Bacon of the month club

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Omg... why the hell did you just raise this topic from its 8 month old sizzly grave??
Yeah, the last time I posted in this thread, I still had a job. Now i'm missing the bacons :(
You tell us, bizzare bacon eating philiac :P
This thread has reminded me of some unsettling truths.

1) I didn't actually post in this thread before.
2) I haven't had bacon in almost a year.

I eat bacon at least once a week, sometimes even more. Me loves bacon especially with maple syrup on top.
I barely ever eat bacon. Makes me sad. When i do, though, it must be crispy.
Had bacon a couple of weeks back. Only problem is my flatmate doesn't eat anything except cereal. So I had like bacon every day that week. Was nice though :D
This thread is awesome. But there was absolutely no reason to resurrect it.
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