys just need to hear some dead baby jokes

Hmmm, OK

How many dead babies can you fit in a trunk?

I don't know, let me check.
Yeah see I can appreciate making fun of those ones. It's not about making fun of the way the people look.. it's about the absurdity of the situation.

Like why the hell does the kid look like he's strangling the girl?

Why in the **** is the dad wearing shorts and a priests collar and hiking up his britches?

Obviously we know why the one girl is looking down at her brother's murderous intent, but why is the other sibling(I assume) looking in an entirely different direction?

Things like that... not like, OH MY GOD THEY LOOK SO SQUIRRELLY!
I totally didn't see that until jimbo pointed it out, either.

It's not really a grab, though, it's more of a lean.

In celebration of jimbo's discovery, I shall prepare a recipe! Jimbo's Gum-ball Gumbo.