Azureus: blue screen of death?


Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
I've been getting pc crashes and blue screens with Azureus lately. What's the problem? It has only been happening recently, it was fine before that.
If you suspect a hard drive failure...back up files! (im not saying that is what it is.)
Why not try a different torrent program and see if it does the same thing?


Yeah, what Asus said. Try using something like Bit Comet and see if you get the same results.
(You might like to compare a range of clients as well to see if some preform better for you than Azereus did.

Apart from that, installed anything lately? Checking up on your AV enough?
Yeah, actually my AV expired a while ago, so I should probably renew it. Once this 4gig download is done (its at 98.7%), I'll try other torrent clients and see if any of the others produce the same problems.
I stopped using torrents a little while ago and now I use some forum. I can get anything I want at very fast speeds. In fact I d/l'ed COD4 in four hours. I'm getting the game though.
A couple years ago Azureus used to be pretty popular infact I used it for a long time but as it progressed it has gotten very bloated and I now resort to using utorrent.
I'm not sure if this is going to help, but my PC used to freeze up when downloading tons of shit...

Run task manager (ctr-alt-del) while using Azureus. You probably have too many downloads going at the same time, and your CPU is maxed out.

You can lower the load by going into Azureus options and turning off the feature that continuously sorts the downloads as to which one is downloading fastest.

there are other performance options you can change as well. I always had the sliding popups turned off, and made it so it doesn't update as often. S