B movies or why the **** do they make them


Aug 6, 2004
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I've seen the movie Hardware (1990).
It's a laughable B movie. The beginning is...ok, but wtf was the director thinking after that. Some ideas were interesting, i give him that.

I mean come on. I understand that when creating things you suck at the beginning. However if you know that you're not yet capable of doing complex scenes like pros, don't ****ing do it! Keep it simple. I mean, don't put shit in you know it's crap, just to fill up. I mean really, come on. Some people just don't have ****ing feeling for making stuff. Not saying i am perfect, but at least of what i make i know which is crap and try to improve it or just minimize so it doesn't like ruin ****ing everything.
Making a song for instance...i would never put string sweeping into a song which i'm not yet capable, but change the song so sound good without it.

Of all the Sci-fi movies i've seen...James Cameron has attention to detail. For making logical deductions.
I don't know if you need knowledge or feel...probably both.

If you're gonna add saw blades to a robot god damn think it through why!!!!
Poison injections on the mouth...it's a god damn population control robot, why the **** would it need poison needles...at the mouth. Yeah it's similar to a snake. WHO THE **** CARES, IT'S A GOD DAMN ROBOT!!!! Feels like a child made it.


Maybe i'm just being unfair to the guy?
Don't **** with my B movies man, DO NOT **** WITH MY B MOVIES.
I think you misunderstand the accepted definition of "B-movie."
I might have misunderstood B movies...what is their definition?

Low budget movies? or just bad movies?
Low budget movies made by amateur film makers? Not everyone starts as a Steven Spielberg.
Fright night is awesome.

Lik Wong FUCK YEAH!!!
The Tingler was ****ing amazing. We watched it Halloween night and it was awesome awesome.
I totally love B-movies.
Why the **** would you shit talk B-movies? They're so damn entertaining. Ever seen Surf Nazis Must Die? Class of Nukem High?

What's wrong with you?
Looked up "Hardware", and yeah I've seen it too on tv a few times. I guess it's ok for a B movie, if only kind of silly.

There certainly are a lot worse when it comes to B movies.
ZT said:
Killer Clowns from Outer Space
This movie scared the fuck out of me as a kid. Fucking wrapping people up in the cotton candy and sucking out their innards like spiders.
Same here. :(

"What're you gonna do? KNOCK MY BLOCK OFF?!" *kicks head into garbage bin*
Killer Clowns From Outter Space....

*Nightmares are back*
