Bad PSP Public Image

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LOL, the PSP and the dog are the same size. She definitely seems to fit Sony's target market though. Someone clueless enough to spend $250 on a handheld that plays ps2 quality ports. Afterall, she's rich and easily influenced, she always has to be a part of the latest fad.
I'd be surpriised if she can spell "PSP"

"P-E-E ..E-S ...oh darn I broke a nail!"
ya but in a "gag her with duct-tape so you dont have to listen to her stupidity" hot kind of way :E
she looks like a skinny decayed monkey.
I hate her little dog with a passion.

I hate stupid small dogs that my ****ing cats could beat up. Seriously, why would anyway want something like that? Gah, I hate fashionsense purchases.

Ugh, its the woman with the ugly toes! The way she's holding the PSP, they look like promotional photo's. I bet she pwns everyone on it multiplayer ;)
Someone clueless enough to spend $250 on a handheld that plays ps2 quality ports.
That's $250 on the handheld, headphones, a 32mb memory card, the full Spiderman 2 movie, a battery pack & AC Adapter, case, and demo disk. A more then reasonable price, considering the PSP itself is only $180.
The fact that the PSP only has two hours of battery life is bad enough. I usually like Sony's consoles, but DS > PSP.
Screw the PSP. Screw the DS. I want the GBA2:
SPOnG said:
The new model of the Game Boy Advance will be shown at Nintendo’s E3 press conference this year in what will be one of the most remarkable moments in recent videogame history.

The unit will be a true gaming machine and will come equipped with a large high-quality back-lit screen and analogue controls, very much, one might argue, like Sony’s PSP.

Nintendo staffers have confirmed to that preliminary hardware will be shown both at the firm’s conference and encased alongside the Nintendo Revolution on the showfloor.

Indeed, SPOnG has been privvy to the emergence of the next-generation of Game Boy Advance for some time, though little more than it’s E3 debut was known.

As this news breaks, perhaps the most pertinent point to be mulled is exactly how Nintendo is going to explain the situation to fans and, of course, early adopters of the Nintendo DS. The answer to this conundrum is quite possibly the most incredible climb-down the games industry has ever witnessed.

Specifically, Nintendo will unveil a suite of PDA-focussed software for the DS powered by recently licensed Palm OS technology. The machine will evolve from a pure gaming machine into a PDA equipped to play Nintendo 64 quality games. Essentially, Nintendo believes that with the right software, it has a high-powered, wireless-enabled PDA capable of playing games of a higher standard than any competing device.

Picking up the pieces, however, will be something of a PR nightmare, something that Nintendo is fully aware of. The DS, announced so soon after the PSP was unveiled by Sony, was effectively a spoiler machine, aimed at snatching away market share from SCEI. Although this has been categorically denied by the Kyoto giant, the revelation that a new Game Boy, which in essence appears to be a PSP with a Nintendo badge, confirms this belief beyond any doubt.

The new Game Boy will be based around existing Nintendo GameCube hardware and will be, when it launches in the US and Japan towards the end of this year, the most powerful handheld console on the planet. SPOnG also believes it likely that the machine will make use of GameCube software. Revolution connectivity was confirmed.

By way of damage control, Nintendo must now cling to its ever-present third-pillar line regarding the DS. The firm has always claimed that the Dual Screen represents not a furthering of the Game Boy range, but something quite different. It would seem that those well-placed foundations will now be required to carry the hefty bulk of a complete reversal of application for a machine that was launched as a gaming device and will, within months, have its key role significantly altered.
Never trust spong - they have spread more rubbish than any other source I can think of. Some of what they say may to true, but more by luck than judgement.

As someone wiser than me once said, 'When have Spong ever reported something true?'
Wow, looks like I've got her to myself.
why everybody hates parin hilton so much?

I know that she in the simple life shows is a idiot and maybe in the real life too but still she is some hot
It just pisses me off that she is famous and even respected by ignorant people for doing nothing more than being born a rich bitch and sucking some guy off on a home camera. Honestly, she doesn't even pretend to act or sing like all the other crappy pop idols out there, WHAT THE F**K IS SHE GOOD FOR? She is a money eating whore.
Paris Hilton has a decent body but I can't stand her face, for some reason... and the fact that she just leeches off her family's money doesn't help.

SearanoX said:
All speculation based on various tidbits of information and rumour articles. Next.
What part is speculation? The PDA aspect of the DS? I don't care if that is true or false. As I said before quoting the article, I'm not buying a DS... I'm interested in the information about the GBA2. Most of that information I have seen confirmed elsewhere by Nintendo. Sometime last year, they said they were working on the GBA2. They said it will connect to their next console, like the first GBA did with the GameCube. They also said that the DS isn't meant to be direct competition with the PSP (which would be true if it was part PDA). The only speculative part I see relating to the GBA2 is "SPOnG also believes it likely that the machine will make use of GameCube software." The discs are definately small enough to be used in a portable system. If that bit is true I'll almost undoubtedly buy a GBA2. They would be doing to Sony what Sony did to them in the last console generation with the PS2... starting off with a huge software library instead of just a few launch titles by making the PS2 able to play PS1 games.
smwScott said:
It just pisses me off that she is famous and even respected by ignorant people for doing nothing more than being born a rich bitch and sucking some guy off on a home camera. Honestly, she doesn't even pretend to act or sing like all the other crappy pop idols out there, WHAT THE F**K IS SHE GOOD FOR? She is a money eating whore.
Well actually she was a model, but that was before they realized she's not worthy :thumbs:
smwScott said:
It just pisses me off that she is famous and even respected by ignorant people for doing nothing more than being born a rich bitch and sucking some guy off on a home camera. Honestly, she doesn't even pretend to act or sing like all the other crappy pop idols out there, WHAT THE F**K IS SHE GOOD FOR? She is a money eating whore.

I thought she was famous for be the a daughters of the founder of the hilton hotels but she is everywhere magazine and stuff like that
smwScott said:
It just pisses me off that she is famous and even respected by ignorant people for doing nothing more than being born a rich bitch and sucking some guy off on a home camera. Honestly, she doesn't even pretend to act or sing like all the other crappy pop idols out there, WHAT THE F**K IS SHE GOOD FOR? She is a money eating whore.

jealousy? check

i think this topic is funny though. even though you don't like the person, your likes/dislikes seem to be dictacted by how a pop icon acts regardless. sad.
mortiz said:
The fact that the PSP only has two hours of battery life is bad enough. I usually like Sony's consoles, but DS > PSP.

Two hours of battery life? I watched spiderman2 in its entirety and still had 3/3 bars on the battery. The thing charges for like an hour, and works for 8. PSP>DS and always will be. Better graphics WAYYY BETTER games, and it's sony!!
CptStern said:
ya but in a "gag her with duct-tape so you dont have to listen to her stupidity" hot kind of way :E
Cool, you have fantasies about raping Paris Hilton too?
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