Back to ze moon

Sgt.Igneri said:
Just take some time to think about the real world. I live about an hour from NYC. We were just having a discussion in economics yesterday about NYC's education. My teacher is African American and used to work in the city, at a school where things im about to say happened. There is so little schools. The teachers at these schools can barely read or write themselves. They get payed minimum wage. More then 50 ppl cram into one classroom. They have no books. The students that are in "high school" cant even read. Their family and them do crack JUST to survive. The students bring guns to school for safety reasons, this is the real world people. They live on the streets.

^ Thats just a taste of whats going on that people dont realize. Now tell me you dont think that we should be taking the f*ck care of problems in our own country, before spending billions of dollars for going to mars to look for f*cking little green men.

Hey I live in NYC and went to a public school with a greater then 50% African American population. So am I:

a) An entry-level programmer who enjoys sushi for lunch and reads articles on space exploration and physics during work


b) A gun-toting crackhead gangster

I'll let you guess. Really all this "decay" of the cities is just another liberal myth.
Doh! I spelled develop wrong...
Bah! No need to waste forum space stating this. Crap! I already have.

Anyway, to competition! :cheers:
LoneDeranger said:
Good job chu, another negative post.

If humanity followed your advice the whole population of earth would probably still be living in Africa (albeit AIDS-free and with a good school system).

Well since we can't even get our sh*t together down here, what makes you think things would turn out all fine and dandy on some magical moon civilization.

And what makes you believe that our humanity deserves a second chance?

We've bred murderers, rapists, psychopaths, and warmongers (to name a few). Sure some of us have turned out ok, but out of a handful of people there will be atleast one crazy f*cker willing to ruin it all.

I say let man live to the very last drop of life left in this planet, after that...pack your bags.

You can all pray for your idealistic escape from this filth barren world, but me, I will sit back and live with the filth down here while I still have a few ticks in my clock.

Good day to ya!
To all the nay-sayers I want to offer this quote (that's actually a quote within a quote):
"The great British explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Mount Everest, was asked why did he want to climb it. He said because it is there. Well space is there, and we're going to climb it. And the moon and the planets are there."
Holy crap havn't any of you naysayers ever heard of the advantages of going to the moon? Because they do exist you know. Besides if you keep on saying that if we can't get our act together down here that what good is going to the moon? Well why did Christopher Columbus decide to go exploring? Do you think Europe at the time had its act together?

If we are not going to go to the moon or explore Mars in this day and age because we have bigger problems right here right now then we will NEVER go and explore space. There will ALWAYS be problems down here.

We have the technology now, the problems on Earth probably won't be getting any better (in fact they will probably be getting worse) so why don't we go now? If we don't go now then whats to say we will ever go?
Don't forget the fact that the space race creates JOBS! And creates a LOT OF MONEY.. can be good for the economy :)
Aye, this is bushs last chance to make the economy go up... But the way his things have been going i think itll bankrup the country.
Well it isn't really Bush thats leading the country, its his advisors. So as long as they know what their doing in terms of how to start going into space without letting it cost too much (as the space program goes) then it will probably turn out all right.
Yeah but its bush who will look bad if they fail, and its said that the president runs the country.
True. All we can do is hope that if he really is planning on getting back into the space business that he won't screw it up like he has in other things...
chu said:
Well since we can't even get our sh*t together down here, what makes you think things would turn out all fine and dandy on some magical moon civilization.

Stop talking bad about my moon civilization! :)
I wanna see girls wearing those skimpy 50's style futuristic costumes while in low gravity.

Then I also wanna see the new kinds of sports people will come up with utilizing the low gravity on the moon. I could almost guarantee something like "Quiditch" from Harry Potter. ;(
Well, responding to a post made long ago that the moon is owned by the US, it is in fact not, there was a treaty signed that the moon could never be claimed by any nation, that is, until it was colonized by someone. (or maybe that was antartica, who knows!) :thumbs:
Hey guys, I'm posting from the moon. I met a few friends up here, they call them selves Mooners. They say "f*** off! We were here first!"

When I get back to earth in a few months I will upload my pics.

Well I got to go, Weebwog is eating my Snickers bars. Oh that Weebwog!
Have you befreinded moon-men? Send a picture of you with your lunar chums on a postcard to the usual address.
Just wanted to tell that the thread name makes me laugh everytime I see it. "Back to ze moon!", like it was said by some crazy german scientist... LOL!
"And tonight, Hans! Eet eez tonight vhen ve go...back to ze moon! I kan barely contain my glee! AH-ha. AH-hah."