Bad Religion--New Song (YouTube Vid)

'Tis OK. Is it just me or is there more of a Gray Race kinda vibe to this one? Sounds almost grungy.
I like their older stuff....
This stuff feels like they are trying to hard anymore. But it's still OK..not great though.
Pretty good, but I still prefer the faster punkier sound of their earier stuff like No Control.
Wow, they`re still going
I saw them a few years ago and they weren`t very good, I`ll have to listen to this when I get home
Sounds like pop rock to me.

Because it doesn't involve the screams of babies being audibly smashed to bits on the burned corpse of their mother? Is that metal/punk enough for ya?

This doesn't sound like the stuff they'd play on popular radio here, so I'm not seeing how it deserves the brand "popular". I guess I like "poppy" then, because this sounds decent to me, which would be OK if it weren't an insult.
Have you guys heard the song Heroes and Martyrs? It's also on youtube, I like it a lot better than Honest Goodbye.