Background Battle Sounds



Is there a a place I can download backgound battle sounds (gun fights, mortor blasts, people shouting orders as if you were in all out war) that will play in the background as I am playing? or what folder can I put my own background sounds in? and what does the file name have to be so it will work correctly.
If you haven't already, download GCFScape, go to your program files/steam/steamapps or program files/valve/steam/steamapps whatever, and open 'day of defeat source.gcf', these are all the games files, here's where everything non user-specific is stored. You can browse through the sounds there to hear all the sounds, look around sound/ambient to find all the ambiance used on the various maps.

You can replace sounds by going to your steamapps/<username>/day of defeat source/dod/sound folder, (If it isn't there create it.) and adding sounds of the same name, say we want to change the "distantexplosion1.wav" we found with GCFScape, just add the folder 'ambient' in day of defeat source/dod/sound and add a .wav with the name of distantexplosion1.wav and it will replace that sound.

As for where to download ambient sounds, I've no idea, you could check the Day of Defeat section at

Hope this helps!