Awp Shooting Through My House


Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Well this has nothing to do with CS-S other than i was playin it before i went to bed last night..

i woke up this morning to a very loud BANG, of a gun.

My whole family shoots gun of all kinds, shotguns, handguns rifles etc for sport and fun.

Anyways, my dad comes up stairs and tells me that when he was reloading bullets this morning, he couldnt get a newly load shell into his rifle, so he was ramming his bolt action against the shell.. :thumbs: :thumbs:

bare in mind, "technicly" if you dont hit the primer, the shell shouldnt detonate... well the bolt he was ramming against it, (tryin to get the newly loaded shell to fit) the gun fired!!

Blowing a small hole through the far left side of the garage roof. My room is right above but he shot to the left. Anyway, luckily it went out into the world and not into my back..

we both walked outside.. me in my boxers in the freezing cold, and him fully dressed... just as we walk around the side of the house there was a HUGE hole, probably the size of my fist through the wall of my house, and into the overhang roof... i have pictures here.

it wasnt scary at all even tho he coulda shot my ass..

i told him that he coulda hit some electrical wires or even piping and we woulda had a serious problem on our hands...

he is a really smart guy so i cant even belive he did this...

he woulda murdered me if I was the one who did that!!


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btw, this happend around 12 noon. ive been sleepin into like 2 so i went back to bed.. these pictures are his attempt at covering up....

the roof has some sorta white tape on it and it looks like he used cement to fill the hole.. he isnt home right now so i cant ask him....

the neighbours house it close too!! if we hit thier house, they coulda sued and we woulda had ALL our guns taken away probaby
yeah...guns... when will people learn. maybe when you accidentally put a bullet through one of your childrens heads.
:O That is crazy, and cool... sorta. Good stuff.
lol...i think that's scary...yet funny (no one got hurt) but I question your dads usually don't want to treat ammo violently, (i.e...the ramming of the bolt) because although todays gunpowder is more stable, the primer just needs to get a dent and BLAM!! Ow well, tell you dad that if a shell isn't going in....just take it out. By the way, why was he loading a rifle in his house?
But remember, Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Of course, it doesn't take much of a bright spark to realise people can't kill people with guns if they don't have guns in the first place.
the bullet was a .308 winchester...

the trigger was modified from a previous owner, so my dad hadent given it the tests...
merc said:
lol that is aewsome!


How is it awesome? Someone could have been killed from an acident like that.

Definitley a good safety warning though. Thanks for that.
Neutrino said:
Definitley a good safety warning though. Thanks for that.
agreed- remember to buy an assault rifle next time. no pesky bolts.
Why in the sam hell would he ram it like that? That's a major safety issue. :X. Glad you're alright and stuff. I for one would never do that with any of my rifles.. it's just common sense O.O.
Neutrino said:
How is it awesome? Someone could have been killed from an acident like that.

Definitley a good safety warning though. Thanks for that.

But they weren't. Its good to learn a lesson from this, but at the same time its also healthy to see to funny side :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
But they weren't. Its good to learn a lesson from this, but at the same time its also healthy to see to funny side :D

Ya, I suppose... It's just that I've heard of other people who were killed or seriously wounded under similiar circumstances. Just thinking about the consequences makes it hard for me to find the humor in it. Maybe I'm just taking it too seriously though.
u americans (assuming) and your non-existant anti gun laws. only farmers and ppl that shoot for sport can buy guns over here (aus). even then its a pretty tough process to get one.
I don't like guns, I always feel like I'll accidently pull the trigger when I'm just holding it. It's happened to me during paintball, but I'd probably be more careful when it's a real firearm.

Anyway, my own hands and feet have been good enough. And when they're not, that's what this baseball bat is for :E

u americans (assuming) and your non-existant anti gun laws. only farmers and ppl that shoot for sport can buy guns over here (aus). even then its a pretty tough process to get one.

There are no anti-gun laws in the U.S. Here, it's our right to own a firearm
I actually live in Canada.

We have INSANE laws for guns.

Ive talked to my dad since then and he feels like a huge moron.

He is a smart guy but even smart guys make mistakes... I wasnt worried about myself or our stuff... i just thought the whole situation was funny
Easy for any government detain people without due process if there are no Rights to defend yourself.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." – President Thomas Jefferson

God gave us this gift of life and it would be very stupid for not to defend it.

