Back in time to the beginning of the Lounge

Dark Elf... ComradeBadger... also relics of the past, disappeared into the mists of time...

Badger's still alive, he simply doesn't associate with us anymore. TheDarkElf is trapped in an alternate dimension for a good few thousand years.
So the first ever thread contained spam, bumps and locks.

How times have changed.

BTW how did you get so many posters for the first thread? Was a news only site that allowed membership before the forums were going?
hmmmm it surprises me that alot of the early members don;t post as much
Actually, it surprises me that so many of the early members still post.
Crazy Harij posts all the time in the 'post your latest music' thread. I think he's got a record deal now.

Badger posts occasionally. I remember when he was a mod.
Badger isn't a mod anymore? When did this happen?

Also, what ever happened to Axyon? That guy was the to ever close one of my threads. :)

Whoa....I think Willeh's avatar may just have been beaten in awesomeness :O