Baby Rape

It doesn't matter what you do with your baby, as long as you don't abort it.
I wonder where all this baby hating crap is from. Don't really get it, just bash the most innocent form of a human since this (internet) place is the worst?
On a lighter note guys, I came across this cute pic THAT WILL DESTROY YOU.

Bah, bahaw haw, I never heard ded babi joke before, that is funny
Baby monkey thinks that if human babies don't stand a chance, he certainly doesn't.

Very VERY old news.

Completely unnecessary to make a thread about it, also.


If... If only there where some thread where you could post your random shit. Like a random thread, or a miscellaneous thread. Yeah... a misc! That whould be great.

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Talk about opening your presents early. Sheesh

Best response to baby rape ever?

I'm pretty sure this is the best post to ever grace

God help me I laughed.

This deserves a medal.

And possibly jail time.

This joke surely restored it because I ended up laughing really hard despite the crime.

Should I post virus' quote on there?

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Oh my god, that's amazing, Virus. You diserve a medal!

Best. Line. Ever.


Shit guys thanks

What an achievement.

I'd like to thank my Mother, for without who this would not be possible.

I'd like to thank my Father, who never once raped my shit-hole with a curling iron and killed me. I'm sure it was tempting, but...

Well, in the interest of keeping this short - **** YEAH HUMANITY

/cheers Unfocused
It looks like there are some new replies to the forums.... apparently there is a story of some parents who raped their newborn daughter before they even left the hospital.


Linkin Park sux coz they raep babehs.
Hey, this is nostalgic, like I've been here...... Freshman year of High School, back when dead baby jokes were edgy!
This is sick.

I mean seriously sick. I'm all for loli, but this...... just not right.
If you haven't already read or at least heard of this story you need to get off my internets.

[edit] 15357: Loli is still pedophilia :D
If you haven't already read or at least heard of this story you need to get off my internets.

[edit] 15357: Loli is still pedophilia :D

That doesn't stop us. :D
At first I thought it said she was an eight year old, and I was D:

Then I remembered that the thread title said "baby" so I re read it and saw that it said eight day old, and I D:'d so hard my jaw fell off.

Then I read KA's post and started laughing so hard that the blood that was pouring out from my exposed mouth cavity sprayed all over my monitor and then I passed out from blood loss.

Now people think i'm a pedo because the paramedics found me in my room passed out, without a jaw, and with a thread called baby rape up on my monitor.
Virus, you're not supposed to post at all after you drop a bombshell like that. But ****ing hilarious despite.