Yes u can ban guns and the gun murders will decline but there will still be murder.

more and more criminals will would want that advantage to buy a gun ILLEGALLY.And that if ur on the receiving end of that criminal and no way to defend urself.
John Romero said:
yeah...guns... when will people learn. maybe when you accidentally put a bullet through one of your childrens heads. iNsANe In dA mEMbRaiN!......yeah that was dumb. sorry.
How in god's name did you guys get an AWP in your hands?
He@t! said:
Easy for any government detain people without due process if there are no Rights to defend yourself.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." – President Thomas Jefferson

God gave us this gift of life and it would be very stupid for not to defend it.

Yes u can ban guns and the gun murders will decline but there will still be murder.

more and more criminals will would want that advantage to buy a gun ILLEGALLY.And that if ur on the receiving end of that criminal and no way to defend urself.

A lot of people die by their own guns, great defense!

Yes, there will be still murder, but given the fact that you guys have a higher murder rate in some cities than in some countries with strict gunlaws, it will be one hell of an improvement.

And yes, the criminal will have to buy the gun illegally, but that's a lot worse of course than being able to buy it freely.... :rolleyes:

And you'll be on the receiving end anyway, since it's a lot easier to arm yourself as a criminal and thus all criminals are armed.

I'm sorry but I fail to see the logic in the analogy of 'more guns will make the country safer'.
PvtRyan said:
A lot of people die by their own guns, great defense!

Yes, there will be still murder, but given the fact that you guys have a higher murder rate in some cities than in some countries with strict gunlaws, it will be one hell of an improvement.

And yes, the criminal will have to buy the gun illegally, but that's a lot worse of course than being able to buy it freely.... :rolleyes:

And you'll be on the receiving end anyway, since it's a lot easier to arm yourself as a criminal and thus all criminals are armed.

I'm sorry but I fail to see the logic in the analogy of 'more guns will make the country safer'.
I like the fact that you currently don't live in the US, but you debate on a topic that doesn't concern your country one bit.It's out 2nd amendment right to own a's our law not yours.
be carefull so daddy wont bust a cap in your ass later on
strange to think that if that rifle had been pointed a little to the right, he could have killed someone...

but seriously, how can your dad afford a huge sniper rifle? arent they thousands of dollars? :D
Hm, sounds odd to me.
Honestly, I won't belive this until I see some pictures of the weapon itself.
It would be so easy to get someone that would have Photoshoped that for you.
That was an awefully stupid thing to do. If the primer is sticking out even slightly its going to get crushed by the bolt and detonate just like it would if the pin struck it.

There are some things the principal "if all else fails, use a bigger hammer" should not be applied to.
$4750 lol, maybe he captured the hossies last round so he could afford one.
im so sick of hearing this "its our right to own a gun" , if its your right it doesnt mean you have to get one. here in europe its alot harder to get a gun legally, and we dont have as much murders as in the US. you should take a look at bowling for columbine if you dont know what im talking about, a film made for ignorant americans , to teach them what the rest of the world already knew.
smacky said:
im so sick of hearing this "its our right to own a gun" , if its your right it doesnt mean you have to get one. here in europe its alot harder to get a gun legally, and we dont have as much murders as in the US. you should take a look at bowling for columbine if you dont know what im talking about, a film made for ignorant americans , to teach them what the rest of the world already knew.
If you read the thread he says he lives in Canada.
smacky said:
im so sick of hearing this "its our right to own a gun" , if its your right it doesnt mean you have to get one. here in europe its alot harder to get a gun legally, and we dont have as much murders as in the US. you should take a look at bowling for columbine if you dont know what im talking about, a film made for ignorant americans , to teach them what the rest of the world already knew.
That movie came to mind when i started reading this thread. what did it say, that like there was only one death by gun in some canadian town for like 10 years and that death was caused by an american or something?
smacky said:
im so sick of hearing this "its our right to own a gun" , if its your right it doesnt mean you have to get one. here in europe its alot harder to get a gun legally, and we dont have as much murders as in the US. you should take a look at bowling for columbine if you dont know what im talking about, a film made for ignorant americans , to teach them what the rest of the world already knew.
If your so sick of hearing it...close your damn ears.It is our know why?Because it's the damn 2nd amendment thats why.If it wasn't then our founding fathers wouldn't have put it in the would they?Done bitching about our laws that don't concern you?

Edit:Sorry didn't read your post clearly...but I'm not gonna edit what I said because this is to all that dispute US laws that do not live in the US.