Bad Company 2 Stats site


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
For those of you who dont know, they are working on a stats site where you can view your soldier in your web browser, much like BF2.

First login here:

then go here:

Currently its not all working though, and the 190 minute ETA has been there for the past 12 hours :/ so i really dont know when the site will be functional. I also dont see a feature to view other soldiers than your own, which kind of defeats the purpose of the site.
Lost your unit, soldier?
404 - page not found

Most likley cause:
The website is currently encountering problems
There might be a typing error in the adress

Looks like nothing on their site is really working.
It's been this way since the game launched. They took down the ability to login/see stats because their servers suck. It will probably work again when traffic comes down.
Check this out.

Meant for making image signatures with your stats, but it actually works like the soldier profile thing should.


:( I suck.
I should really stop switching teams when they're unbalanced. I usually do it because nobody else will, but its completely destroyed my win/loss ratio. I should just be a dick like everyone else and keep the teams uneven.
gotta wait 282 mins before i can load them up. regardless i believe i'm right where i want to be


Some people have CRAZY k/d ratio, like 5000/1000
Could've been better if my laptop didn't choke like a cheap bitch on this game. :| Here's to hoping for a patch that will make the game rape the CPU less and remember there's a GPU in there as well.

Hey! My god...good to see you again :) How you doing?

Zero for all my stats right now, have to wait 283 minutes D:

I'm doing well. Just taking it easy, trying to do well in school. :( I'm pretty much a lurker on the forums as of now, but it's good to see everyone is basically still here. :)

How are you and everyone else doing?

I'm the best Bad Company 2 player can bet on that :thumbs:
I have basically everything unlocked. Although I usually only play Engy with an UMP and Gustav launcher or a Medic with M60 Red Dot.
so yeah my thing still says 282 minutes till stats come up. any idea whats taking so long?? is it because i got the ps3 version instead of the pc version??
I have basically everything unlocked. Although I usually only play Engy with an UMP and Gustav launcher or a Medic with M60 Red Dot.

No perks either? It would be nice if you kept unlocking stuff. When I am around your level I'll prolly have all the class stuff unlocked as well, so it would be nice to keep working towards something.
I have basically everything unlocked. Although I usually only play Engy with an UMP and Gustav launcher or a Medic with M60 Red Dot.

It's no wonder you've got so many kills :LOL:

I'm good! not as good as some here but America **** yeah! coming to save the mother****ing day yeah! lick my butt and suck on my balls!

I've increased my K/D ratio by .11 over the past few days... mostly from starting to play recon.

Edit: Omega you play too much...because I play too much and you obviously play more than me...
I hate the way the knifing system works :D. I'd much rather kill someone with difibs or the repair tool.
Wow... I can't even see these stats in game... at least I haven't looked for them...
Yeah I don't even think it shows wins/loses in game. Wonder how they get this info?
Well that show some of the stats on the "My Stats" page under the multiplayer tab... but I can't recall seeing specific weapon stats. Maybe on the gear page or something.