
Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
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I went away for a week to Devon if any of ye were wondering where I went.


Nice pictures, Devon is probably one of my favourite places in the UK to go and chill out. Where abouts is that exactly?
Those pictures were taken in a little fishing village called Beer.
That's what I thought but unfortunately, they're not. :(

There was a few pubs around though and only one had a CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! name - Barrel O' Beer!
The first picture is pretty freaky. The plant it's perched on looks alot like the design in it's wings which is kind of cool...

Yay Beer! :)
Oh my, that looks like a beautiful place.
I went away for a week with a black woman named Devon, I have pictures of that too if anyone wants to see!
Devon is my favourite place and my favourite chick.
Yeah, it's nice down there. Time to get back to work though Psycho. :p